What I'll prrrrrobably do is just leave the age as a variable, and if someone wants to they can just edit that variable to be what they want. This is one of those things where I've honestly had more people complain about it than tell me they like it.
Eventually. I don't want to put out an early access thing though, so I'll wait until I have a nice, solid little chunk of the game done, and then I can sell it as FiN: Part One. That won't be for a bit, though.
I just don't know if people would enjoy reading that much text, in that format. And I feel like I'd almost need a 'placeholder' image between the existing images.. Maybe I'm overthinking it, though?
I don't want to tell other devs' business, but -- yes. Games that have fewer subscribers/less reviews/less activity than FiN have hit six figures, pre-tax.