Maybe if it was her looks only I maybe say hot cause I do think pretty much all of the LI are hotter but I can see the appeal in her looks. But after learning about her and seeing her personality first hand I have to say nope not hot. In fact you would have to pay me alot to stick it in cause if she gets knocked up gonna need some money for sure cause you know she is gonna keep it to get some money out of you.
I think she's hot and her personality is great for a good (eh, evil) corruption route. Just imagine it - she's selling her daughter for some cash or a SPA gift card, and it breaks Britt so much that she accepts her destiny as a whore. The fire in her goes out, and she is nothing more than an empty husk, a piece of meat to be used in whatever way Guy desires. Then you pimp her to some rich fat old farts to secure his position among the "elite" and as a protection against future legal troubles.
After that, you expand you "side-business", forcing Risa, Mason (as a girl, of course) and Pepper into it. You provide them with drugs and occasional gifts for good "service", but never giving enough for them to break free from you. Gabby can be an interesting asset for some rich white folks from american South (the whipping part of BDSM might help them feel like their grandpa back in the "good ol-days")
. Viola would take more finesse to dominate, she needs to loose her "home", be threatened with deportation back to Russia and her mother must get much worse health-wise, so that her desperation will finally break her and she will accept the generous offer of being your slut.
Of course, such an enterprise needs someone cruel, ruthless and savvy - someone like Isabella. To make sure the girls work hard they need a faint hope that it's temporary, that things will be better. Guy can give them that hope (a lie, of course), while Isabella crushes it under her heel. Maybe some of the girls will even try to kill themselves out of desperation, could be fun for dramatic purposes.
So yeah, she has potential.