You both make compelling points. I don't know, it's complicated I suppose. I've actually never been with a prostitute, so maybe there's a dynamic I'm not aware of. But, certainly, if I ever found myself in the situation to get sex from someone desperate for money, I couldn't do it no matter how horny I was, would feel too icky and fucked up. So, I would just give them the money. (goes without saying that fapping to power fantasies is, as I'm sure we know, completely different to real human lives being involved)
But, at the same time, if I was in Nicki's situation, I wouldn't be selling my body for money, I would just get a regular job (if she had a drug addiction or something, though, that would be different to me I think). I'm a big proponent of personal responsibility, i.e., you should own your own decisions, and doing all that was certainly her decision, ultimately. So, as you can imagine, those two philosophies I'm trying to follow (own your actions and don't take advantage of others) are crashing into each other here, and I'm not totally sure how to feel. Does that make sense?
I guess I could reasonably say they
both did wrong here? He took advantage (though he didn't treat her like shit or anything or abuse her, right? nothing remotely how those porno shoot thugs or dark MC treats her), and she put herself in a situation that hurt herself/lowered her self-worth when she could've done otherwise. Obviously Vaughn is the greater of the two evils here, I'm just trying to say I don't think Nicki is necessarily innocent and she's certainly old enough to make her own decisions. Either way, good convo, cheers!