so? that doesn't mean I can't feel bad for her or I have to keep her close right away. Infact the smart thing will be to try and keep her at arms length while trying to help her anyways to not get burned right away. That and well it's to early to say how bad of a addict she will be in the story yet or if she will get help or what have you. For me it's too early to judge her despite her having some negative things about her. I will wait for an update or 2 with Risa content before I fully judge her at least. While she is in my top 3 she is also in at the crossroads where she can easily go from someone I like to someone I hate quickly. Just too early for me to tell.
odd i literally was posting something about this on X; its about IRL experience though.
an addict cares for NOTHING but their addiction, not themselves, not their life, not their stuff, not ANYTHING but their addiction.
yes you can care about them, pray for them, hope for the best, etc. but understand, ANYTHING you do for them goes in the hole, its gone, never to be thought of, or considered. unless of course it feeds the addiction, then you are 'useful'
Risa is overly attractive for someone so addicted she was willing to shit on the MC and put him in a potentially life-threatening situation so that she could feed her addiction.
i suppose she is then right at the threshold of when it starts to show on the outside--- unless MC can HELP her choose to get healthy [note the choice must be hers or it will fail 100%]
i as the MC would likely avoid her once i learned of the addiction (and what a way we learned of it No?); and inform the management of the place i LIVE at, as things are going to start disappearing very very soon. I would also give Risa an olive branch of sorts; when you are ready to kick the drugs, i will help with rehab.
or if MC is doing the PoS route... wear a condom or 3