If Nicki isn't in such dire straits when she returns you have to ask why he doesn't tell her to fuck off after she ghosted him. If she is in serious trouble then even if she really upset him, he just can't do that to her. If she isn't though...
I said before what change I think should be made to chapter 3. Let us choose how to treat her upon her return, which we can't currently really do; how he treats her is determined by the choice made in the beginning. If we were mean to her at the start, he's an asshole to her with only some minor choices to be slightly more or less harsh with her, and if we were nice to her at the start then he's automatically understanding and forgiving with only a slight difference in just how forgiving he is. No choice to not forgive her. Instead, IMO, give us the choice how he reacts to her reappearance. Maybe he treated her badly at the start, but he regrets that and is nice to her and seeks her forgiveness. Or maybe he was nice to her at the beginning, but after she ghosts him it hardens his heart and he is cruel to her upon her return. Give the player some agency over this instead of changing how she returns.