
Engaged Member
Nov 8, 2021
Britts my number two but I'll be damned if I'm not into the corrupted Ashe, she legit ticks off all the good buttons.


Dec 5, 2020
I enjoyed my corruption play through, and doing a run where you insist on referring to Mason as She is interesting. But am I the only one who abhors that wig? Dear lord it's awful. Even if the look remained the same and you just changed what you call them it would be ok. But God that wig is awful...

Master of Puppets

Conversation Conqueror
Oct 5, 2017
I enjoyed my corruption play through, and doing a run where you insist on referring to Mason as She is interesting. But am I the only one who abhors that wig? Dear lord it's awful. Even if the look remained the same and you just changed what you call them it would be ok. But God that wig is awful...
Yeah, she looks much better without the wig.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Mar 20, 2019

017_Drama Cam X.png

85(ish) images into the new update. Aiming to get to the halfway point by the end of the month, and get a demo build out to high-tier subs. Aiming for an August release for Chapter 10.


Bravo on this one, I have to say this is the first time a LONG while I've caught myself self-inserting in an AVN.... I am finding myself playing the way I would react IRL to these situations, instead of just picking the choices that I think will get me the most lewd content. Very well-written so far, I'm getting very invested in all of the characters. I usually like one or two, but so far I've liked all of them, each for a different reason. I'm loving that each character has depth and a well thought out backstory, at least it seems that way. They just felt... real, I guess. I think I'll be heading over to SubscribeStar this payday, you deserve every penny we can throw your way.... Keep up the excellent work!
Thanks so much!

what about inevitable branching, or it will be late game choice?
Yeah, this will be towards the end of Brittani's dark path. By that point, that branch will be so divorced from her other paths, that a change in appearance won't be a huge deal, as the renders would be entirely different anyway.

I assume it will be optional / on a corruption or dark path right?
You'd be correct!

Nice! :love: I wasn't expecting you to say her actually, but that sounds like fun. Nicki really did look good as a blonde, though :) Amazing how something as simple as a hair color change can bring something totally different.

Ashe seemed like the obvious choice for a bimbo route to me, did you ever consider her at some point? Because while replaying her date this last update, I noticed you have a choice hidden behind an impossible amount of dark points where you call her a dumb bimbo and send her into the bathroom crying. Very well written dialogue btw, felt real. Did you change your mind on including that because you felt it didn't fit her character? Or because it felt too cliche or something? Or was it just time-related? Kinda fun finding little hidden outtakes like that in the code :coffee::giggle:
That deleted sequence with Ashe was one that I just cut for time. It would've ultimately led into one of two places, with Guy and Ashe reconciling, or with her making an excuse to leave early, as she already does when he blows the romance path. But, getting it there was just taking more time than I had. As I recall, that was the update I published right before I had to take a series of flights halfway across the world. :'D I'll likely add it back in, when I go back and fill out that chapter.

As for why Britt and not Ashe.. Well, from what I understand/find appealing about the whole bimbofication fetish, it's more about removing a person's agency and basically reducing them to a cartoonish, doll-like caricature of themselves. Brittani, with her storyline basically being tied to her aspirations as an actress, dovetails nicely with the whole idea of losing yourself within an fabricated image. Basically, I feel like it meaningfully adds to her story.

Ashe, or a lot of the love interests, could definitely make for a fun bimbo event, I think. I just don't really see it as having story legs. But, Corrupted Ashe indulging in Guy's fantasy to ridicule her as an airhead? Maybe! Her dynamic with kinda-shitty-Guy seems to be one where she enjoys the sexual release, while being rather ambivalent about him as a human being.

Bimbo Ashe.png

I find it hard with Pepper atm, IDK if I missed watching webcam shit once or twice, did I get the whole scene with her or not?
I really like her character, but it seems painstakingly slow to get closer to her in some ways.

Which leads me to my one serious fear or problem with the game. I think there really are too many girls.
I like almost all of them, I like most of them a lot, and I don't mind anyone's story, but with so many girls and the current speed of development and how the story overall progresses, how long are you planing on working on this game? 20 years?
It already seems you have a shitload of variables to work with, and these will only increase the longer the game goes and the more the story with specific girls develops
It's your game, as you pointed out repeatedly it's up to you how you work on it and to which goals, but I do think constructive criticism is important, and I hope you see that I am speaking out of genuine love for your game (even if I don't have the money atm to support it the way I would like to) and not because I want everything to be done the way I like or tell you how to create your game.

Last but not least, more Mason is great, most of my favourites are popping up regularly, but there is a significant lack of Gabbi. :-(
Thanks for the kind words! I'll touch on your notes real quick.

Pepper is meant to be the 'tsundere' character, so she was always going to have a slow build on the love path. You should take little moments like her worriedly checking Guy's bruise as good progress, though. :D

As for too many girls, too little story progress, etc. I've talked about this before, but I'll hit it again: I honestly don't really see the problem. So far, basically all of the love interests have made their problems known to MC. Nicki's and Mason's are basically resolved, and Ashe and Gabby's are on their way there. Risa's will be a bit more of a slow burn, but I think we can all see where it's going? Brittani and Pepper -- same deal, those plots are kind of a slow sizzle, but the basic shape of them is known, now.

Basically all of the characters have had ero scenes, even if they weren't on a path you played. Carolina and Madison are the two that have had the least progress, but I still think Carolina's gotten a good bit of high-quality face-time.

So, put all that together, and compare it to my competition in this space. I don't like to name other developers, but there are some games that came out years before me, and have had a fraction of the progress, even with significantly less branching and fewer characters. Like, there are some VNs I play where it's years later and I still haven't slept with one of the two or three main love interests. So, why do I get so much flak for slow-walking the story? This isn't addressed to you specifically, by the way. Just asking the general audience.

I honestly feel like the entire AVN community has psychic scars from the pure volume of abandoned games out there. And they've established this common cultural lexicon, which includes things that will 'ruin' games. Too many love interests! Too much branching! NTR!

But, correlation =/= causation. I think that if you play the game from the beginning, you can see a lot of little things that hint towards a lot of thought being put into how the story would unfold. Is it perfect? No. I've added and improvised, but the waypoints I set out towards, are the ones I eventually get to. Comb through my blogs, and look at stuff I'd teased or hinted at. Very little was ever outright discarded. Because there is actually a plan, even if people can't see it.

As for how long I want to be doing this for.. As long as I'm having fun making it, and people are having fun playing it, why does it really matter? There are people who did/are doing webcomics for more than a decade. I just looked up Gunnerkrigg Court (a favorite of mine, back in the day) and it's been going for nineteen years! That's one dude, making that story because he loves it, and the audience is still there for it.

Now, I do not actually want to do FiN for 20 years. I've got other stuff I'd like to pursue. I very much miss drawing comics, and writing prose, and I've got a few big works in me that I'd like to finish before I die. But, I'm relatively young and fit, so barring any accidents or unforseen illness, I've got time. But, can I see myself working on FiN another 4-5 years? Sure, why not?

I enjoy working on this thing, warts and all. So long as I'm having fun, I see no reason to rush the conclusion.
Sep 3, 2020

View attachment 3748564

85(ish) images into the new update. Aiming to get to the halfway point by the end of the month, and get a demo build out to high-tier subs. Aiming for an August release for Chapter 10.

Thanks so much!

Yeah, this will be towards the end of Brittani's dark path. By that point, that branch will be so divorced from her other paths, that a change in appearance won't be a huge deal, as the renders would be entirely different anyway.

You'd be correct!

That deleted sequence with Ashe was one that I just cut for time. It would've ultimately led into one of two places, with Guy and Ashe reconciling, or with her making an excuse to leave early, as she already does when he blows the romance path. But, getting it there was just taking more time than I had. As I recall, that was the update I published right before I had to take a series of flights halfway across the world. :'D I'll likely add it back in, when I go back and fill out that chapter.

As for why Britt and not Ashe.. Well, from what I understand/find appealing about the whole bimbofication fetish, it's more about removing a person's agency and basically reducing them to a cartoonish, doll-like caricature of themselves. Brittani, with her storyline basically being tied to her aspirations as an actress, dovetails nicely with the whole idea of losing yourself within an fabricated image. Basically, I feel like it meaningfully adds to her story.

Ashe, or a lot of the love interests, could definitely make for a fun bimbo event, I think. I just don't really see it as having story legs. But, Corrupted Ashe indulging in Guy's fantasy to ridicule her as an airhead? Maybe! Her dynamic with kinda-shitty-Guy seems to be one where she enjoys the sexual release, while being rather ambivalent about him as a human being.

View attachment 3748456

Thanks for the kind words! I'll touch on your notes real quick.

Pepper is meant to be the 'tsundere' character, so she was always going to have a slow build on the love path. You should take little moments like her worriedly checking Guy's bruise as good progress, though. :D

As for too many girls, too little story progress, etc. I've talked about this before, but I'll hit it again: I honestly don't really see the problem. So far, basically all of the love interests have made their problems known to MC. Nicki's and Mason's are basically resolved, and Ashe and Gabby's are on their way there. Risa's will be a bit more of a slow burn, but I think we can all see where it's going? Brittani and Pepper -- same deal, those plots are kind of a slow sizzle, but the basic shape of them is known, now.

Basically all of the characters have had ero scenes, even if they weren't on a path you played. Carolina and Madison are the two that have had the least progress, but I still think Carolina's gotten a good bit of high-quality face-time.

So, put all that together, and compare it to my competition in this space. I don't like to name other developers, but there are some games that came out years before me, and have had a fraction of the progress, even with significantly less branching and fewer characters. Like, there are some VNs I play where it's years later and I still haven't slept with one of the two or three main love interests. So, why do I get so much flak for slow-walking the story? This isn't addressed to you specifically, by the way. Just asking the general audience.

I honestly feel like the entire AVN community has psychic scars from the pure volume of abandoned games out there. And they've established this common cultural lexicon, which includes things that will 'ruin' games. Too many love interests! Too much branching! NTR!

But, correlation =/= causation. I think that if you play the game from the beginning, you can see a lot of little things that hint towards a lot of thought being put into how the story would unfold. Is it perfect? No. I've added and improvised, but the waypoints I set out towards, are the ones I eventually get to. Comb through my blogs, and look at stuff I'd teased or hinted at. Very little was ever outright discarded. Because there is actually a plan, even if people can't see it.

As for how long I want to be doing this for.. As long as I'm having fun making it, and people are having fun playing it, why does it really matter? There are people who did/are doing webcomics for more than a decade. I just looked up Gunnerkrigg Court (a favorite of mine, back in the day) and it's been going for nineteen years! That's one dude, making that story because he loves it, and the audience is still there for it.

Now, I do not actually want to do FiN for 20 years. I've got other stuff I'd like to pursue. I very much miss drawing comics, and writing prose, and I've got a few big works in me that I'd like to finish before I die. But, I'm relatively young and fit, so barring any accidents or unforseen illness, I've got time. But, can I see myself working on FiN another 4-5 years? Sure, why not?

I enjoy working on this thing, warts and all. So long as I'm having fun, I see no reason to rush the conclusion.
speaking for myself and no one else I actually prefer games with a great story that takes

it's time to build a relationship

and since I'm a monogamy player that likes to focus on one girl

I really don't care about waiting for Content I don't like games where every character instantly wants to sleep

with each other

and yes sometimes I get worried when I see a game with too many characters

only because I'm worried about the stories and characters being rushed

and not given enough time to develop the story and characters but as long as the developer takes his time and doesn't

rush anything I don't mind waiting

take as much time as you need


The Crawling Chaos, Bringer of Strange Joy
Oct 23, 2016

View attachment 3748564

85(ish) images into the new update. Aiming to get to the halfway point by the end of the month, and get a demo build out to high-tier subs. Aiming for an August release for Chapter 10.

Thanks so much!

Yeah, this will be towards the end of Brittani's dark path. By that point, that branch will be so divorced from her other paths, that a change in appearance won't be a huge deal, as the renders would be entirely different anyway.

You'd be correct!

That deleted sequence with Ashe was one that I just cut for time. It would've ultimately led into one of two places, with Guy and Ashe reconciling, or with her making an excuse to leave early, as she already does when he blows the romance path. But, getting it there was just taking more time than I had. As I recall, that was the update I published right before I had to take a series of flights halfway across the world. :'D I'll likely add it back in, when I go back and fill out that chapter.

As for why Britt and not Ashe.. Well, from what I understand/find appealing about the whole bimbofication fetish, it's more about removing a person's agency and basically reducing them to a cartoonish, doll-like caricature of themselves. Brittani, with her storyline basically being tied to her aspirations as an actress, dovetails nicely with the whole idea of losing yourself within an fabricated image. Basically, I feel like it meaningfully adds to her story.

Ashe, or a lot of the love interests, could definitely make for a fun bimbo event, I think. I just don't really see it as having story legs. But, Corrupted Ashe indulging in Guy's fantasy to ridicule her as an airhead? Maybe! Her dynamic with kinda-shitty-Guy seems to be one where she enjoys the sexual release, while being rather ambivalent about him as a human being.

View attachment 3748456

Thanks for the kind words! I'll touch on your notes real quick.

Pepper is meant to be the 'tsundere' character, so she was always going to have a slow build on the love path. You should take little moments like her worriedly checking Guy's bruise as good progress, though. :D

As for too many girls, too little story progress, etc. I've talked about this before, but I'll hit it again: I honestly don't really see the problem. So far, basically all of the love interests have made their problems known to MC. Nicki's and Mason's are basically resolved, and Ashe and Gabby's are on their way there. Risa's will be a bit more of a slow burn, but I think we can all see where it's going? Brittani and Pepper -- same deal, those plots are kind of a slow sizzle, but the basic shape of them is known, now.

Basically all of the characters have had ero scenes, even if they weren't on a path you played. Carolina and Madison are the two that have had the least progress, but I still think Carolina's gotten a good bit of high-quality face-time.

So, put all that together, and compare it to my competition in this space. I don't like to name other developers, but there are some games that came out years before me, and have had a fraction of the progress, even with significantly less branching and fewer characters. Like, there are some VNs I play where it's years later and I still haven't slept with one of the two or three main love interests. So, why do I get so much flak for slow-walking the story? This isn't addressed to you specifically, by the way. Just asking the general audience.

I honestly feel like the entire AVN community has psychic scars from the pure volume of abandoned games out there. And they've established this common cultural lexicon, which includes things that will 'ruin' games. Too many love interests! Too much branching! NTR!

But, correlation =/= causation. I think that if you play the game from the beginning, you can see a lot of little things that hint towards a lot of thought being put into how the story would unfold. Is it perfect? No. I've added and improvised, but the waypoints I set out towards, are the ones I eventually get to. Comb through my blogs, and look at stuff I'd teased or hinted at. Very little was ever outright discarded. Because there is actually a plan, even if people can't see it.

As for how long I want to be doing this for.. As long as I'm having fun making it, and people are having fun playing it, why does it really matter? There are people who did/are doing webcomics for more than a decade. I just looked up Gunnerkrigg Court (a favorite of mine, back in the day) and it's been going for nineteen years! That's one dude, making that story because he loves it, and the audience is still there for it.

Now, I do not actually want to do FiN for 20 years. I've got other stuff I'd like to pursue. I very much miss drawing comics, and writing prose, and I've got a few big works in me that I'd like to finish before I die. But, I'm relatively young and fit, so barring any accidents or unforseen illness, I've got time. But, can I see myself working on FiN another 4-5 years? Sure, why not?

I enjoy working on this thing, warts and all. So long as I'm having fun, I see no reason to rush the conclusion.
I think I might not have expressed what I mean as good as I hoped.
First of, before I go into this, let me say, I can see how my concerns might be seen as doubting you or your work ethics, or your planning or dedication etc.. And I understand that this can have a negative effect on you, as in "why do those idiots think I haven't already considered everything, that is fucking annoying..:"
Even though that isn't the intent.

It's not really that I mind the complexity, or think it can't be done, let alone think you don't have a plan or haven't thought this through. No, it is very clear that you have both a plan and a let's say a story bible you follow.
My worries stem mostly from a let's say mechanical pov in the way that it simply takes longer to create new content the more things you have to keep track of, it's also the main reason for errors in good games, that the dev simply forgets a few triggers and then things don't play out as they should for your run.
And it's not like I think you've shown problems with this so far, but it's simple maths, number of characters times numbers of decisions you make regarding those characters, and you get the amount of stuff you not only have to keep track of but also actually IMPLEMENT in the game EACH and EVERY UPDATE. Which means it gets harder for each new episode, and while you might be on top of it now, whose to say how well this will work out 10 updates from now or 20, with a few hundred more things to keep in mind?
And again mind you, not saying it can't be done, or you can't do it, rather that you already have a lot of characters and there are hints that even the characters who for now don't show up in any romantic/erotic way might become potential LIs or at least sexual partners in the future, which would add even more stuff to factor in.
You need time to develop new content, even with a relatively easy to work on engine as ren'py. The more variables, the more content you have to keep track of, the longer it will take to simply set up the new content mechanically/logically.
That has nothing to do with a dev's skill (well, of course it has a bit to do with skill, you can probably work faster, the better you know your engine) or dedication, but with the workload that is there.

And yes, it's true that people have a fear of this, it's not an unfounded fear, because we've all seen creators trying to juggle too many love interests, too many plot points and at some point just loosing steam, and then we end up with another abandoned game. When I mention something like that, it's not because I think you aren't serious or not capable, or that this isn't a project that is fucking important to you, but we are all just human and projects CAN fail due to being too ambitious.
It's just something ANY dev should keep in mind. But, yes I do understand that to you that is unfair, as you aren't the other devs, and you are only responsible for your own work.
But there are many games that at first updated once a month, then every other month, then every 3-4 months and now have many, many months between updates, and if you ask why, apart from devs openly admitting that they might need a break from a project, what always comes up is that variables due to stuff like the number of love interests decisions and paths/path variations are so high, that you have to factor so many things into each update, that this alone simply makes everything more complicated and thus updates take longer.
And these aren't lazy devs or devs who have no ren''py skills or can't plan or whatever. They just have so many things to keep track of in their games, that it takes a lot longer to incorporate them all into an update.

I hope your enthusiasm stays the same, I hope you juggle all these characters, decisions and plot points with ease going forward and everything goes super smoothly, but yes, I have a fear that the sheer complexity you have to keep track of COULD become a problem for you in the future.
I do have confidence in your skill and dedication, I just hope when you think/thought about adding a new branch or a new character how it influences the amount of work you have to do each update.


Message Maven
Mar 25, 2021

View attachment 3748564

85(ish) images into the new update. Aiming to get to the halfway point by the end of the month, and get a demo build out to high-tier subs. Aiming for an August release for Chapter 10.

Thanks so much!

Yeah, this will be towards the end of Brittani's dark path. By that point, that branch will be so divorced from her other paths, that a change in appearance won't be a huge deal, as the renders would be entirely different anyway.

You'd be correct!

That deleted sequence with Ashe was one that I just cut for time. It would've ultimately led into one of two places, with Guy and Ashe reconciling, or with her making an excuse to leave early, as she already does when he blows the romance path. But, getting it there was just taking more time than I had. As I recall, that was the update I published right before I had to take a series of flights halfway across the world. :'D I'll likely add it back in, when I go back and fill out that chapter.

As for why Britt and not Ashe.. Well, from what I understand/find appealing about the whole bimbofication fetish, it's more about removing a person's agency and basically reducing them to a cartoonish, doll-like caricature of themselves. Brittani, with her storyline basically being tied to her aspirations as an actress, dovetails nicely with the whole idea of losing yourself within an fabricated image. Basically, I feel like it meaningfully adds to her story.

Ashe, or a lot of the love interests, could definitely make for a fun bimbo event, I think. I just don't really see it as having story legs. But, Corrupted Ashe indulging in Guy's fantasy to ridicule her as an airhead? Maybe! Her dynamic with kinda-shitty-Guy seems to be one where she enjoys the sexual release, while being rather ambivalent about him as a human being.

View attachment 3748456

Thanks for the kind words! I'll touch on your notes real quick.

Pepper is meant to be the 'tsundere' character, so she was always going to have a slow build on the love path. You should take little moments like her worriedly checking Guy's bruise as good progress, though. :D

As for too many girls, too little story progress, etc. I've talked about this before, but I'll hit it again: I honestly don't really see the problem. So far, basically all of the love interests have made their problems known to MC. Nicki's and Mason's are basically resolved, and Ashe and Gabby's are on their way there. Risa's will be a bit more of a slow burn, but I think we can all see where it's going? Brittani and Pepper -- same deal, those plots are kind of a slow sizzle, but the basic shape of them is known, now.

Basically all of the characters have had ero scenes, even if they weren't on a path you played. Carolina and Madison are the two that have had the least progress, but I still think Carolina's gotten a good bit of high-quality face-time.

So, put all that together, and compare it to my competition in this space. I don't like to name other developers, but there are some games that came out years before me, and have had a fraction of the progress, even with significantly less branching and fewer characters. Like, there are some VNs I play where it's years later and I still haven't slept with one of the two or three main love interests. So, why do I get so much flak for slow-walking the story? This isn't addressed to you specifically, by the way. Just asking the general audience.

I honestly feel like the entire AVN community has psychic scars from the pure volume of abandoned games out there. And they've established this common cultural lexicon, which includes things that will 'ruin' games. Too many love interests! Too much branching! NTR!

But, correlation =/= causation. I think that if you play the game from the beginning, you can see a lot of little things that hint towards a lot of thought being put into how the story would unfold. Is it perfect? No. I've added and improvised, but the waypoints I set out towards, are the ones I eventually get to. Comb through my blogs, and look at stuff I'd teased or hinted at. Very little was ever outright discarded. Because there is actually a plan, even if people can't see it.

As for how long I want to be doing this for.. As long as I'm having fun making it, and people are having fun playing it, why does it really matter? There are people who did/are doing webcomics for more than a decade. I just looked up Gunnerkrigg Court (a favorite of mine, back in the day) and it's been going for nineteen years! That's one dude, making that story because he loves it, and the audience is still there for it.

Now, I do not actually want to do FiN for 20 years. I've got other stuff I'd like to pursue. I very much miss drawing comics, and writing prose, and I've got a few big works in me that I'd like to finish before I die. But, I'm relatively young and fit, so barring any accidents or unforseen illness, I've got time. But, can I see myself working on FiN another 4-5 years? Sure, why not?

I enjoy working on this thing, warts and all. So long as I'm having fun, I see no reason to rush the conclusion.
My friend I see one Mason problem unresolved. His ring finger is ringless atm. But don't worry I'm working on it.
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Reactions: GokutheG
Oct 27, 2022
I'm more of a lurker so I rarely post but I've had to pause the game and need to ask you guys if the writing gets any better after Chapter 2. I'm 100% sure this has been discussed before because the early interaction with Nicki is weird af, let me explain.
In the first Chapter we are told that Nicki has your run of the mill piece of shit bf, which for some reason she isn't willing to dump, while we are told that both Guy and Nicki have a crush on each other and share similar interests. So after winning the crypto lottery she comes home and tells you that her bf has lost a ton of money in crypto and asks you money for his bf. I find kind of absurd that you can't tell her that you'll help her but not her bf but whatever, what I find ridiculous is that the very first choice you get is to kiss her and she outright rejects you. She rejects you while having a crush on you and while her bf has bankrupted them, what the hell? So after being crowned king simp and paying for the most expensive sex in history she literally disappears and comes back with some weird sob story playing the victim card and claiming that Guy raped her. What the FUCK??? You disappear into thin air and the first thing she tells you is that you are a rapist when she was the one that whored herself for money do you even know what rape is you dumbass??? And not happy with that she tries to guilt trip Guy again telling him that she LOVES him. What the F-U-C-K???? Guy tried to kiss you and you rejected him! This doesn't make any sense! I'm getting pissed just by writing all this, I think the one thing you need to have when writing a story is coherence otherwise the reader will feel confused and upset which is the most unpleasant feeling you can have when reading a novel. I seriously think the dev should rewrite Nicki, but what I really wanted to know is if the game keeps this tune all the way until the current chapter.
i must say it's not very encouraging at least on the plot side from what i read in your post, thx to point that out


Forum Fanatic
Mar 13, 2021
I'm more of a lurker so I rarely post but I've had to pause the game and need to ask you guys if the writing gets any better after Chapter 2. I'm 100% sure this has been discussed before because the early interaction with Nicki is weird af, let me explain.
In the first Chapter we are told that Nicki has your run of the mill piece of shit bf, which for some reason she isn't willing to dump, while we are told that both Guy and Nicki have a crush on each other and share similar interests. So after winning the crypto lottery she comes home and tells you that her bf has lost a ton of money in crypto and asks you money for his bf. I find kind of absurd that you can't tell her that you'll help her but not her bf but whatever, what I find ridiculous is that the very first choice you get is to kiss her and she outright rejects you. She rejects you while having a crush on you and while her bf has bankrupted them, what the hell? So after being crowned king simp and paying for the most expensive sex in history she literally disappears and comes back with some weird sob story playing the victim card and claiming that Guy raped her. What the FUCK??? You disappear into thin air and the first thing she tells you is that you are a rapist when she was the one that whored herself for money do you even know what rape is you dumbass??? And not happy with that she tries to guilt trip Guy again telling him that she LOVES him. What the F-U-C-K???? Guy tried to kiss you and you rejected him! This doesn't make any sense! I'm getting pissed just by writing all this, I think the one thing you need to have when writing a story is coherence otherwise the reader will feel confused and upset which is the most unpleasant feeling you can have when reading a novel. I seriously think the dev should rewrite Nicki, but what I really wanted to know is if the game keeps this tune all the way until the current chapter.
i must say it's not very encouraging at least on the plot side from what i read in your post, thx to point that out
Just play and see yourselves.

Anyway, the Author has been working on an extensive chapter 1 remake. Not totally sure how the schedule release is, therefore I don't know whether the remake update will come out either after ch. 10 or after ch. 11.


Jul 13, 2018
I'm more of a lurker so I rarely post but I've had to pause the game and need to ask you guys if the writing gets any better after Chapter 2. I'm 100% sure this has been discussed before because the early interaction with Nicki is weird af, let me explain.
In the first Chapter we are told that Nicki has your run of the mill piece of shit bf, which for some reason she isn't willing to dump, while we are told that both Guy and Nicki have a crush on each other and share similar interests. So after winning the crypto lottery she comes home and tells you that her bf has lost a ton of money in crypto and asks you money for his bf. I find kind of absurd that you can't tell her that you'll help her but not her bf but whatever, what I find ridiculous is that the very first choice you get is to kiss her and she outright rejects you. She rejects you while having a crush on you and while her bf has bankrupted them, what the hell? So after being crowned king simp and paying for the most expensive sex in history she literally disappears and comes back with some weird sob story playing the victim card and claiming that Guy raped her. What the FUCK??? You disappear into thin air and the first thing she tells you is that you are a rapist when she was the one that whored herself for money do you even know what rape is you dumbass??? And not happy with that she tries to guilt trip Guy again telling him that she LOVES him. What the F-U-C-K???? Guy tried to kiss you and you rejected him! This doesn't make any sense! I'm getting pissed just by writing all this, I think the one thing you need to have when writing a story is coherence otherwise the reader will feel confused and upset which is the most unpleasant feeling you can have when reading a novel. I seriously think the dev should rewrite Nicki, but what I really wanted to know is if the game keeps this tune all the way until the current chapter.
Welcome to the club! Lol. My advice is just don't say anymore on how you feel about Nicki, That war ever smolders lol. The white knights and fanboys will shout you down too. ;)
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Engaged Member
Nov 8, 2021
Yea pretty much disregard Nikki, game's much more enjoyable when you concentrate on the other characters and confine nikki to the assistant spot


Message Maven
Jul 25, 2017
I'm more of a lurker so I rarely post but I've had to pause the game and need to ask you guys if the writing gets any better after Chapter 2. I'm 100% sure this has been discussed before because the early interaction with Nicki is weird af, let me explain.
In the first Chapter we are told that Nicki has your run of the mill piece of shit bf, which for some reason she isn't willing to dump, while we are told that both Guy and Nicki have a crush on each other and share similar interests. So after winning the crypto lottery she comes home and tells you that her bf has lost a ton of money in crypto and asks you money for his bf. I find kind of absurd that you can't tell her that you'll help her but not her bf but whatever, what I find ridiculous is that the very first choice you get is to kiss her and she outright rejects you. She rejects you while having a crush on you and while her bf has bankrupted them, what the hell? So after being crowned king simp and paying for the most expensive sex in history she literally disappears and comes back with some weird sob story playing the victim card and claiming that Guy raped her. What the FUCK??? You disappear into thin air and the first thing she tells you is that you are a rapist when she was the one that whored herself for money do you even know what rape is you dumbass??? And not happy with that she tries to guilt trip Guy again telling him that she LOVES him. What the F-U-C-K???? Guy tried to kiss you and you rejected him! This doesn't make any sense! I'm getting pissed just by writing all this, I think the one thing you need to have when writing a story is coherence otherwise the reader will feel confused and upset which is the most unpleasant feeling you can have when reading a novel. I seriously think the dev should rewrite Nicki, but what I really wanted to know is if the game keeps this tune all the way until the current chapter.
I mean you clearly went with the dark path option if she claims the MC raped her which it totally is with that path. I do agree her writing makes no sense if you go with the dark path. I personally find it's better on a non dark path option. If it's better that's on you. But yeah she is getting a full rework after the next update, I personally cant wait for it since you are going to be able to give her money without sex.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2022
I'm more of a lurker so I rarely post but I've had to pause the game and need to ask you guys if the writing gets any better after Chapter 2. I'm 100% sure this has been discussed before because the early interaction with Nicki is weird af, let me explain.
In the first Chapter we are told that Nicki has your run of the mill piece of shit bf, which for some reason she isn't willing to dump, while we are told that both Guy and Nicki have a crush on each other and share similar interests. So after winning the crypto lottery she comes home and tells you that her bf has lost a ton of money in crypto and asks you money for his bf. I find kind of absurd that you can't tell her that you'll help her but not her bf but whatever, what I find ridiculous is that the very first choice you get is to kiss her and she outright rejects you. She rejects you while having a crush on you and while her bf has bankrupted them, what the hell? So after being crowned king simp and paying for the most expensive sex in history she literally disappears and comes back with some weird sob story playing the victim card and claiming that Guy raped her. What the FUCK??? You disappear into thin air and the first thing she tells you is that you are a rapist when she was the one that whored herself for money do you even know what rape is you dumbass??? And not happy with that she tries to guilt trip Guy again telling him that she LOVES him. What the F-U-C-K???? Guy tried to kiss you and you rejected him! This doesn't make any sense! I'm getting pissed just by writing all this, I think the one thing you need to have when writing a story is coherence otherwise the reader will feel confused and upset which is the most unpleasant feeling you can have when reading a novel. I seriously think the dev should rewrite Nicki, but what I really wanted to know is if the game keeps this tune all the way until the current chapter.
Not the next update, but the one after it, chp 1 will get remade; so maybe around October/November? You will have option to offer her help without sex. Some other things will also get limited/resolved as well, so for example her coming back after dark path doesn't make a whole whole lot of sense, so he said he's going to tone the chp 1 stuff down.

Anyways, unless there's a coding error, then you clearly chose the rape route aka dark route. What did you expect? You can choose the nice/romance route or the corruption/findom route at the beginning of the scene, btw, and STILL end up on the rape/dark route if you decide to... wait for it... rape her after all. Like, if you force yourself into her ass when she says don't... that shifts you onto rape route. If you decide to start slapping her or other forms of abuse. Puts you on rape route. It's all pretty obvious and self-explanatory, not really something you just accidentally fall into lol..

And eh, everyone's been back and forth a million times about Nicki's reasoning behind her decisions. Don't really feel like starting that again. So either you like her or you don't. Imo, chp 1 is weakest (but still good for me), but it gets way, way better after that. If you aren't liking chp 2, well, I feel like the game just might not be for you.. can try chp 3 to know for sure I guess, up to you.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2022
Welcome to the club! Lol. My advice is just don't say anymore on how you feel about Nicki, That war ever smolders lol. The white knights and fanboys will shout you down too. ;)
I didn't know having empathy and being forgiving makes you a white knight, had no clue. Guess I'm a white knight then.

Much better than being an incel or being in any way aligned with the Tate bros' views, so I guess I can't complain really.
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