They bait you with the good to decent characters, aka the blond waitress / the clothes sellers / the rebellious , and then pretty much all the rest of this update is on that awfull character that looks like a boy (say whatver u want , that char its what it is on looks and plot wise no justify the number of renders or game given to it) to give like 800 renders to that girl? puuf , maybe developer got feed by apes, or he himself is one, why?
Cause. go do a poll guys and see who 90% of us want to see on updates and you will see that the top 10 girls is no this one who looks like a boy (do some side plot or story yes but 1k renders to it where there is like 20 characters to develop ?) so yes the developer went to the t r o l l side or he is bein feed for people who want the game goes that way on developing *original girl character * puuf, do a poll and u guys will se who people want to see more.
And to add to it , there is already like 18 to 20 girls on it... cuantity is no quality. And more as i has seen and played the game. Too much choices and stuf, there are parts of the game that had like 5 to 6 options / branches... to no say more.
when 2 or 3 should sufice , but guess developer think he is original and all that. When the game could go developing 7 to 8 girls on the right way , and stop adding nosense ones with a huge number of renders. (ditched and skiped most of this update)