Yeah, I have a bad habit of grossly underestimating how much work is going to go into an update..
Originally, Chapter 8, 9, and 10 were all supposed to be one update.
So, you'd wake up at Nicki's, your place with Ashe/alone, or in the office with Risa. Then you'd go to the convenience store and meet Brittani/Isabella, only to be pestered by influencers Blizzy and Cutiedoll. Then you'd return home and Risa would ask you for a ride, at which point you'd meet Lucien, Cherry, and Markus. After that, you'd bring Risa home, visit Alex, take Mason shopping, and finally bail out Gabby's dad, alongside Madison and Gabby.
Seemed simple enough! But, once I get into an update and it starts to hit 1k renders, I tend to go, "Alright, I need to find a jumping off point, here."