Obviously, if you're presented with a choice "would you rather have $800 or $1000?" people will pick the latter, that's a no-brainer. But at the same time, how many do you think would opt not to be with that "perfect girl who is a bit of a bitch" if they weren't presented with the absolutely perfect alternative? For how many do you think that bit of a bitch would be an absolute deal breaker, outweighing all her positive qualities?Kindness doesn't put food on the table, I realize that. But as an added bonus? I mean, as long as he isn't a pushover, and Guy isn't that, I don't see why generosity and kindness on top of all the other qualities wouldn't be a factor, especially for the ones who are used to being manipulated, lied to, or treated like shit. You're telling me if you had a choice between almost the perfect woman who's a bit of a bitch, versus the perfect woman who treats you with love and respect, you wouldn't pick the second one in a heartbeat?
My point was that, to continue with this analogy, if the presented choice was instead "would you rather be with a perfect girl who is a bit of a bitch or one who is nice but that's all she's got" then, realistically, many people would pick former over the latter. Because then it's a choice between "would you rather have $800 or $200?"
That Guy is kind doesn't really play much of a role in him getting girls in his life. In fact, you can play a "not nice" Guy who is more than a bit of a bitch to people. But all the other power advantages he still enjoys ensure that he doesn't just end up ostracized and Forever Alone.
I probably am, because the whole "he's a good listener" thing reminds me too much of many other games by male developers, who reduce this concept to "the girl tells you a few facts/preferences and then you get quizzed if you remembered them". Although note, the ones i've singled out were the cases where the "interesting interactions" were imo lacking, in the sense the only thing Guy really demonstrates is that he can sit with the girl and nod sagely for couple hours, before she's all but ready to jump on his cock. (OK, in case of Brittani he also gets to demonstrate that he's not a creep who'd immediately start to molest and abuse her. But that's another of those really low bars more than anything else)How so? He doesn't just listen to them, he has interesting interactions. I think you're not giving Guy enough credit here, and also I think you're over-simplifying the LIs and what appeals to them.
But again, to some extent this is the game working with limitations and timeline constraints that it has (and the author did post that some of it is going to be addressed) so... it is what it is.