I wasn't going in on you in particular just the general "idea" of a gun will solve everything. Or more the "guy is competent enough to be a badass mc!!!!1" idea. As Guy says in game he's just a dude with a bigger bank account than some.
Unless he mentioned hunting as a kid and I forgot it guy (for sure on a good path) is going to have issues shooting someone in the dome even if they are point blank and his life is at risk
and if he doesn't struggle on the dark path that just means more work for poor tired ole Neon.
So guy also getting a concealed carry permit? Is that the same 30 minutes at the gun store or an extra (I really don't know lol), and yes I've seen the memes of that Lil tiny finger gun as well as those old school "spy" style ones that shoot when you press into someone with your fist (and from durarara!) But let's be real.... guy is going to a gun store they aren't catering to "guns that can sneak past drug dealer security who obviously knows about tiny guns lol".
I always thought it was werid that John Wick killing someone with a pencil was "omg how skilled" because he's a damn assassin and a pencil is a sharp ~6 inch object..... people have eyes the math there is easy. Now is Guy proficient with a gun? Why? And is he proficient in shooting another person? More so than lucien
Edit: guy should learn gun before he uses gun as a get out of jail free card