Granted, I do think chp 1 can be improved regarding Nicki's writing and Neon's rework will help a ton in that regard; but we do already have plenty of evidence of her true character, even in that 1st chapter. In the very first scene with her, if you take the 2nd (corruption) option where you exchange money for sex, but are nice about it (complimenting her etc.), you will get to listen in on a phone call with Brent and find out that he wanted Nicki to ask for way more, but Nicki chose to be honest to MC and only ask for the amount they needed to pay off the debt. That's not something an unsympathetic 'moron' or 'she-bitch' would do, but it is certainly something a financially desperate person who doesn't want to take advantage of her friend might do. In later chapters, you also get moments where she expresses her feelings about MC without realizing he's listening in. Some people have thankfully adjusted their views of her because of that (doesn't mean they have to like her ofc), but others still refuse to accept that their first impressions were simply wrong.