Thanks so much!
Here's some of my favorites/inspirations, off the top of my head:
Banking on Bella - Replete with moral choices and girls that break the mold in terms of standard VN girl design, I think BoB and FiN share a lot of similarities. The scene with Viola and Gabby at the boutique is basically a response/homage to a very similar scene in BoB.
The Regional Manager - A sandbox game focused more on the negative side of the moral axis, there's plenty of opportunities to be the bad guy in this one. And again, Brittani's photoshoot scene in FiN is an homage to TRM's photoshoot scenes. Plus, TRM's dev Horizontical did the renders for Chapter One of FiN, and Nicki and Brent both have little cameos in TRM. One day I'll steal Andrea from TRM, to have her guest star in my game.
Where the Heart Is - I really like this one. It's got a ton of content, nice models, and it allows you to be a bit of a dick, every now and then. The story's spinning its wheels a little right now, but I feel like it's heading towards a conclusion.
Sisterly Lust - Really nice models, and there are two characters that you get to dominate a bit harder than the others, while still keeping things upbeat and happy.
Bad Bobby - A classic constantly beleaguered by problems, I still love this one, warts and all. The visuals look a bit dated by now, the dialogue is awkward, and typos aren't uncommon, but I still like it.