They were all included for each, I was just describing the major weighting to drive home the point; of respondents who were attracted to trans women, majority identified as straight men, but of course some were bi, and some even identified as gay. Vice versa for trans men. I don't recall statistics for women's attractions to any of them, but I'd guess there were more bi responses, but otherwise still weighted as you'd expect; straight women prefer trans men, lesbians prefer trans women.
I think one of the reasons this whole sexuality confusion is occurring is because for most people throughout most of history, primary sex characteristics (genitalia) have matched exactly with secondary sex characteristics (breast tissue, hair length, face, hip-to-waist, etc.). Anyone who was outside of that 'agreement' to a large enough degree, like say men who looked more feminine, remained local and didn't get blown up to the rest of the world via the internet; so no one really had to question anything to the same degree in that regard. That's of course changed. Add clothing signalling and 21st century hair removal (and hair extension), skincare products, surgery, and.. yeah.. lots of straight guys, or guys who thought they were straight, are pretty confused; girls too, surely, but I think there's more trans women than trans men. It's a whole new world lol.
Anyways, I'm interested in how Mason's character will flesh out in this update and updates going forward. Especially in regards to the various choices the MC can take.