
Oct 11, 2021
Finished the update and as much as I liked it damn... so many characters already, then some new one (potentially) there, for the moment I almost forgot that Madison&Gabby exist. :)

Don't get me wrong, it's nothing new in VN of that type but I starting feel bad for fans of some girls. (
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Sep 19, 2022
Which one is pure and which one censored? Vanilla? Not vanilla? And on top of that patch is needed or is already included? Damn you Patreon...
The main download is Friends In Need (no censored, I believe pre-patched). Vanilla is Friends Indeed (the Patreon-friendly version).

Does the story makes sense if you play the Good Guy with the taboo patch?
Might as well. I'm playing the good guy but still keep it patched just in case. I assume down the line it will matter more with Cassie (MC's sister) if you're into that.
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Message Maven
Jul 25, 2017
Does the story makes sense if you play the Good Guy with the taboo patch?
I do because there are a few times there is incest roleplay once with Brittani and Ashe if I recall correctly. While I'm neutral when it comes to that and rarely go for those type of LI I do find the roleplay of it kind of hot. Otherwise you can skip it cause story is the same and I say makes more sense as good Guy than dark imo


Active Member
Jun 26, 2019
I was replaying the game to refresh my memory a bit before the new update, and I was going through the date with Ashe. on the love route, if MC brings up Brittani, she reveals that she did modeling too. I was wondering why MC didn't use that opportunity to bring up the photos that he bought. he could playfully word it as her belonging to him now, in a boyfriend/girlfriend dynamic, as she is into submissive kinks she could actually like it, as well as being reassured and grateful. the photos might could up later for the dark paths, but on the love paths, i thought it made sense that it would come up at that point. MC could even offer to transfer the rights to her for one symbolic dollar. or it could be brought up after the bet with Wren was revealed and forgiven as a "if we are both honest now" kind of discussion.
I understand but no one likes a stalker though you could play it off. HE could also just keep the pictures for the update and tell her at a later date after she's told him about them that he hunted them down for her and baught the rights for her. Rather then saying oh i already stalked you and bought them here ya go. Playing it like he tracked them down BECAUSE she mentioned it would be better than him being like "now that you mention it here you go." Though like I said it could have worked the way you said because you're a millionaire of course you're going to background check someone you're potentially interested in dating.
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Conversation Conqueror
Sep 22, 2017
Some people really seem to hate this update. Risa is not really one of my favorites but I didn't really mind it too much.


Active Member
Jun 26, 2019
Finally finished up the last bit of the update here are my final thoughts. Overall it was a real solid update. To me it's starting to feel like there is more story bits falling into place. While before it was just the Gabby storyline which to be honest I didn't care about. Now we got a cliff hanger of Brent's return finally and the Risa story arc

Now I don't really care about MC"s that much in my games in comparison to LI so alot of issues I've read about him in the drug den is really a non issue for me. Doesn't mean I disagree with them. I think alot of those issues come from the execution of how he got to the drug den and lack of interactions with Risa prior to it. At least for me the lack of choice was not an issue at all.

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Brent I still think he is a piece of shit but I don't hate him as much as I used to now. As it does seem like he still cares for and wants to look out for Nicki even tho it's his fault and also it's probably for selfish reason ontop of that. But it showed to me he has potential for redemption maybe depending on his next move in the next update.

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Pepper this is where im mixed on the update. I really wanted her to be a camgirl I did as I really liked that angel and felt like it would of worked and made sense to her mysterious story. Yet it doesn't feel like it something that was needed either for her as it stands she has a great beginnings of a character story without it. So my selfish side is disappointed in this but it doesn't take away from it being some good interactions with her in this update.

Alex well I still have no opinion on her

Overall this update feels like a solid 8 or 9 / 10 for me personally. This update left me wanting more Risa and cant wait for the next one to see what's up with Nicki

Questions. This update did leave me with one question tho. Did Risa give the drugs to the MC as she really is trying to stay clean or was it because of Owen was going to search her. I feel like it was because she really is trying to be clean but the answer is unclear to me.
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Active Member
Apr 11, 2023
It seems with the new update people are mad it was kinda forced...well shit, can Neon tell a story, I mean there is already many paths and choices throughout the entire game, god forbid he makes a few things unavoidable...
I mean the man is trying to tell a story, and unless he is going to commit to telling completely different story paths based on everyone's individual choices...which is ridiculous to expect...there has to be a "main storyline" we are all going down to get to the eventual endings...

Risa isn't an interesting LI to you, Neon gives a choice to turn her down. You can help her or berate her for her choices... you can be confrontational to her dad, or you can assure him you have no interest in her... the main story has to move along but I don't think he is forcing Risa on us tbh...and with Alex he already said he is minimizing her role as a LI, but still going there and learning some self-defense I think is crucial to the main story as with Lucien, Guy is learning money isn't the only thing he needs to make a change and there is a dark underbelly to wealth he has slowly learned... He has been threatened with violence a few times when he is "helping" and he realized in this last update he needs protection of some sort other than charms and money...I think we need to take into consideration that Neon is trying to get us somewhere with the story he is telling and we need to let the man cook.

Also, I called it right off bat that pepper and the cam girl were twins, NeonGhosts I knew how you reacted to my theory when I first said it I was right...I could feel it in my bones...regardless, keep doing you and tell the story you want to tell...People will always be critics, but the ones you make happy matter more IMO.

Edit: BTW just for the record I like Risa as a LI, her broken story and growth into a better person is a story I am interesting in seeing and a bit of snusnu along the way is always appreciated...I dont feel forced at all if I wanna do it lol


Message Maven
Jul 25, 2017
It was a ridiculously short update and it was very railroady. That alone makes it meh. Risa is the 2nd Nicki lmao.
it took me like a solid 2 or so hours to finish still but I reloaded alot to check things out. Tho I wonder how long the next one is going to be since from what I read it was suppose to be apart of this update but he cut it to be in the next do to running behind schedule I think.

But yeah since it was mostly a Risa update it can feel short especially if you hate her. Personally I loved it but I don't hate Risa or Nicki it made Risa likeable for me now I can't decide who I like more 100% now Risa or Nicki. Though i'd say if I shared the same opinion about Risa I think I would still like it cause I do find her story the most interesting now. As I never cared about the Gabby storyline and the Brent never storyline made a official appearance yet and the rest of the storylines need more time.

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Gotcha yeah I kind of assumed she was forced to do them had no idea it's typically a unwritten rule tho. Yeah I kind of assumed she would of found a way to keep them if it was something she really wanted but still a bit unsure as she just gave them to guy instead of throwing them away or flushing them her self. So unless guy does get rid of them kind of leaves her open to change her mind and try to talk guy into giving her some later in the future.


Jul 13, 2018
The bar is set so low here. Literally ANYTHING can get a 5 star review from someone here. Every time I see someone crowing about "excellent writing" I am immediately thinking to myself yeah because no one reads actual novels anymore. Don't get me wrong. This is imo the best game currently on here but it is far from perfect. And don't get me started on the white knights and fanboys. Smh. People need to touch grass once in a while.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Mar 20, 2019
I'm not sure if it was my choices or because I was always rude to Risa since she would hit on me as soon as I arrived at the hotel, but was there a way to get to know her better before she drove us to the dangerous location? Or do we only get to know what she's like after she takes us there? Because I wish I had gotten to know her better before she took me to that place.
You can hang out with her the night before, but see my explanation above re: pacing. I'd like to eventually look at rearranging some things, or at least making up an excuse to stretch out the timeline a bit. If Guy had been having offscreen interactions with Risa for a week, I think it'd make it easier to swallow when she asks him for a favor.

As is, I think it kinda works. I mean, I had a 20-something kid knock on my door a couple months ago, and ask if I could give him a ride to his friend's house a few miles away. Never met this dude before. He was just my neighbor's grandson. But, I'm a pretty easygoing guy, and I wasn't doing anything, so I did it. Wound up dropping him at a slightly sketchy house, and dipped out. Sometimes people do just do stuff.

If you're a nice Guy, you probably go into Lucien's because Risa seems genuinely anxious and desperate. If you're a little bit of a pervert-creep, you do it because the offer of booty is a strong incentive. If you're evil, you're probably just not that worried about what your concierge's drug dealer is going to do. This is an easy thing to overlook, but most drug dealers aren't unhinged psychopaths. They're just guys who are there to sell you drugs, and not cause trouble.

You already know my feelings about Risa, so bias aside(I hope:Kappa:), this was the first time in this game when I rolled my eyes at the over the top try-hard storyline and justifications she was throwing. I feel like the game tries way to hard to make her appear more complex than she is and it kinda makes her look like she has split personality when she switches from tragic damsel to manipulative flirt. I also saw 'the twist' coming a mile away and still didn't believe it will be this :HideThePain:

From downplaying her fault in the trafficking, to the fact that she is mostly portrayed as smart and resourceful, yet was too dumb to realize what was going on, to the interesting detail that she seems to be the only Junkie girl Lucien doesn't sexually abuse, everything seems so far fetched that it takes me out of it. The game really, really wants you to like and care about Risa.

Edit: I hope the Pepper Twin 'Retcon' stays and its not a bait and switch. I hated her being a camwhore, for me it has joined to form the trifecta of overused tropes, cheated MC backstory, Raped LI backstory and now OF/Camwhore LI.
Hum, hum, hum.. Trying to decide what I can/should respond to, here. Some of the stuff you're laying out is just like.. Future story fodder.

re: Risa -- This chapter we're seeing her at a low, when some of the mask of her flirty, attention-seeking behavior has fallen away. I don't think that's really indicative of a split personality, so much as someone behaving differently, under different circumstances. We'll see more of her (quiet down, I can't hear you over the applause!) and see those two sides of her unified. It's not like she's going to be sullen and bereft from here on out, nor is she going to go right back to her over-the-top flirtations. But, she's not the first person in the world to hide her depression behind a larger-than-life personality. So, I'm not sure what about it strikes people as so odd, besides the compressed timeline making her character advance very quickly. Which, I do think is a problem.

I also don't really see her as smart and resourceful? Or absolved of her complicity? Like, she flat-out asks Guy for help, because she doesn't know how to solve this on her own. She outright states that she can't undo what she's done, and has to live with it forever.

As for how the game (i.e. me) wants you to feel about Risa.. I mean, I'd prefer all the characters to be engaging, in their own ways. I'm not overly interested in whether or not you like her. Don't like her? Don't romance her. At least I give you that option.

I mean, Hell. I even give you the option to nope out of her story entirely, if that's what you want. So, I'm really not sure why people want to act like I'm handcuffing them to this character.

re: Pepper -- Not a fake-out, not an imaginary story. Also, not a retcon. This was planned from the beginning -- go back and look at Sapphire's eyebrows. They tell no lies.

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Huh! That's interesting, I never would've thought anyone would confuse them.. We haven't seen much of Cassie, but she's pretty short, and Kansas isn't. The eyes might be a little similar, but she's actually using Viola's model as a base.

I was holding off playing the update until the full chapter was released because I wanted to give it the best possible chance to win me over. I'm, not sure it made much difference. This chapter was not good.

tl;dr Short term, the update is largely on rails and handles Risa's actions with kid gloves. Long term, the game feels increasingly unfocused, jumping from one idea to the next with little eye towards how the parts fit together if the MC isn't equally interest in all of them.
I'll be honest, I'd have liked to reply to everything.. But, that was a lot. And you did give me a tldr, so let's start there. I don't agree that it's on rails, more than any other VN. I mean, less than most, really. You can choose how to approach Lucien, how to handle Cherry's presence there, how to handle the situation once you're clear of the place, where to take Risa after the events of the morning, how to handle her/change your relationship with her, and finally whether or not you want to engage with her plotline at all. So. I'm not seeing the rails, besides that you went to a place and met a guy you didn't like.

Kid gloves? Well.. I'm not sure how that's the case. See above reply. People seem convinced I'm trying to make Risa into an innocent princess, and that's just.. Not so. She has a bad side, and a sympathetic side. That's all. The fact is, Risa is a fuck-up. That's.. Kind of the nature of drug abusers. I have a brother who abused drugs for over 20 years. Over the course of my life he's lied to me, borrowed money under false pretenses with zero intention of repaying me, and even stole painkillers I had prescribed to me, following a surgery. A habitual fuck-up, not dissimilar from Risa. But, he's always had his good side, too. It's just that his positives became muted when he was using.

MC straight-up says it when confronting her dad. Paraphrasing: She's flawed, but she's a good person.

A huge part of the game is that everyone has in them the potential to be made better. Guy and Nicki were always people with skills that could benefit others, but they were stuck in their shitty convenience store jobs, due to circumstance. Ashe was always smart, but it wasn't until she was given the opportunity to prove it, that she did so. Gabby could and should be working on her art, but instead she's chained to the family business. On and on. So, it stands to reason that Risa, given the right guidance and opportunity, could do more.

As for lack of focus.. Eh, maybe! I mean, it's a big, serial story. It's always been kind of the nature of the thing to wander here or there. I could tell you that I know how the pieces are supposed to align, and that each character's plotline is a step towards the next story point. But, stuff happens. I never really intended for certain plotlines to drag out or resolve as quickly as they did. There's things I'd like to go back and shore up, and things I'd like to clarify. The rework of Chapter One will ameliorate some of that. The rest will have to wait until Season One is wrapped up, and I can address some broader deficiencies. A big one for me is just.. Pacing. If everything over the last nine chapters took place over the span of a month, rather than a week and a half, that'd help shore up some deficiences in certain relationships. I kinda boned myself by putting Gabby's dad in jail, and not getting him out sooner. Instead I kept kicking the can down the road, to add other stuff.

Again.. Stuff happens. I don't have the benefit of sitting down and editing and refining for months. I write it, code it, and render it, all in the span of four months or so. Not making excuses, just explaining. Okay, quick lightning round replies.

Lucien - I mean, you say it's a disaster, but you also ended the interaction wanting to destroy him, and wondering why you now had to sit through other, more tedious interactions. So, it seems kinda successful, on that level. I understand where you're coming from, but follow my logic. A concerned MC has tried to help Cherry, and been unsuccessful. He's tried to call the cops, who found the place abandoned. Now, all he has is Risa, his one link to the place, who's incapable of being any real help at the moment. What's he going to do, besides wait and strategize?

Carl - Your main objection seems to be that he's a thinly-drawn caricature of a rich elitist. And.. That's really not far off. But, he's also not really wrong. Look at all the people in this thread, who have said Ashe would be nothing without Guy's job offer. If that's true, then the same thing applies to Guy. He didn't earn his wealth. He just got lucky. Now, does it matter to Mr. Rhodenbarr that Guy's since gone on to do good, proving himself smart and capable? Not really. Why would it? He's still just a gambler. And, he circumvented Risa's normal route home, even if he was unaware he was doing it. Hell, he brought Risa into a drug den! Why wouldn't Carl hate this guy's fucking guts, and waste no time in trying to talk down to him and drive him off?

But, despite his antipathy for Guy, it should be noted that he does actually care about his daughter. It's just a completely toxic kind of care. Risa's made mistakes, but she outright states that constantly being squeezed by her family apparatus, contributed to her relapse. Carl's built a golden cage for his prized daughter, where nothing can get in to hurt her, but nor can she get out. Her life isn't her own, so is it any surprise she'd seize on drugs, just to escape from her reality for a while?

Even beside that, I think he has a little more depth than you say. You can see his persona as a corporate raider, captain of industry type break, when Guy approaches Carl in a more conciliatory manner. He's no longer angry, and he just looks like a tired old man.

Risa - I'm going to brush past story-necessary stuff. You've made it clear you just don't really like the direction of this development, so that is what it is. I'll just focus on the whole thing of how Guy responds to Risa. So, there's the three basic routes -- side with Lucien, side with Risa, or just try to ignore the whole situation and go home. So, you've got some freedom there.

Now, onto the general tenor of the interaction, as you seem to want some comeuppance for Risa. Let's assume a Dark Guy who only pretends to help Risa will just tell her whatever he needs to, to earn her trust. So, I see no reason for him to berate her. A Corrupt Guy who doesn't really care will just wash his hands of all this and go home. So, that leaves Good Guy.

Good Guy does get angry and demand answers, as you say. What is he realistically supposed to say to Risa, after she just broke down into angry tears? Will it do any good to tell her she's a dumb fuck-up stoner loser? I mean, she said all that herself, already. She's aware. From a character standpoint, I don't know why a Good Guy would just continue to shit on her.

And from a story standpoint.. Why would that be interesting? We've seen her at a high and at a low. We've agreed to help her. She's being given the chance to prove herself. Wouldn't it be more interesting for her and Guy to grow closer, and then maybe she backslides and fucks up, and Guy has to have the come-to-Jesus talk, where he explains that he won't let her be a liability? At that point, the choice of tough love v.s. just tough v.s. pushover gets a little more interesting.

Pepper - I mean.. If you're skipping the webcam stuff, you're skipping a substantial part of her story. Don't know what to tell you, there. You'll eventually get to a point where her story gets a little more interesting, but skipping that stuff for now is going to limit her content for a bit.

General thoughts.. I dunno, man! I think that you were kind of dead-set on hating the chapter ahead of time, so I'm not surprised you came to the conclusion you hated it. Do I wish it was otherwise? Sure. But, you seem to have taken up the position it was always going to be bad.

I'm not trying to be a dick here, but looking at most of your recent posts in here, it's just a lot of, "Neon's fucked up, Neon's fucked up, he's really fucked up this time, game's doomed, oh no, it's all over, if only he'd listened to us.."

Screenshot 2024-06-05 112912.png

for me, this update was a letdown as the last one.
it's Risa content and a comical bad guy.

dev doesn't seem to listen to the audience and keeps adding new characters and plots, they are all over the place and feel disconnected. I know this is a trend in these kinds of games, to make the people wait for their favourite characters' turn for the spotlight in each update but there are already too many of them.
I'm trying to think of a way to say this without being an asshole, but: it's not my job to listen to my audience. I build it. They come. (Wokka, wokka!) If I listened to my audience, the game would be called Brittani's Fat Titties, and every chapter would be Guy deciding which of his 11 beautiful Brittani clones he wanted to fuck that day.

And because I'm having fun, let's go to the comment history! Again, just negativity and asking for more dark content. Your first comment in this thread is, "It sucks."
Screenshot 2024-06-05 113603.png

Everything Ename144 said is spot on. And Risa is a garbage character.
Once more, with feeling!

Screenshot 2024-06-05 114106.png

Again -- I'm trying so hard not to be a dick. But, if what you contribute to the thread is 90% negativity.. I don't really care about pleasing you. If you only show up to piss in the punch bowl, I have to assume you're not really here to drink the punch.

That said, I always appreciate thoughtful critiques like ename144's, even when I disagree with them. It's nice to have well-reasoned, thoughtful criticism to consume. But, there's a not-insignificant contingent that will only show up to doomsay and complain, and that's just.. Not useful. Besides just making me feel less motivated, they also don't really give me anything to work with.

Let's be real, a lot of the comments I get are just some variation of, "Why didn't you make a different story? One I'd have liked?"

Well.. Because I have to make one *I* like. I spend hours and hours on this project each week, and if I'm not having fun, the game's not getting made. So, my first concern is entertaining myself.

But, I also can't really do anything with, "Update sucked, get rid of this dumb character." It's just not actionable. "Oh, okay," Neon said, "I'll just delete the last chapter and start over. How about, instead of going to a drug den, Risa takes Guy to a threesome with Gabby and Brittani?"

My only complaint about the update was being forced to watch the rape scenes. Really did not need that.
This is an actionable complaint. I'm going to add the option for Guy to turn off the camera, rather than watch it. I think that'll be the easiest way to please everyone, without having to break the 4th wall and ask the player if they want to watch it. Sorry about that! I kicked around some ways to solve it, and somehow never ended up at the simplest one.

NeonGhosts Is there an update only patch?
Sorry, afraid not. Someone posted a compressed version, I believe?

I was replaying the game to refresh my memory a bit before the new update, and I was going through the date with Ashe. on the love route, if MC brings up Brittani, she reveals that she did modeling too. I was wondering why MC didn't use that opportunity to bring up the photos that he bought. he could playfully word it as her belonging to him now, in a boyfriend/girlfriend dynamic, as she is into submissive kinks she could actually like it, as well as being reassured and grateful. the photos might could up later for the dark paths, but on the love paths, i thought it made sense that it would come up at that point. MC could even offer to transfer the rights to her for one symbolic dollar. or it could be brought up after the bet with Wren was revealed and forgiven as a "if we are both honest now" kind of discussion.
Brittani and Gabby both have these little side-plots involving their photos, that I really want to tighten up. A lot of that stuff was introduced really clumsily, and I want to go back and actually show MC discovering some of this stuff, and not just go, "Oh by the way, here's some stuff I found and never talked about." The main reason, honestly, is just that I was trying to get more lewds into the game, early on. So, having little things like Guy investigating and finding nudes of Gabby or Ashe online was an easy way to do that. Then, those plots got a bit of extra prominence, because it made for good drama.

But, then I wound up with these plotlines, built on a really unsteady foundation. So, I didn't want to spend too much time on that stuff, until I could fix some of the underlying problems. Basically, I just tried to de-emphasize the issue of the photos, until I could circle back. But also, I think the other commenter made a good point about Guy not trying to out himself as a little bit of a creep.

I'd expect to see Guy tell Ashe about the photos, a little down the line, after they're settled as friends, FWBs, or dating. Likely after she sits in on Brittani's casting call. Seems like a good place for it.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Mar 20, 2019
Getting away from the negativity for a bit.. I've been doing these little photosets over on , where I imagine how a certain scenario may have played out differently. Playing on the old What If comics I loved as a kid.


WW 6 (1).png


Message Maven
Mar 25, 2021
You can hang out with her the night before, but see my explanation above re: pacing. I'd like to eventually look at rearranging some things, or at least making up an excuse to stretch out the timeline a bit. If Guy had been having offscreen interactions with Risa for a week, I think it'd make it easier to swallow when she asks him for a favor.

As is, I think it kinda works. I mean, I had a 20-something kid knock on my door a couple months ago, and ask if I could give him a ride to his friend's house a few miles away. Never met this dude before. He was just my neighbor's grandson. But, I'm a pretty easygoing guy, and I wasn't doing anything, so I did it. Wound up dropping him at a slightly sketchy house, and dipped out. Sometimes people do just do stuff.

If you're a nice Guy, you probably go into Lucien's because Risa seems genuinely anxious and desperate. If you're a little bit of a pervert-creep, you do it because the offer of booty is a strong incentive. If you're evil, you're probably just not that worried about what your concierge's drug dealer is going to do. This is an easy thing to overlook, but most drug dealers aren't unhinged psychopaths. They're just guys who are there to sell you drugs, and not cause trouble.

Hum, hum, hum.. Trying to decide what I can/should respond to, here. Some of the stuff you're laying out is just like.. Future story fodder.

re: Risa -- This chapter we're seeing her at a low, when some of the mask of her flirty, attention-seeking behavior has fallen away. I don't think that's really indicative of a split personality, so much as someone behaving differently, under different circumstances. We'll see more of her (quiet down, I can't hear you over the applause!) and see those two sides of her unified. It's not like she's going to be sullen and bereft from here on out, nor is she going to go right back to her over-the-top flirtations. But, she's not the first person in the world to hide her depression behind a larger-than-life personality. So, I'm not sure what about it strikes people as so odd, besides the compressed timeline making her character advance very quickly. Which, I do think is a problem.

I also don't really see her as smart and resourceful? Or absolved of her complicity? Like, she flat-out asks Guy for help, because she doesn't know how to solve this on her own. She outright states that she can't undo what she's done, and has to live with it forever.

As for how the game (i.e. me) wants you to feel about Risa.. I mean, I'd prefer all the characters to be engaging, in their own ways. I'm not overly interested in whether or not you like her. Don't like her? Don't romance her. At least I give you that option.

I mean, Hell. I even give you the option to nope out of her story entirely, if that's what you want. So, I'm really not sure why people want to act like I'm handcuffing them to this character.

re: Pepper -- Not a fake-out, not an imaginary story. Also, not a retcon. This was planned from the beginning -- go back and look at Sapphire's eyebrows. They tell no lies.

Huh! That's interesting, I never would've thought anyone would confuse them.. We haven't seen much of Cassie, but she's pretty short, and Kansas isn't. The eyes might be a little similar, but she's actually using Viola's model as a base.

I'll be honest, I'd have liked to reply to everything.. But, that was a lot. And you did give me a tldr, so let's start there. I don't agree that it's on rails, more than any other VN. I mean, less than most, really. You can choose how to approach Lucien, how to handle Cherry's presence there, how to handle the situation once you're clear of the place, where to take Risa after the events of the morning, how to handle her/change your relationship with her, and finally whether or not you want to engage with her plotline at all. So. I'm not seeing the rails, besides that you went to a place and met a guy you didn't like.

Kid gloves? Well.. I'm not sure how that's the case. See above reply. People seem convinced I'm trying to make Risa into an innocent princess, and that's just.. Not so. She has a bad side, and a sympathetic side. That's all. The fact is, Risa is a fuck-up. That's.. Kind of the nature of drug abusers. I have a brother who abused drugs for over 20 years. Over the course of my life he's lied to me, borrowed money under false pretenses with zero intention of repaying me, and even stole painkillers I had prescribed to me, following a surgery. A habitual fuck-up, not dissimilar from Risa. But, he's always had his good side, too. It's just that his positives became muted when he was using.

MC straight-up says it when confronting her dad. Paraphrasing: She's flawed, but she's a good person.

A huge part of the game is that everyone has in them the potential to be made better. Guy and Nicki were always people with skills that could benefit others, but they were stuck in their shitty convenience store jobs, due to circumstance. Ashe was always smart, but it wasn't until she was given the opportunity to prove it, that she did so. Gabby could and should be working on her art, but instead she's chained to the family business. On and on. So, it stands to reason that Risa, given the right guidance and opportunity, could do more.

As for lack of focus.. Eh, maybe! I mean, it's a big, serial story. It's always been kind of the nature of the thing to wander here or there. I could tell you that I know how the pieces are supposed to align, and that each character's plotline is a step towards the next story point. But, stuff happens. I never really intended for certain plotlines to drag out or resolve as quickly as they did. There's things I'd like to go back and shore up, and things I'd like to clarify. The rework of Chapter One will ameliorate some of that. The rest will have to wait until Season One is wrapped up, and I can address some broader deficiencies. A big one for me is just.. Pacing. If everything over the last nine chapters took place over the span of a month, rather than a week and a half, that'd help shore up some deficiences in certain relationships. I kinda boned myself by putting Gabby's dad in jail, and not getting him out sooner. Instead I kept kicking the can down the road, to add other stuff.

Again.. Stuff happens. I don't have the benefit of sitting down and editing and refining for months. I write it, code it, and render it, all in the span of four months or so. Not making excuses, just explaining. Okay, quick lightning round replies.

Lucien - I mean, you say it's a disaster, but you also ended the interaction wanting to destroy him, and wondering why you now had to sit through other, more tedious interactions. So, it seems kinda successful, on that level. I understand where you're coming from, but follow my logic. A concerned MC has tried to help Cherry, and been unsuccessful. He's tried to call the cops, who found the place abandoned. Now, all he has is Risa, his one link to the place, who's incapable of being any real help at the moment. What's he going to do, besides wait and strategize?

Carl - Your main objection seems to be that he's a thinly-drawn caricature of a rich elitist. And.. That's really not far off. But, he's also not really wrong. Look at all the people in this thread, who have said Ashe would be nothing without Guy's job offer. If that's true, then the same thing applies to Guy. He didn't earn his wealth. He just got lucky. Now, does it matter to Mr. Rhodenbarr that Guy's since gone on to do good, proving himself smart and capable? Not really. Why would it? He's still just a gambler. And, he circumvented Risa's normal route home, even if he was unaware he was doing it. Hell, he brought Risa into a drug den! Why wouldn't Carl hate this guy's fucking guts, and waste no time in trying to talk down to him and drive him off?

But, despite his antipathy for Guy, it should be noted that he does actually care about his daughter. It's just a completely toxic kind of care. Risa's made mistakes, but she outright states that constantly being squeezed by her family apparatus, contributed to her relapse. Carl's built a golden cage for his prized daughter, where nothing can get in to hurt her, but nor can she get out. Her life isn't her own, so is it any surprise she'd seize on drugs, just to escape from her reality for a while?

Even beside that, I think he has a little more depth than you say. You can see his persona as a corporate raider, captain of industry type break, when Guy approaches Carl in a more conciliatory manner. He's no longer angry, and he just looks like a tired old man.

Risa - I'm going to brush past story-necessary stuff. You've made it clear you just don't really like the direction of this development, so that is what it is. I'll just focus on the whole thing of how Guy responds to Risa. So, there's the three basic routes -- side with Lucien, side with Risa, or just try to ignore the whole situation and go home. So, you've got some freedom there.

Now, onto the general tenor of the interaction, as you seem to want some comeuppance for Risa. Let's assume a Dark Guy who only pretends to help Risa will just tell her whatever he needs to, to earn her trust. So, I see no reason for him to berate her. A Corrupt Guy who doesn't really care will just wash his hands of all this and go home. So, that leaves Good Guy.

Good Guy does get angry and demand answers, as you say. What is he realistically supposed to say to Risa, after she just broke down into angry tears? Will it do any good to tell her she's a dumb fuck-up stoner loser? I mean, she said all that herself, already. She's aware. From a character standpoint, I don't know why a Good Guy would just continue to shit on her.

And from a story standpoint.. Why would that be interesting? We've seen her at a high and at a low. We've agreed to help her. She's being given the chance to prove herself. Wouldn't it be more interesting for her and Guy to grow closer, and then maybe she backslides and fucks up, and Guy has to have the come-to-Jesus talk, where he explains that he won't let her be a liability? At that point, the choice of tough love v.s. just tough v.s. pushover gets a little more interesting.

Pepper - I mean.. If you're skipping the webcam stuff, you're skipping a substantial part of her story. Don't know what to tell you, there. You'll eventually get to a point where her story gets a little more interesting, but skipping that stuff for now is going to limit her content for a bit.

General thoughts.. I dunno, man! I think that you were kind of dead-set on hating the chapter ahead of time, so I'm not surprised you came to the conclusion you hated it. Do I wish it was otherwise? Sure. But, you seem to have taken up the position it was always going to be bad.

I'm not trying to be a dick here, but looking at most of your recent posts in here, it's just a lot of, "Neon's fucked up, Neon's fucked up, he's really fucked up this time, game's doomed, oh no, it's all over, if only he'd listened to us.."

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I'm trying to think of a way to say this without being an asshole, but: it's not my job to listen to my audience. I build it. They come. (Wokka, wokka!) If I listened to my audience, the game would be called Brittani's Fat Titties, and every chapter would be Guy deciding which of his 11 beautiful Brittani clones he wanted to fuck that day.

And because I'm having fun, let's go to the comment history! Again, just negativity and asking for more dark content. Your first comment in this thread is, "It sucks."
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Once more, with feeling!

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Again -- I'm trying so hard not to be a dick. But, if what you contribute to the thread is 90% negativity.. I don't really care about pleasing you. If you only show up to piss in the punch bowl, I have to assume you're not really here to drink the punch.

That said, I always appreciate thoughtful critiques like ename144's, even when I disagree with them. It's nice to have well-reasoned, thoughtful criticism to consume. But, there's a not-insignificant contingent that will only show up to doomsay and complain, and that's just.. Not useful. Besides just making me feel less motivated, they also don't really give me anything to work with.

Let's be real, a lot of the comments I get are just some variation of, "Why didn't you make a different story? One I'd have liked?"

Well.. Because I have to make one *I* like. I spend hours and hours on this project each week, and if I'm not having fun, the game's not getting made. So, my first concern is entertaining myself.

But, I also can't really do anything with, "Update sucked, get rid of this dumb character." It's just not actionable. "Oh, okay," Neon said, "I'll just delete the last chapter and start over. How about, instead of going to a drug den, Risa takes Guy to a threesome with Gabby and Brittani?"

This is an actionable complaint. I'm going to add the option for Guy to turn off the camera, rather than watch it. I think that'll be the easiest way to please everyone, without having to break the 4th wall and ask the player if they want to watch it. Sorry about that! I kicked around some ways to solve it, and somehow never ended up at the simplest one.

Sorry, afraid not. Someone posted a compressed version, I believe?

Brittani and Gabby both have these little side-plots involving their photos, that I really want to tighten up. A lot of that stuff was introduced really clumsily, and I want to go back and actually show MC discovering some of this stuff, and not just go, "Oh by the way, here's some stuff I found and never talked about." The main reason, honestly, is just that I was trying to get more lewds into the game, early on. So, having little things like Guy investigating and finding nudes of Gabby or Ashe online was an easy way to do that. Then, those plots got a bit of extra prominence, because it made for good drama.

But, then I wound up with these plotlines, built on a really unsteady foundation. So, I didn't want to spend too much time on that stuff, until I could fix some of the underlying problems. Basically, I just tried to de-emphasize the issue of the photos, until I could circle back. But also, I think the other commenter made a good point about Guy not trying to out himself as a little bit of a creep.

I'd expect to see Guy tell Ashe about the photos, a little down the line, after they're settled as friends, FWBs, or dating. Likely after she sits in on Brittani's casting call. Seems like a good place for it.
I really like that the love interests in the game aren't perfect. I get so bored seeing every girl being absolutely perfect in these games.

I know I joke around about them being perfect angels but really, they are far from it and that makes the story more interesting.
4.50 star(s) 224 Votes