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View attachment 3748564
tldr; 85(ish) images into the new update. Aiming to get to the halfway point by the end of the month, and get a demo build out to high-tier subs. Aiming for an August release for Chapter 10.
Thanks so much!
Yeah, this will be towards the end of Brittani's dark path. By that point, that branch will be so divorced from her other paths, that a change in appearance won't be a huge deal, as the renders would be entirely different anyway.
You'd be correct!
That deleted sequence with Ashe was one that I just cut for time. It would've ultimately led into one of two places, with Guy and Ashe reconciling, or with her making an excuse to leave early, as she already does when he blows the romance path. But, getting it there was just taking more time than I had. As I recall, that was the update I published right before I had to take a series of flights halfway across the world. :'D I'll likely add it back in, when I go back and fill out that chapter.
As for why Britt and not Ashe.. Well, from what I understand/find appealing about the whole bimbofication fetish, it's more about removing a person's agency and basically reducing them to a cartoonish, doll-like caricature of themselves. Brittani, with her storyline basically being tied to her aspirations as an actress, dovetails nicely with the whole idea of losing yourself within an fabricated image. Basically, I feel like it meaningfully adds to her story.
Ashe, or a lot of the love interests, could definitely make for a fun bimbo
event, I think. I just don't really see it as having story legs. But, Corrupted Ashe indulging in Guy's fantasy to ridicule her as an airhead? Maybe! Her dynamic with kinda-shitty-Guy seems to be one where she enjoys the sexual release, while being rather ambivalent about him as a human being.
View attachment 3748456
Thanks for the kind words! I'll touch on your notes real quick.
Pepper is meant to be the 'tsundere' character, so she was always going to have a slow build on the love path. You should take little moments like her worriedly checking Guy's bruise as good progress, though.
As for too many girls, too little story progress, etc. I've talked about this before, but I'll hit it again: I honestly don't really see the problem. So far, basically all of the love interests have made their problems known to MC. Nicki's and Mason's are basically resolved, and Ashe and Gabby's are on their way there. Risa's will be a bit more of a slow burn, but I think we can all see where it's going? Brittani and Pepper -- same deal, those plots are kind of a slow sizzle, but the basic shape of them is known, now.
Basically all of the characters have had ero scenes, even if they weren't on a path you played. Carolina and Madison are the two that have had the least progress, but I still think Carolina's gotten a good bit of high-quality face-time.
So, put all that together, and compare it to my competition in this space. I don't like to name other developers, but there are some games that came out years before me, and have had a fraction of the progress, even with significantly less branching and fewer characters. Like, there are some VNs I play where it's years later and I still haven't slept with one of the two or three main love interests. So, why do I get so much flak for slow-walking the story? This isn't addressed to
you specifically, by the way. Just asking the general audience.
I honestly feel like the entire AVN community has psychic scars from the pure volume of abandoned games out there. And they've established this common cultural lexicon, which includes things that will 'ruin' games. Too many love interests! Too much branching! NTR!
But, correlation =/= causation. I think that if you play the game from the beginning, you can see a lot of little things that hint towards a lot of thought being put into how the story would unfold. Is it perfect? No. I've added and improvised, but the waypoints I set out towards, are the ones I eventually get to. Comb through my blogs, and look at stuff I'd teased or hinted at. Very little was ever outright discarded. Because there is actually a plan, even if people can't see it.
As for how long I want to be doing this for.. As long as I'm having fun making it, and people are having fun playing it, why does it really matter? There are people who did/are doing webcomics for more than a decade. I just looked up Gunnerkrigg Court (a favorite of mine, back in the day) and it's been going for
nineteen years! That's one dude, making that story because he loves it, and the audience is still there for it.
Now, I do
not actually want to do FiN for 20 years. I've got other stuff I'd like to pursue. I very much miss drawing comics, and writing prose, and I've got a few big works in me that I'd like to finish before I die. But, I'm relatively young and fit, so barring any accidents or unforseen illness, I've got time. But, can I see myself working on FiN another 4-5 years? Sure, why not?
I enjoy working on this thing, warts and all. So long as I'm having fun, I see no reason to rush the conclusion.