I'd love to make it by the end of the month. Here's the situation, as I explained recently in one of my dev posts: I've got about 3/4 of the update finished. The demo I just put out has all that content (and 800~ images) and by the end of next weekend I think I'll be done with Mason's scenes, as it's "just" a shopping trip, a sex scene, and then a little wrap-up before Guy heads to meet Gabby. Then, I need to do Gabby and Madison's content, which is.. Relatively brief. Mostly dialogue, a semi-short ero scene on one path, and then mostly dialogue, etc. But, the reality is that things almost always take longer than I expect.
I asked my supporters if they wanted me to release an update that has everything but Mason's content by the end of the month, and everyone who replied said that no, I should just wait until October if it's not completed. I'm.. Iffy. On the one hand, my highest-paying supporters at the $15 level already get the demo builds, so I don't feel like I'm ripping off the people who are contributing the most. On the other hand, I just really hate to not put out an update every four months.
So, I'm just trying to get done all I can, without short-changing the quality. If I get to the 26th of this month, and I'm 90% of the way through Gabby's content? I'll probably be okay if the release slides into the first few days of October. But, if I get there and I'm only 10% into it, and I think I'll need most of October to finish it? Then I might put up an actual poll, and ask people if they want me to do a Part One/Part Two.