The short answer is yes, I do plan to add more bonus content! The long answer is a little more complicated.
The next public build of the game will have the three short stories I've written, bundled into the compressed file as PDF or RTF documents. And when I eventually redo Chapter 1, I want to include the 'legacy' Chapter 1 as a bonus that you can play from the main menu.
As for these image sets.. I doubt I'll add them in the near future, but I could see them being in the final/complete version of FiN Part One, or whatever I call it. The internet being what it is, I've seen way too much interesting stuff lost to time. So, it'd be nice to future-proof that material, and collect it all into one place. But, I don't want to do it immediately, since it's designed to be a perk for my supporters. Plus, all that stuff is available for just $2, which I don't think is an unreasonable ask.
Now, the more interesting thing I'd like to do, which I've discussed a bit in the past (but maybe not here?) is a series of "What If" mini-games, which would basically be familiar scenes, but with different characters, leading to different situations. I did another post with some examples, like: What if Guy met Wren at a fundraiser, instead of Ashe? What if Guy paid Pepper to model swimsuits, instead of Viola/Gabby? What if Brittani worked at the Lawful Waffle instead of Pepper?
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These would be a nice way for me to put out FiN-related content between updates, while not directly impacting the main story. And they'd play into the whole concept of choice/chance that is at the root of FiN's story.
(Though I think the Pepper one could honestly just be inserted directly into the story, without changing much.)