Friend Zone and Game theory


Apr 23, 2019
Female protagonist in an office setting with a mix of 40 male and female co-workers.
The objective of the game is to flirt just enough, to get the males to do all your work for you.
At the water cooler / coffee break you can cry about how hard you're struggling, and get males to give you money to help out with your bills, after all it is they who benefit most from the cute and sexy outfits you wear, the least they can do is help you pay for them, your rent, and credit card bills.
If a male isn't doing enough of your work, giving you enough money, or if he expects something in return for his generosity, report him to HR for his insubordination and or sexual harassment. Tear you dress, if need be to make it more convincing (didn't cost you anything anyway)
monitor orbiter levels on your smartphone send revealing pics to motivate your slaves to work harder
level 2 you move upstairs to your VP corner office, the difficulty increases
when your student loans are paid off, you win
This is a game I'd unironically love to play. I'd be better if it was a sassy gay guy constantly speaking to the camera, mocking his sex-obsessed "victims", but the girl would do nicely, too.
Make him/her mean, a Dom/me from the bottom. Show him/her maintaining a dozen simultaneous conversations with all those basic b*tchboys, all of them thinking they are one step from scoring and unaware of their rivals. Or better, make the Romeos compete for his/her favor, all for naught.
He/she is having a hot, steady relationship with a bad boy none of the wageslaves know anything about. Make him/her show his/her lover all the desperate texts and gifts and laugh at them together after a hard sex session.
God, that would be glorious.
  • Haha
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Succubus Hunter

Devoted Member
May 19, 2020
There is no such a thing as a "friendzone person", there are just people who want a romantic relationship and get rejected. Friendship and friendzone have zero in common. An actual friend is as far a away from the friendzone as anybody can be, as an actual friend never wanted a romantic relationship.
I wouldn't say that an actual friend never wanted a romantic relationship. The difference is more that he care more about the person than about the kind of relationship he have with this person. During my 50 years of life, there were many friendships that started with a "I really like you, and could possibly love you if offered the possibility" premise, this coming from my side or from the friend side. But well, the possibility was never offered, therefore the "possibly love you" was simply brushed away from the equation to only keep the important point, "I really like you".

This by opposition to people who believe they have been friendzoned, who wanted to be in a romantic relationship, more than they effectively cared about the person itself. They, try to, start their relationship with a "I love you and want to be with you forever" premise, and can't stand to receive something else than an exact equal feeling. But in the end, this is also the reason why they are rejected. A relationship, even a romantic one, do not starts by its climax ; you need to lets time for the other to learn to know you.
These posts hit the nail on the head. The "Friend Zone" is a toxic concept that implies that all (Presumably) all guy and girl relationships will eventually lead to... Cuddling unless this monster called the FZ gets in the way. Just imagine being the (Presumably) girl in this scenario and finding out that your "Friend" was only spending time with you in the hopes of getting some extreme cuddling?