Viola and Pepper got little content but the implied content already has more potential than most mains, honestly.yeah I think Risa in terms of story / character development at least currently iss just as good as Nicki but better than Ashe. However that isn't saying much as alot of characters need more development I feel , as alot of them only just got started on their development like Viola and Pepper.
Now that Brittani's mom has been introduced, and her (ex-)boyfriend's transgressions, she became more interesting.While I wouldn't want to drop anyone for more side girl content. If I had to pick someone I like and want to play their path to drop I think I personally would drop Brittani over Ashe for more side girl content. I love Ashe content to much.
Ashe seems to be pure vanilla compared to the rest. except the past accident, there doesn't seem to be much in her story. Neon is baiting something with the Halloween photo, but there is no hint or real foreshadowing, so it doesn't really stick. it might just link back to MC's sister anyway. there was a missed opportunity with Ashe's father, in my opinion. for now Ashe is just a girl that is underestimated because of her looks, that's not much to stand on.