PLEASE, do not tell devs how to make their game, that is one of my few pet peeves on here. Overall, I don't have a problem with you on here, and our interactions have been positive. However, I do not tolerate people telling devs, especially devs I like, how to create their game, or to change their game to fit their preferences. The only time I have ever explicitly told a dev how to do their job, is when the dev was a liar who lured people to play their game with false pretenses. So I chewed them out, so that they would hopefully do better. Neon though, has been an amazing dev, and I implore and encourage Neon to stick to his vision of the game.
Hell, I'm not a fan of certain aspects of the game, notably Risa, but I would never tell him to change her. I will simply just avoid her, which the game will allow me to do.
As far as Guy being dominant, I mean in certain relationships and paths he is, but it's not really always the case. With certain LI's on certain paths he doesn't really show any sort of dominant streak. Therefore, it's not fair to insinuate that he is purely dominant by nature, he could very well be a switch as well, and it could make complete sense if written well.
Lastly, I'll just say, it's completely fine to give feedback and critiques, but just bluntly telling devs they should make their game a certain way, or to include or not include a certain kink or fetish, isn't.