Friend Zone and Game theory


Active Member
May 2, 2018
As far as putting friendzone mechanics in a game (on a board about erotic games), I think you have to ask how big the audience is for such a feature. As far as I can tell, most people don't like "being friendzoned" so it stands to reason they wouldn't want it to play out in a game either. At the same time, there are people who are into NTR, which I don't really understand, so it's probably not that there is no audience, but likely fairly niche. (not trying to sidetrack on NTR, we don't need to get into it)

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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
If she actually likes being around you well she is stuck in the position of needing to re-evaluate if she is willing to give up or maybe try going forward.
The only thing she'll re-evaluate is her offer to stay friend with you.
I mean, what you just said also apply to you. If you actually like being around her, you now are in the position were you need to re-evaluate what you are waiting from her. And your answer is clearly that you don't care about her friendship, the only thing you expected from her was sex and nothing else.
So, like you clearly stated that you value her friendship less that you value the idea to have sex with her, what she have to re-evaluate ? Nothing except her friendship offer. It's now clear for that you have nothing to offer and that being friend with you will soon or later be a burden, more than anything else ; while having a love affair would have been a disaster and a loose of time.

If you look at dating with either the goal to have sex or to end up with a LTR relationship that is more than just friends. There is no reason to accept the friend zone response from a woman EVER. It is a pure waste of time.
Yet, the majority of the couples that stay together for more than 10 years, started their relationship as just friend. Simply because a love is just the final step of friendship. This while, if couple break after few years, it's precisely because they discover that the only think they were sharing was sex. They never were friends, just sex partners, and are just plain bored now that their less sex and more emptiness (that other couple fill with their friendship).

So, all this for what reason exactly ? We already knew, with the help of your last thread, that you've misogynistic and Neanderthalian view over women. A second thread explaining it was really a necessity. You'll not look more manly, just more boyish.


Active Member
May 2, 2018
Sure, some guys have no use for a woman that won't fuck them, but that's not all guys. I think saying that a guy ends a friendship with a girl because she won't fuck him is a bit reductionist. Sex isn't the only difference between friendship and romance. I mean there is such a thing as friends with benefits. The idea of having to be around someone that you can never actually be with can just be misery. It can be easier to just not be around them and not be constantly reminded that you can't be with them. It's a case by case basis.


Apr 10, 2018
I'm still confused if your asking for IRL advice or game advice.

Game Advice - Getting friend zoned in a game is common, it means you missed a character flag or fucked up. Reload try again, its just a lose state in most H games or dating games. Making a game based fully around it sounds like a blue balling game to me but could be a visual novel that's whole plot is about a failed attempt at wooing, sounds dry as fuck but whatever your into.

IRL Advice - If you want friends be friends. If you want a girlfriend get a girlfriend. One can become the other but its gonna change the relationship alot! Just be upfront about your intentions on having a relationship.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
Funny because mass marriage ceremonies of strangers have a fairly high rate of survival in the long term.
I suspect this is the reason why: You know how lots of people get married for all the wrong reasons, such as get away from some place, money, appearance, sex, ... and crap loads of others. If they are just thrown together the biggest thing they can expect or hope of one another is to try and work together and build a lasting relationship. Outside of that they don't know each others status or any of that crap.

Then of course cultural values and moral code can play a huge part in how long relationships last.
Countries that don't allow divorce vs the US want to take a guess.
Or how about countries that or societies that don't like non marital courtship. In short courtship is reserved for those you intend or want to possibly marry.

There are issues created from dating for some people. My X for example carries the emotional baggage of one relationship to the next. She not the only one. Think about it how many times has a guy heard himself compared to some other guy or the line all men are alike type crap.

I haven't looked into this one to much. Unification Church in 1982 supposedly married 2075 couples 70% of which are still married to date. Supposedly strangers that were matched up. Not sure how accurate that account is.
Unification Church is cult-lite at best, and South Korea is somewhat more conservative than other 1st world countries on top of that. So I'm not sure that's the best example.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Funny because mass marriage ceremonies of strangers have a fairly high rate of survival in the long term.
Like @megaplayboy10k implied, they share something way more stronger than love, their blind belief in Sun Myung Moon, their guru.

If they are just thrown together the biggest thing they can expect or hope of one another is to try and work together and build a lasting relationship.
Since, the many tv reality shows, like 'Married at first sight' by example, have , I'm not really sure that it effectively works like this.

Think about it how many times has a guy heard himself compared to some other guy or the line all men are alike type crap.
It never happened to me, and from what I know, it also rarely happened to people I've known enough to talk about this kind of things. The rare times when my wife compared me with an ex, it was a in a positive way. She probably also saw the times when I was worse, but she only cared about the time I was better.
It's natural to reassure yourself in the fact that you made the right choice, especially when this choice is "passing the rest of my life with this person". This while the opposite, pointing the many times you did the wrong choice, isn't healthy. It's either a proof of personal insecurity, or the proof that you still have to end your previous relationship. In both case, it's not someone for you, whatever how deep in love you can be. You can make it works with her/his personal insecurity, if you're mentally strong enough yourself (so it's not for you personally), but the other case should be a big no. Not only you shouldn't date someone like this, but people like this shouldn't date either ; they should wait to be ready before dating again.
I always found that there's something desperate in the fact to stay with someone like this ; once again except if you're mentally strong enough. Like if you fear to not be able to found someone the next time, then swallow the pill as much as you can to not loose this one.


In a Scent
Game Developer
Jun 19, 2018
The classic nice guy being friendzoned is really simple. Act nice and friendly to a girl, "respect" her by avoiding any acts of romantic or sexual interest. Then some time into the future do the Pikachu face when she tells you that you're a nice friend.

Every single past relationship of mine began with direct conveyed sexual and romantic interest. Dating started within a short timeframe of meeting the girl.

Every single one of my past "friends with benefits" always included flirting and sexual tension, but was void of any romantic intention. Just two friends who found each other attractive and nothing more. Sometimes this naturally leads to sex and neither side expects anything more.

This is obviously just a broad generalization and there are exceptions. Bottom line, a lot of guys act like friends and then get surprised when they're treated like a friend.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
We already have a tag for friendzone games. NTR. Usually means sometime early on you missed a few key choices (or did it intentionally), and now she has no interest in you. For most games without NTR it's more like a mountain you have to climb before you reach the "with benefits" stage. For most NTR games it's more like a pit and once you fall into it there's no getting out.
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Jul 13, 2017
I don´t have anything against such an option in a game. But you make a complete science of something like that. It´s not science. If a guy acts as a non-sexual being across woman/his dates, he´ll end up in that zone. Simple as that.
So if you want an option like that in a game, than just let it happen, e.g. if the male protagonists acts as a "best girlfriend" without huevos, across woman he tries to seduce.
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Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
Female protagonist in an office setting with a mix of 40 male and female co-workers.
The objective of the game is to flirt just enough, to get the males to do all your work for you.
At the water cooler / coffee break you can cry about how hard you're struggling, and get males to give you money to help out with your bills, after all it is they who benefit most from the cute and sexy outfits you wear, the least they can do is help you pay for them, your rent, and credit card bills.
If a male isn't doing enough of your work, giving you enough money, or if he expects something in return for his generosity, report him to HR for his insubordination and or sexual harassment. Tear you dress, if need be to make it more convincing (didn't cost you anything anyway)
monitor orbiter levels on your smartphone send revealing pics to motivate your slaves to work harder
level 2 you move upstairs to your VP corner office, the difficulty increases
when your student loans are paid off, you win
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Succubus Hunter

Devoted Member
May 19, 2020
This has some serious Nice Guys vibes. This idea would fit in well on R/Niceguys:



Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
There is no such a thing as a "friendzone person", there are just people who want a romantic relationship and get rejected. Friendship and friendzone have zero in common. An actual friend is as far a away from the friendzone as anybody can be, as an actual friend never wanted a romantic relationship.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
There is no such a thing as a "friendzone person", there are just people who want a romantic relationship and get rejected. Friendship and friendzone have zero in common. An actual friend is as far a away from the friendzone as anybody can be, as an actual friend never wanted a romantic relationship.
I wouldn't say that an actual friend never wanted a romantic relationship. The difference is more that he care more about the person than about the kind of relationship he have with this person. During my 50 years of life, there were many friendships that started with a "I really like you, and could possibly love you if offered the possibility" premise, this coming from my side or from the friend side. But well, the possibility was never offered, therefore the "possibly love you" was simply brushed away from the equation to only keep the important point, "I really like you".

This by opposition to people who believe they have been friendzoned, who wanted to be in a romantic relationship, more than they effectively cared about the person itself. They, try to, start their relationship with a "I love you and want to be with you forever" premise, and can't stand to receive something else than an exact equal feeling. But in the end, this is also the reason why they are rejected. A relationship, even a romantic one, do not starts by its climax ; you need to lets time for the other to learn to know you.
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