
Active Member
Dec 3, 2023
just played update after replaying the second half of the game.

MC's obsession with Ashe's Halloween photo and his own photo with Nicki didn't progress. I didn't think Lucien would be linked to it, but I thought MC would have some kind of small breakthrough after seeing Lucien's photos. Might be that MC is somehow recognizing the style of the pictures, like the composition and framing, and Dutch angle style. maybe they were taken by Vaughn or Jamie :D

NeonGhosts aside from the typos, I stumbled upon this small bug in the code, and it seems the "mslove" part should be for when MC accepts Mason's gender as male instead.
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I'm a bit disappointed that when MC turns Risa down in the hotel, and choose not to take advantage of her, it's worth less relationship points than executing the sex scene "perfectly". her reaction would suggest that she would value MC being a very good guy higher than him being a good fuck while she is half conscious.
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I also felt that the talk with Risa's father was a bit lacking when it came to actually talking about Risa. Most of it is him showing his disdain for MC, while MC tries to deflect unless we choose to be confrontational. he seems to care about his daughter in his own toxic way, but if he is even a tenth as "special" as he thinks he is over the "average" people, then he would recognize that MC has a bit of influence over Risa, and he would use that instead of trying to separate both. MC could also have suggested it. Both trying to collaborate, Carl explaining what he expected of her, and MC offering some nudges and guardrails to steer her in the general direction of a good outcome for Risa. there was no compromise in that scene. her Dad says that MC is a bad influence for her, but he knows that MC does charity work even if he didn't earn his money, while his daughter is a drug addict that her father himself doesn't trust at all to get better, and who he knows is the one that dragged MC around to go buy drugs and bring her back home. that was funny as hell.
also, in the code, there was a third choice, but its condition is impossible to achieve. was it a relic of an abandoned version where the hotel part didn't exist and we would actually go directly to Risa's house and rape her there?

From what we can read in the comments here, Risa's popularity is really split. some really dislike her, even hate her. :D to me, it shows she is a great character. a bad character would just be ignored, or would not have any reaction to it.
the whole update is basically about Risa. maybe it's too Risa cotent heavy, and it was too much trying to accelerate her rise to main LI status in less than 12 hours of in game time. spreading her content over two of three updates would have worked too, imo, though i'm not sure if it would not mess up the plan for the overall story. we can opt out of her whole story, so it might not be too impactful.
I don't like fake tits, but I liked the fact that they were explained and justified in the game, and it made sense.
but it didn't make sense to have a choice to go to the lawful waffle, I think. MC could just go to any cafe or bar closer to their immediate location. in fact, he shouldn't even consider bringing her to a public location. going to the hotel directly and bringing her coffee in the privacy of the hotel room would make more sense. MC couldn't wait to ditch Risa and going "backstage", while leaving her to someone he can't trust and who can't even focus on watching Risa who then is completely alone and vulnerable. And Risa being that stoned and vulnerable might prompt the other customers to call the cops or at least 911 for some medical assistance. game wise, MC could have gone to the lawful waffle after leaving Risa's house, to relax and collect himself before going to the gym. forcing the choice for Risa vs Pepper doesn't bring anything to the game. it was a Risa focused update, so might as well go all the way. there was already a choice between Nicki, Ashe and Risa the night before, and at the beginning of the game we had to choose between Gaby and Pepper+Viola, but those worked better in the game at the time. I also get that the more the game progresses, the more we will have to make choices between the LI MC will spend time with, but it should make sense in the story.

last but no least, it didn't make sense, to me at this point in the game, that Brent would bang on the door of MC's old apartment. He knows that MC moved to another apartment as Nicki went to the new condo when she begged for money.

I still need to play all of her content. As I only saw bits and pieces of it and most of her explanation as I was curious but to tired last night to play all of it so I skipped around. I don't really see her as being manipulative in a way that is done with malice or to harm the MC but was wanting help the other girls and stop Lucien. Sure she went about it all wrong that is for sure but usually when I think of a manipulative person they are doing it for selfish reasons , which this does not seem like to me at all. I get the feeling she might be my new #1 girl after this update wont know till I finish her content.
you can say that she does it for selfish reasons too. she feels guilty and needs to free her conscience. she needs MC to redeem herself. so she pulls him in her world to get his help. her world being her father and Lucien. not the greatest company :D

It was one of those "If I told you, you wouldn't go" situations. MC probably would have just told her to call the cops and not want to get involved any more than that. She did what she did because she trusts the MC and thinks he is capable enough to do something about a human trafficking ring. I was starting to not like her last update because I don't like junkies (hate being a more apt word) but this was definitely a case of not everything is as it seems and she's back in the running.
she didn't know enough about MC to trust he would be able to actually know anything about it. but she knew he is well respected enough that some people would listen to him, at least. he is much more credible that her. she forgot that him going to the cops would mean he would have to reveal he went there to buy drugs, so either his reputation would take a hit from that, or he would have to throw her under the bus as the drug addict that pulled him in, which might endanger her freedom as she would be a repeat offender.

You already know my feelings about Risa, so bias aside(I hope:Kappa:), this was the first time in this game when I rolled my eyes at the over the top try-hard storyline and justifications she was throwing. I feel like the game tries way to hard to make her appear more complex than she is and it kinda makes her look like she has split personality when she switches from tragic damsel to manipulative flirt. I also saw 'the twist' coming a mile away and still didn't believe it will be this :HideThePain:

From downplaying her fault in the trafficking, to the fact that she is mostly portrayed as smart and resourceful, yet was too dumb to realize what was going on, to the interesting detail that she seems to be the only Junkie girl Lucien doesn't sexually abuse, everything seems so far fetched that it takes me out of it. The game really, really wants you to like and care about Risa.

That aside I take back what I said about introducing Lucien too late in the story. I was wrong.
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Sure, I wanted to punch him since his first preview, but now I hate him so much that I would make a dark Guy playthrough if it meant that I could get to kill him in a brutal and slow way, down the line.

Edit: I hope the Pepper Twin 'Retcon' stays and its not a bait and switch. I hated her being a camwhore, for me it has joined to form the trifecta of overused tropes, cheated MC backstory, Raped LI backstory and now OF/Camwhore LI.
I meant more like the game downplaying it rather than her lying about it. It makes sure every step of the way that she is seen in a good light. As a person that has grown up surrounded by similar people I think its not realistic for a person in that circumstance to be this lucky to avoid any and all consequences of her horrible life decisions. She doesn't get abused, instead she gets promoted to assistant, she stops being smart and is oblivious to his pretty obvious bad intentions to minimize her fault, she conveniently finds out after the first girl she helps lure so the damage she does is as small as possible.

I feel a more immersive/compelling narrative would be if she deep down knew what she was doing, but the need for drugs was more important for her. Could you still look past that and try to help her now?

Since I know you play DIk, if I hated Jill going behind MC's back with the Chad fight, you can imagine how I feel about Risa fooling Guy and putting him in danger here. The guy has black eye already, its clear he can't handle shit, what made her think he is properly equipped to deal with Psycho drug lords? Disregard for his well being? selfish needs of redemption no matter the cost? I am expected to believe that she is now a reformed saint?

This made me wonder if I would see this in a different light if this was a choice event, rather than forced plot.
she tells her story from her perspective, and she also needs to ask for MC's help. she needs to be seen as a good person too. she can't unload all her guilt. the game is not downplaying her story. it's the character that does it and it makes sense.
also it happened years go. she met Lucien when she was 18 or 19. she is now 24. 5-6 is a lot of growth, especially after she went through all that. teens think they know everything, are immune to all problems and bad stuff only happens to everybody else except themselves.

and Lucien is smart enough to avoid abusing the only daughter of one of the richest family around. she is more useful to him as a drug addict that no one seriously believes in and that he can manipulate to help ease in his real victims in his human trafficking.
also, if he crosses that line with Rise, she would become a walking bag of evidence. a credible, believable bag of evidence even.

I hope he does it more in the future. I would love to have my head between Nicki or Mason's legs having a delicious lunch.
MC does eat out Gabby the first time he went to her home. that's how their romance begins. she discovers she likes oral and can have orgasms while receiving it.

Hm, I checked the walkthrough and there supposedly is a sex scene with Risa in her father's house room. And yet, even though I did what the walkthrough said and even tried the opposite route through the diner to see, it doesn't seem to trigger. Any idea on how to trigger it, or is it due to the error that pops up just where it should be:
probably because you played the beta.

I'm not sure if it was my choices or because I was always rude to Risa since she would hit on me as soon as I arrived at the hotel, but was there a way to get to know her better before she drove us to the dangerous location? Or do we only get to know what she's like after she takes us there? Because I wish I had gotten to know her better before she took me to that place.
depending on your choices and how the date with Ashe goes, you get an option to go visit Risa during the night and you bond with her quite a bit with an option for a bit of fun with her.

Overall this update feels like a solid 8 or 9 / 10 for me personally. This update left me wanting more Risa and cant wait for the next one to see what's up with Nicki
if you ask Nicki to take care of Mason, you will see her before next update :D

My only complaint about the update was being forced to watch the rape scenes. Really did not need that.
you don't see it without the patch.

I understand but no one likes a stalker though you could play it off. HE could also just keep the pictures for the update and tell her at a later date after she's told him about them that he hunted them down for her and baught the rights for her. Rather then saying oh i already stalked you and bought them here ya go. Playing it like he tracked them down BECAUSE she mentioned it would be better than him being like "now that you mention it here you go." Though like I said it could have worked the way you said because you're a millionaire of course you're going to background check someone you're potentially interested in dating.
oh! good points! thanks
bringing the photos after she told him about them could work better indeed.
but i don't think it would shock her that much that he would run a background check on her being who he is. she might take it as a compliment, as she is smart enough to understand it means he is interested in her to the point that he needs to.

Brittani and Gabby both have these little side-plots involving their photos, that I really want to tighten up. A lot of that stuff was introduced really clumsily, and I want to go back and actually show MC discovering some of this stuff, and not just go, "Oh by the way, here's some stuff I found and never talked about." The main reason, honestly, is just that I was trying to get more lewds into the game, early on. So, having little things like Guy investigating and finding nudes of Gabby or Ashe online was an easy way to do that. Then, those plots got a bit of extra prominence, because it made for good drama.

But, then I wound up with these plotlines, built on a really unsteady foundation. So, I didn't want to spend too much time on that stuff, until I could fix some of the underlying problems. Basically, I just tried to de-emphasize the issue of the photos, until I could circle back. But also, I think the other commenter made a good point about Guy not trying to out himself as a little bit of a creep.

I'd expect to see Guy tell Ashe about the photos, a little down the line, after they're settled as friends, FWBs, or dating. Likely after she sits in on Brittani's casting call. Seems like a good place for it.
thanks for that insight into the dev process :)
tying up all those plot lines about lewd photos out large can be challenging now. it adds to the world building and the immersion. but i'm not sure you should feel forced to add lewd content just because it's an AVN. I understand that a big part of the community demands lewd content every update, though there is a sizeable part that appreciates the story and the writing first :D

Really enjoyed the update. I could be wrong, but it's looking more and more to me that Lucien possibly has connections to several of the characters in this one. Obviously, Risa of course. It's looking like he was the guy who photographed Ashe and subsequentially got his ass beat to a pulp by her dad and he lied about it being a car accident. Risa mentioned that he changes his name a lot, so that accounts for the name not matching and seems like his MO. As an aside, it doesn't sound like he fucks any of the girls he shoots, maybe he can't because Ashe's dad cut his balls off, hopefully anyway, he deserves it. I also think he was the loan shark that Brent owed money to and was the one who tried to force Nicki into shoot a gangbang porno, that is definitely his MO. Again, used a different name. Finally, he is a drug dealer so Gabby's dad might actually be working for him. To me, as much of the main villain he is in this story, it would make sense to have him connected to more than one of the LI's. Just my thoughts anyways. Looking forward to seeing how everything plays out in this one.
interesting theory. but i don't think he could be the guy that took Ashe's photos. he is not easy to track down. so MC would not be able to find him just with the old account of that model platform. especially because he changes names often.
might not be the loan shark either. because Nicki would be perceived as "used goods" when she came back, and Lucien works with innocent girls for his special videos. he has other businesses, but I don't think he would push that hard for Nicki to shoot content for him. it would just be a waste of time for him.

Yeah, that shit was yikes. But it seems
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it might be more accurate to say her dad thinks SHE failed, while he thinks he did everything right. he seems like that kind of assholes :D

Nah, it’ll go a bit longer. I could end it there.. But, I think it’ll end around Chapter 12 or 14. I kind of want to get to a point where most of the characters have their relationship trajectories established. That way, in Season 2 it’s less about figuring out where you stand with a girl, and more about solidifying that relationship.

Right now, Nicki’s basically set. Ashe is about 90% there. Gabby and Brittani will be pretty soon. Viola, Mason, and Risa a little after that.

If I could get all those relationships firmed up/locked in before the end of Season One, that’d be ideal. :)
where is the harem tag ? :ROFLMAO:

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you can help Risa taking down Lucien without romancing/fucking her. so it's not "straight through Risatown". it means to be her friend though. but that's not forcing you to be that close. you can just be polite/friendly, not being a jerk basically.
or you wanted to be able to fight Lucien while insulting and degrading Risa ? :D
well, if you choose to rape Cherry AND Risa, then you might be forced to choose to take down Lucien later as he now has blackmail material against MC, and Risa will hate you.

even if MC took the actions you suggested, they would not yield immediate results anyway. his quickest route is Risa. she has the most information about Lucien. but she is not in a state to reveal anything coherent. waiting it out makes sense.
there is no way a high profile photographer would have any immediate useful info about a pornographer that constantly changes names. investigating with his "web hunting skills" would take a very long time too, with very low chance of any result the same day, especially since MC still has a full schedule. he could be investigating a little bit WHILE waiting for Risa's consciousness to come around, but it would give anything actionnable. and do you really think Risa's dad would give any info to MC for free? xD MC hints at it if you choose to be confrontational but there is zero reaction from either the dad or Owen...
Risa is literally the only single piece of useful source of information about Lucien. she is an accomplice and a witness, she has the phone number of that girl from kansas even if she may have changed it.
using MC's resources and connections requires evidence/proof, and a significant amount of time.
Randomly flailing your arms in the air while running in circles doesn't accomplish much. Lucien is smart and methodical, he would not fall easily. MC can immediately call the cops, but there was nothing left in the drug den just minutes afterwards... MC needs a solid plan, not just throwing himself in hysterical panick.

i think you might feel that way because you take it personally. but it's a game where you read the story of a character whose action you can influence a bit. it's not your story. it's not your life.
if MC gets a bit closer to Risa than you'd like yourself IRL, it doesn't really matter, it's MC that is close to her, not you. if she is not reliable and fucks up later, it's MC that pays the consequences, not you.
MC prioritized Risa over Cherry, that tells you what kind of character he is, and him being different from you is not intrinsically a bad thing :)

I would quibble with the way you phrased that, Neon. It is absolutely the job of an author to listen to the audience; that's the only way to learn how your art functions outside the confines of your own head. That does not mean, however, that an author needs to act on the audience's feedback, or even agree with it. But I do think you need to listen.
not at all. his job is to write the story he wants to tell. and make the game around that. especially if you want it to stay "art". if an artist starts to listen to customers, then it's not art anymore, it's just a commercial product.
so the author can listen to feedback or not, it's a choice. it is absolutely not a requirement, nor his job.

I wanted to share a fanfic with you all its pretty long by my standards, so I'll put it in spoilers.
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I sometimes like to think of fanfic ideas if I really like a game and it captures my imagination, and this is my attempt for FiN.
that's not fanfic. that's your fantasy :D

So random thought but with the cliffhanger ending i'm curious has Nicki seen or knows about Guy's blackeye yet.
on her dark path, yes. MC can call her to Brittani's photoshoot. she will see the black eye. then when MC tells her about Brent's messages he received, she will reference his black eye as proof he is not invincible.


Conversation Conqueror
Jul 25, 2017
you can say that she does it for selfish reasons too. she feels guilty and needs to free her conscience. she needs MC to redeem herself. so she pulls him in her world to get his help. her world being her father and Lucien. not the greatest company :D
True but the way the conversation is told gave me the impression that her guilt and conscience is a secondary reason and not all that important to her in why she is doing this. To me it really felt like she just wanted to help but that's all on our own personal interpretation anyways. As to me it doesn't come across selfish but it would to someone else


Devoted Member
Mar 25, 2021
Yeah, you could be right I'm not super sure. When it comes to stuff like this, I feel like I'm reading animal entrails or something. I would suck so bad at writing these kinds of characters, as I just don't have the right mind for it haha.

But I think I remember that convo. Think Risa never mentioned him ever trying to force her to do any 'work', I mean involving her body; he was just making her put the poor girls at ease. She told him she couldn't do that, but instead she could send rich connections his way, like that banking VP.

Well I wish I were as good with words as Neon haha. You're a chill, amusing presence in this thread, though. I feel like I just write annoying walls at people :LOL:

One of the things I love about this game is, even though we mention dark routes and corruption routes and stuff to make it easier to communicate, the game gives sooooo much more freedom than that; I mean, within reason of course. Like, even playing the dark route, which is surely the most limiting logically speaking, I still have so many directions to go at every choice juncture. It's honestly kinda overwhelming, you know content FOMO lol I can't even imagine how difficult it is to plan it and write it all out.

For example, in this chapter, I could take Risa to the hotel in her state to... I mean, you know.. orrr, I could just decide not to be that evil and let her wake up, but still be more mean during sex where it's the edge of rape, but maybe not quite there, legally speaking. Or, I can just take her to the diner, have access to Pepper's corrupt/dark scene, and then follow Risa to house and be presented with three choices: grow a heart and sincerely help her; refuse to help her; or merely pretend to help her while planning to keep your own evil interests, and to some extent Lucien's, intact. And then you get access to her scene there as long as you didn't refuse to help.

So much varied diabolic shit lmfao If you really want to try the routes out, but don't want to see the scenes, maybe what you could do is right when you get to the choice to.. be evil, you can turn text skip on even for text you haven't seen yet, but make sure it still stops at choices. And then just skip through until you get to the choice to finish/cum. Then turn it back off and play normal again. Maybe that will make it easier to get through.
Bro I hope I'm not annoying Neon with all my posts and questions it's just I love this game so much I can't stop talking or thinking about it.
It's just like back in high school when I wouldn't shut up about how awesome Avril lavigne is lol.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2022
I will give my more in-depth thoughts tomorrow, but I finished the update and I will just briefly summarize my thoughts.

> Fuck Lucien
> Still want nothing romantic with Risa, or to even be her FWB on my romance saves. However, I did decide to pursue Risa on my only corruption save, because... why not? :devilish:
> I am going to help Risa on all saves though, because I want to help that girl, and future girls out.
> Yep, not a fan of the Pepper camgirl cop out. I understand it was already planned this way... but I so wanted to see an actual good take on a camgirl love interest. (very rarely do) I really think Neon could have nailed it.
> How dare you give that Mason tease?! :eek:
> Risa's dad... typical prick rich guy.
> Alex... not interested in her romantically at all. Not gonna pursue her as an LI. However, like Risa, I will pursue a sexual relationship with her on my corruption save. (I peeped.... and stole her panties) :ROFLMAO:
> Oh boy... Brent is finally here. Please tell me Guy doesn't end up looking like a complete jackass again at the beginning of the next update!

That's all for now! I enjoyed some of the update, not all of it. Was better than I expected though, so that's definitely good.


Conversation Conqueror
Jul 25, 2017
> Yep, not a fan of the Pepper camgirl cop out. I understand it was already planned this way... but I so wanted to see an actual good take on a camgirl love interest. (very rarely do) I really think Neon could have nailed it.
I feel this so much almost every camgirl I come across in AVN's are either side girls / one night stands or the camgirl part isn't really part of the relationship it's something I would really like to explore in an AVN for once. So it was big let down for me. But I still look forward to more updates for her character despite my disappointment
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Super User
Respected User
Aug 5, 2016
I think the problem with games like FiN is their expansive cast. Many girls to pick from but you have to wait for your fav.
Last year some bitched about Nikki bc she was the one getting content, now it's Risa turn and tomorrow it will be Mason.
Some people want a game all about Brittani or all about Gabby and don't care about the rest of the cast or the main story.
At the end of the day updates have to be contained to one or two girls or you get the usual 1 year of development cicle.
All that being said, Viola content when? :BootyTime:
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Jun 24, 2018
Haven't played a game in one go since Race of Life, I'm trying to save all these hoes, love the story!

Also a fan of how many options I have, if anyone got a rec or two for a game that lobs a lot of choices at you like this one, I'm all years. I'm getting that rare post-AVN depression


Devoted Member
Mar 25, 2021
I just did a quick speed run through the game and discovered something new to me.
It turns out you can have sex with Risa twice this update first at the hotel and then at her house.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2022
> Yep, not a fan of the Pepper camgirl cop out. I understand it was already planned this way... but I so wanted to see an actual good take on a camgirl love interest. (very rarely do) I really think Neon could have nailed it.
I feel you. But, given that they're twins which is a very common VN sex trope with universally understood expectations here, and given that players have probably already gotten used to the idea of having fun with Sapphire cam girl, who they thought was Pepper, I think Neon will throw us a bone on that, personally. Don't know if she will be a main LI alongside Pepper, but surely there will be opportunities involved there.

Don't want to trip up too much on something that may not happen, but it's even possible she's a secret main LI. Because if she would've been put up on that front page poster or mentioned as another main LI, it would've spoiled the twin reveal. Since she's so intricately tied into Pepper's story, and given that identical siblings tend to have a lot in common (there can still be big differences ofc), and tend to hang out together a lot, I don't think it would be nearly as big of a workload as adding a totally separate LI would.

> Oh boy... Brent is finally here. Please tell me Guy doesn't end up looking like a complete jackass again at the beginning of the next update!
lmao, I bet you anything Guy is going to put into action that wrist lock he just learned. I think it's going to be pretty funny tbh. I can imagine it now: Guy's starting to lose (again!) against a younger man, until he's like "wait a minute, I just learned a get out of fight for free card" and just hearing Brent go "OW OW OW FUCK UNCLE UNCLE" or something :LOL:

Pepper, Sapphire and Cherry triplets?
Might want to put that behind spoilers, just in case :) But I thought the same thing. Looks like the same model to me and she gave a clue that suggests as much.
Last edited:


New Member
Apr 5, 2018
played the update after a little break and ... that took a dark turn. While there were some topics like homelessness, prostitution etc. in previous episodes, I was very much put off by the drug den and associated porn. I am aware that these things exist but did not expect to be confronted with reality in a porn game. talk about buzzkill.

Concerning Risa and her father
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I am playing mostly romance and there are many balls in the air at the moment, still waiting for Madison and Carolina.
Please keep up the great work, dev!


Active Member
Nov 15, 2022
I think the problem with games like FiN is their expansive cast. Many girls to pick from but you have to wait for your fav.
Last year some bitched about Nikki bc she was the one getting content, now it's Risa turn and tomorrow it will be Mason.
Some people want a game all about Brittani or all about Gabby and don't care about the rest of the cast or the main story.
At the end of the day updates have to be contained to one or two girls or you get the usual 1 year of development cicle.
All that being said, Viola content when? :BootyTime:
Next update most luckily for Viola


Devoted Member
Mar 25, 2021
Risa has some serious daddy issues but considering who her father is I'm not surprised. But that doesn't really matter to me I still like her.
And I finally saw those texts from Mason the little tease and I'm getting hard just thinking about our playtime coming up.


Engaged Member
Apr 7, 2020
I think the problem with games like FiN is their expansive cast. Many girls to pick from but you have to wait for your fav.
Last year some bitched about Nikki bc she was the one getting content, now it's Risa turn and tomorrow it will be Mason.
Some people want a game all about Brittani or all about Gabby and don't care about the rest of the cast or the main story.
At the end of the day updates have to be contained to one or two girls or you get the usual 1 year of development cicle.
All that being said, Viola content when? :BootyTime:
True, it has been pointed several times. Usually this kind of games works better if they are 'fuck everyone, until you commit (or harem)', so you don't have to split too much the story, but neonghost has already told that he's going to proceed with his plans the way they are (and they sure are more narratively sound then bang everyone).


Active Member
Apr 18, 2020
I think the problem with games like FiN is their expansive cast. Many girls to pick from but you have to wait for your fav.
Last year some bitched about Nikki bc she was the one getting content, now it's Risa turn and tomorrow it will be Mason.
Some people want a game all about Brittani or all about Gabby and don't care about the rest of the cast or the main story.
At the end of the day updates have to be contained to one or two girls or you get the usual 1 year of development cicle.
All that being said, Viola content when? :BootyTime:

every girl getting a rework like nicki so i can turn down all sex and still help when?!?

cant complain about girls not getting sexy content if no girl is getting sexy content :WeSmart:
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