
Conversation Conqueror
Jul 25, 2017
NeonGhosts ill suck yo dick if you let me please Pierce Risa’s other nipple.

If there’s one thing that makes my brain itch more than anything it’s uneven piercings, Just one side being pierced makes me want to burn my eyes out.

I’m 100% the only person who cares though
o wait she only has 1 piercing :( well still hot as I do like nipple piercings but yeah I prefer both but 1 is better than none for me and you aren't the only one that cares I do as well.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Mar 20, 2019
Yikes... I've seen that game once, not too long ago. I can't believe people actually enjoy that shit. It's just a bunch of inflated bimbos, that even if they had good personalities, I wouldn't be able to take seriously. The reviews for that game are horrifyingly high for something so uncanny and ridiculous.
I’m not really trying to knock the game. I’ve never played it, and maybe it’s great. But, just at a glance, it’s fairly obvious we’re going for drastically different markets and/or vibes.


Devoted Member
Mar 25, 2021
I think one of the things I like most about the babes in this is their sexy boobs.
Something that really turns me on is short hair, small-ish boobs and glasses. And Mason fits all three categories.

I also love Asian girls so Risa has my attention.


Conversation Conqueror
Jul 25, 2017
I also love Asian girls so Risa has my attention.
idk why maybe I wasn't looking closely enough and just thinking how much I like Risa or having other dirty thoughts about Risa. But I honestly never noticed she was Asian the 2-3 times ive played this game just thought she was a hot white girl with red hair... actually might of been the red hair that distracted me as well. I only realized she was a few weeks ago when someone else pointed it out lol. Which I'm actually happy about cause there isn't enough hot Asian characters out there.


Devoted Member
Mar 25, 2021
idk why maybe I wasn't looking closely enough and just thinking how much I like Risa or having other dirty thoughts about Risa. But I honestly never noticed she was Asian the 2-3 times ive played this game just thought she was a white girl with red hair... actually might of been the red hair that distracted me as well. I only realized she was a few weeks ago when someone else pointed it out lol. Which I'm actually happy about cause there isn't enough hot Asian characters out there.
I'll admit at first I didn't notice she was Asian either it was only when she told me that I realised.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2022
I’m not really trying to knock the game. I’ve never played it, and maybe it’s great. But, just at a glance, it’s fairly obvious we’re going for drastically different markets and/or vibes.
Yeah you got that right. On one hand you have a fairly realistic and compelling story with a down to earth MC, great all around cast that consists of many attractive love interest. And of course beautifully shot visuals. On the other hand, you have an unattractive inflated cast (at least to me) and just at first glance, a run-of-the-mill plot that I've seen multiple times before.

You don't need to knock the game, I'll do it for you. :ROFLMAO:

I don't harass devs or go in threads shitting on that threads game. Though I will definitely let my opinions be known elsewhere, I'm sure the dev is a chill person, but that game is definitely targeting a more niche crowd. It's not comparable to FiN.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Mar 20, 2019
NeonGhosts ill suck yo dick if you let me please Pierce Risa’s other nipple.

If there’s one thing that makes my brain itch more than anything it’s uneven piercings, Just one side being pierced makes me want to burn my eyes out.

I’m 100% the only person who cares though

Fun Fact: Risa’s single nipple piercing is actually inspired by my friend, who only has one pierced. I thought it was an interesting little detail, so I stole and incorporated it into Risa’s look.



Conversation Conqueror
Jul 25, 2017
View attachment 3681357

Fun Fact: Risa’s single nipple piercing is actually inspired by my friend, who only has one pierced. I thought it was an interesting little detail, so I stole and incorporated it into Risa’s look.

View attachment 3681358
While I may prefer 2 myself she is still sexy with 1 and makes it even better when it comes from inspiration from someone you know. Thanks for sharing that little bit of detail with us.


Active Member
Nov 15, 2022
Hi NeonGhosts I played the update last night and I fucking loved it. Risa just keeps getting more awesome.
This was my favourite render.
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I do have a question though. I didn't see that sex scene with Risa does that mean I won't be able to romance her later?
I wished you waited Joshy , it less than a week, maybe you need to replay the motel scene and house scene well. because saves issues plus the saves won't work from the demo on actual fully chapter


Devoted Member
Mar 25, 2021
I wished you waited Joshy , it less than a week, maybe you need to replay the motel scene and house scene well. because saves issues plus the saves won't work from the demo on actual fully chapter
I made sure not to save.

enzo ferrari

Feb 24, 2024
Knowing that this game is your go-to example of what mine's lacking, really tells me I've done something right.

View attachment 3681309

View attachment 3681310
Thank you for making my point.
What Will be your totally story masterclass in the risa path. Or in the Ashe path. Or in the Brittani path with the movie director. Or in the gabby path with the asshole ex. Good MC Will save the girls, bad MC Will rape the girls. Optional path MC with evil guys Will rape the girls together!
Truly masterfull job there Hemingway dont fry your brain trying to write this modern AND complex masterpiece
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Active Member
Jan 11, 2022
Man, that would've been a cool story.

"Would you like to take my call to action?"


"Oh, okay."

Then we watch Guy sit on the couch and eat Cheetos while a ring of girls beg to be in his harem.

I'm from the midwest, I know about guns. ;D But, FiN is set in a fictional city that's somewhere between Los Angeles, CA and Chicago, IL -- so, who can say what the gun regulations are there? Bigger cities tend to be more stringent.

Without looking -- who runs the largest charitable organization in your city? Who won the last Mega Millions jackpot? What does the most wanted man in America look like?

If you know any of these, you're way more informed than I am!

Guy's famous to us, because we see him interacting with people who find him interesting. We didn't see that several month gap where Nicki was gone, because he mostly just got to carry on as usual with his life. We're here, at this moment, because it's interesting to see his celebrity begin to catch up with him, because that's interesting. Before that, he was just enjoying his money and charity in peace, without being recognized.

But, even in Chapter 9 there's a new character who sees his name, and her only question if he's related to a guy who owns a local camping supply store. Like he says to Nicki, he's not a celebrity -- he's a regional figure of interest. I live in a city of 130,000 people, and our mayor can often be seen wandering around without bodyguards, and most likely unarmed. It's not crazy to think that someone who isn't like.. Tom Cruise, could get along unbothered. Hell, there's even those viral pictures of Keanu riding the subway without being pestered.

And these two comments really highlight the crux of why Guy is how he is -- because it's more interesting. I fucking hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate invincible AVN protagonists who are always the smartest, toughest, strongest, most skilled human being in existence. The kind who can give women orgasms with a sideways glance, before throwing an effortless roundhouse kick that can fell a grizzly bear.

It means nothing if Guy pulls a gun out and shoots Lucien, other than that I've cut off a story before it happened. Like, why not just have him blast him with heat vision, and reveal Guy's actually an X-Man? Why not reveal that Markus was working for Guy the whole time, because he's just that cool and smart and awesome, and he twists Lucien's head off walking away never to be seen again? They all have the same end result.

This is a genre where your victory means nothing, other than that you can use your mouse wheel to reverse a decision. That's it.

So, if I have to choose between the player going down an interesting road i.e. (Guy vs Lucien, Guy and Lucien team-up, or Guy trying to ignore this new threat) or the player clicking a button that says, "I win!" then I'll go with the former. Because it will, ultimately, be more interesting to see where that goes.

I'm sorry that some people play these games to be the ultimate alpha male, but that's not what I'm doing here.
Fuck, I could bust to this comment :LOL: I have the same pet peeves! And you put all that in better words than I ever could have. Sorry for this little wall, but I just have to vent here..

So I try to put myself in Guy's shoes, like if I were him in RL... and a punch from a kid and a random hobo chasing me with a knife... wouldn't push me into suddenly toting a gun around, I mean come on. I don't know what some of these folks are thinking. Maybe I'd have a gun in my apartment? That's not entirely unreasonable. But, then again, MC lives in a really nice one.. so I probably wouldn't even go that far. House, definitely; apartment condo? Nnnnahhhh. But why TF would I carry it out in public on my person? Even if I kept it in my car, well... I'm not going to be around my car 24/7, now am I? So there will be plenty of opportunities to be vulnerable and caught off guard.

And I'm DEFINITELY not bringing it into a drug den. I don't want to agitate any violent assholes in there, ones that probably have far more experience using a gun than I do, far more experience putting themselves in life and death situations too. I guess I'm just not the macho guy that conquers danger at every turn. :LOL: But Guy should be, according to some of these players? :unsure:

To even begin to entertain a bodyguard, an expensive ass bodyguard that adds complications and makes walking around the city very very awkward, I'd have to be put into a very scary crisis situation that gives me a different perspective on my mortality. Like, the kind where you start to view every situation as a potential vulnerability, a potential way that you could've gotten hurt or died. It takes quite an incident to summon that state of mind, imo. To reiterate: NOT a punch or a fucking homeless guy with a knife. :LOL:

It's either that, or be put under consistent threat/duress from someone, like a dangerous stalker.. someone involved in a gang, perhaps.. that sort of stuff. It seems like Lucien is going to be that guy? So, yeah.. it makes perfect sense that Guy is starting to reevaluate his safety & protection now and only now.

And regarding decisions that Guy makes; people far too quickly disregard the basic emotion of fear and what it does to your decision making... or hell, just being unsure or naively ignorant. People have blindspots and make mistakes, and I'm so glad to see an MC who finally makes them. Has no one ever been seemingly pulled somewhere or towards someone even while all your alarms are going off in your brain? You start to feel scared or uncomfortable, but then you're also in doubt and start to get afraid and uncomfortable at the thought of overreacting or making a scene or something and so you just keep going as if you're a robot that can't fight its faulty programming. Maybe that comes more down to personality, but I've been in those situations way too many times in life.

Like God damn, so many people, even fans, have a fetish for thumbing your eyes about your own story. "Why this" "why that" "why not this" "why not that", isn't that the author's prerogative? Most books or movies or video games or w/e that I try, I put my trust into the authors and just wait and see where they go with it; sit back and relax and just enjoy the journey. I mean, none of these plots people are bitching about have even gotten to the midpoint yet, have they?

Anywho, reading some of these constant complaints or suggestions lately has been like inhaling pepper. I just needed a good, powerful sneeze! :geek:

RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
It is quite bizarre that after so long some people still believe Friends in Need is some kind of power fantasy and that Guy is a cringe "alpha male". Don't those people remember the whole sequence between Guy, Mason and the crazy hobo with a knife? :ROFLMAO:

Anyway i am out of here, still waiting to play the complete version later this week. :p
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Active Member
May 1, 2021
fuck it the darness of this game is messing with me,i dont know if i can still play and dont hink too much of it....


Super User
Respected User
Aug 5, 2016
Man, that would've been a cool story.

"Would you like to take my call to action?"


"Oh, okay."

Then we watch Guy sit on the couch and eat Cheetos while a ring of girls beg to be in his harem.

I'm from the midwest, I know about guns. ;D But, FiN is set in a fictional city that's somewhere between Los Angeles, CA and Chicago, IL -- so, who can say what the gun regulations are there? Bigger cities tend to be more stringent.

Without looking -- who runs the largest charitable organization in your city? Who won the last Mega Millions jackpot? What does the most wanted man in America look like?

If you know any of these, you're way more informed than I am!

Guy's famous to us, because we see him interacting with people who find him interesting. We didn't see that several month gap where Nicki was gone, because he mostly just got to carry on as usual with his life. We're here, at this moment, because it's interesting to see his celebrity begin to catch up with him, because that's interesting. Before that, he was just enjoying his money and charity in peace, without being recognized.

But, even in Chapter 9 there's a new character who sees his name, and her only question if he's related to a guy who owns a local camping supply store. Like he says to Nicki, he's not a celebrity -- he's a regional figure of interest. I live in a city of 130,000 people, and our mayor can often be seen wandering around without bodyguards, and most likely unarmed. It's not crazy to think that someone who isn't like.. Tom Cruise, could get along unbothered. Hell, there's even those viral pictures of Keanu riding the subway without being pestered.

And these two comments really highlight the crux of why Guy is how he is -- because it's more interesting. I fucking hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate invincible AVN protagonists who are always the smartest, toughest, strongest, most skilled human being in existence. The kind who can give women orgasms with a sideways glance, before throwing an effortless roundhouse kick that can fell a grizzly bear.

It means nothing if Guy pulls a gun out and shoots Lucien, other than that I've cut off a story before it happened. Like, why not just have him blast him with heat vision, and reveal Guy's actually an X-Man? Why not reveal that Markus was working for Guy the whole time, because he's just that cool and smart and awesome, and he twists Lucien's head off walking away never to be seen again? They all have the same end result.

This is a genre where your victory means nothing, other than that you can use your mouse wheel to reverse a decision. That's it.

So, if I have to choose between the player going down an interesting road i.e. (Guy vs Lucien, Guy and Lucien team-up, or Guy trying to ignore this new threat) or the player clicking a button that says, "I win!" then I'll go with the former. Because it will, ultimately, be more interesting to see where that goes.

I'm sorry that some people play these games to be the ultimate alpha male, but that's not what I'm doing here.
Yeah, I understand that, that's why I started this convo with how writers have to take some liberties to make their stories intresting. Even if I expect Guy to know better in some situations I still prefer him over any of the thousands of 15 years old goblinoids that plague avns (y)
Don't take my criticism or others too seriously because most of us love the game the way it is. It's just the usual bitching and fan theories after any release.


Devoted Member
Mar 25, 2021
Fuck, I could bust to this comment :LOL: I have the same pet peeves! And you put all that in better words than I ever could have. Sorry for this little wall, but I just have to vent here..

So I try to put myself in Guy's shoes, like if I were him in RL... and a punch from a kid and a random hobo chasing me with a knife... wouldn't push me into suddenly toting a gun around, I mean come on. I don't know what some of these folks are thinking. Maybe I'd have a gun in my apartment? That's not entirely unreasonable. But, then again, MC lives in a really nice one.. so I probably wouldn't even go that far. House, definitely; apartment condo? Nnnnahhhh. But why TF would I carry it out in public on my person? Even if I kept it in my car, well... I'm not going to be around my car 24/7, now am I? So there will be plenty of opportunities to be vulnerable and caught off guard.

And I'm DEFINITELY not bringing it into a drug den. I don't want to agitate any violent assholes in there, ones that probably have far more experience using a gun than I do, far more experience putting themselves in life and death situations too. I guess I'm just not the macho guy that conquers danger at every turn. :LOL: But Guy should be, according to some of these players? :unsure:

To even begin to entertain a bodyguard, an expensive ass bodyguard that adds complications and makes walking around the city very very awkward, I'd have to be put into a very scary crisis situation that gives me a different perspective on my mortality. Like, the kind where you start to view every situation as a potential vulnerability, a potential way that you could've gotten hurt or died. It takes quite an incident to summon that state of mind, imo. To reiterate: NOT a punch or a fucking homeless guy with a knife. :LOL:

It's either that, or be put under consistent threat/duress from someone, like a dangerous stalker.. someone involved in a gang, perhaps.. that sort of stuff. It seems like Lucien is going to be that guy? So, yeah.. it makes perfect sense that Guy is starting to reevaluate his safety & protection now and only now.

And regarding decisions that Guy makes; people far too quickly disregard the basic emotion of fear and what it does to your decision making... or hell, just being unsure or naively ignorant. People have blindspots and make mistakes, and I'm so glad to see an MC who finally makes them. Has no one ever been seemingly pulled somewhere or towards someone even while all your alarms are going off in your brain? You start to feel scared or uncomfortable, but then you're also in doubt and start to get afraid and uncomfortable at the thought of overreacting or making a scene or something and so you just keep going as if you're a robot that can't fight its faulty programming. Maybe that comes more down to personality, but I've been in those situations way too many times in life.

Like God damn, so many people, even fans, have a fetish for thumbing your eyes about your own story. "Why this" "why that" "why not this" "why not that", isn't that the author's prerogative? Most books or movies or video games or w/e that I try, I put my trust into the authors and just wait and see where they go with it; sit back and relax and just enjoy the journey. I mean, none of these plots people are bitching about have even gotten to the midpoint yet, have they?

Anywho, reading some of these constant complaints or suggestions lately has been like inhaling pepper. I just needed a good, powerful sneeze! :geek:
I also pretend I'm the mc when playing these games. That might be why I don't want to rape the girls or stuff like that because I wouldn't do it in real life.
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