
Jul 26, 2019
Oh, hello there Friendship with Benefit 2. Is this on Steam? I'll buy it.

I really liked the variety of fantastical but relatively grounded situations that you can get into with the first game.
The first game used genderbender magic, but I hope that this game will try to experiment a bit more with magic side of this world.

If there's one thing I find a bit odd about the first game would be the lack of sex toys in a female dominant world unless they used magic, which reduced the need to create sex toys to easily relieve sexual tension? I kinda expected some scenes to use sex toys to spice things up but that never happens in the first game.
If there's a lore explanation for the lack of sex toys, I'd probably forgotten about it already since it has been years since I played the first one
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Jul 4, 2018
Dear God, I can't read this dialogue with Melody. It's sooo forced, MC has become a source of Great Wisdom that enlightens peasants, despite my agreement that you'll lose yourself at some point! Also to compare a person with the ship of Theseus, for no reason, MC practically called her a thing!
In the case of a Blackcurrant something like that was kind of expected (thanks for not erasing memory, I hated that part), but there... Meh.

And, eew, the only scene I'd love to skip, and it can only be skipped after the foot fetish scene is shown.
Can I decline such offers before being morphed to a girl getting dirty (any) feet on my dick, please?
(come on, she literally walked on the brothel floor five seconds ago)
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Jul 13, 2021
Kind of wish Blackurrant decided who she wants to talk to XD
The puppet/vessel or the player

Imagine if there was an option to force the puppet to say something that they don't know.
Normally when there is an option, it's somewhat based on puppet's knowledge and previous actions or situation.

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Finally a point that I always wanted a "4th wall breaking character" to be asked. Beceause that's a counterpoint to their whole being , what makes them special.
Illussion of life.

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So now eveything before wil be convienetly forgotten?

View attachment 4035166 Yeah no. Now these are just excuses to revert her back.

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That doesn't make difference just beceause you call it something else?
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She exaplined that at the start ? She literally dissapears when the "book" closes. So what's the point with that excuse?

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I mean, she literally proved that to herself couple of lines earlier

Now MC at the second half of their dialogues is sputing bs and she just accepts it?
First half was of the dialogue was good and interesting, until the second started where MC essentially backtracks and talks about anything to reverse what he said.

I hate that I'm baited to argue philosohy in a porn site of all places, but here I go:

This kind of meta talk is one that has no real "truth". The characters are arguing while being inside of the box, so from their perspective it's literally impossible to know whether they are being controlled. As the MC points out, even Blackurrant being self-aware doesn't make sense.

Now, I do agree that there is some mild inconsistency when talking about her disappearing when the MC isn't with her. At the same time, she does admit that she doesn't exactly disappear when MC looks away from her for a moment, so it's not clear what's really happening anyway. In my opinion, the fact that she's so suprised and freaks out when she meets the MC in her universe means that maybe things are not as set in stone as she firmly believed.

If you want to be super doomer and pedantic about these things, you could say our lifes and decisions are also being controlled by chemicals in our brain and outside factors that interact with us, so free will doesn't exist for us either. In reality, even if that's true, that doesn't stop us from enjoying ourselves, does it? With that in mind, is being obsessed with your self-awareness like Blackurrent really a good thing? I think the MC is essentially just telling Blackurrent to chill and enjoy her own life regardless of her self-awareness.

I actually enjoyed and appreciated the fact that this time, the MC is not forced to forget. In the first game, Cream talked mostly to us, the Player, but this time the MC took the spotlight and was pleasantly surprised.


Jul 13, 2021
Oh, hello there Friendship with Benefit 2. Is this on Steam? I'll buy it.

I really liked the variety of fantastical but relatively grounded situations that you can get into with the first game.
The first game used genderbender magic, but I hope that this game will try to experiment a bit more with magic side of this world.

If there's one thing I find a bit odd about the first game would be the lack of sex toys in a female dominant world unless they used magic, which reduced the need to create sex toys to easily relieve sexual tension? I kinda expected some scenes to use sex toys to spice things up but that never happens in the first game.
If there's a lore explanation for the lack of sex toys, I'd probably forgotten about it already since it has been years since I played the first one
As far as I know, the developer releases them to Steam whenever they are finished.

There is some toy stuff (buttplug for now I think) in FWB 2, along with some magic body modifications.


Jul 13, 2021
Dear God, I can't read this dialogue with Melody. It's sooo forced, MC has become a source of Great Wisdom that Enlightens peasants, despite my agreement that you shouldn't modify yourself for no reason! Also to compare a person with the ship of Theseus, for no reason, practically called her a thing!
In the case of a Blackcurrant something like that was kind of expected (thanks for not erasing memory, I hated that part), but there... Meh.
In fairness to the MC, all males other than him are depicted as unapologetic entitled assholes, partly because of the disparity of the male/female ratio, so it makes sense for most mares to be attracted to him, Melody included. Think of it as a rare case of positive stockholm syndrome :ROFLMAO: (positive because the MC seems to be actually a decent dude).


May 12, 2023
Yeah, i can agree on that. Twisted-sensei, i know you have to live up to your name but please go easy with the twisted stuff.


Jan 19, 2021
That's a spoiler! But I do have this really pretty art of Morrigan :)
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View attachment 4036097
Would be a shame not to use it ;)
It WOULD be a shame not to use it, and have even more of it, in game... not that Morrigan was my favorite character in the original game or anything... not that when the reveal came I said "Why didn't you tell me this from jump? I'm at your cervix... uh, service, my Queen!" or anything....

now if you'll excuse me, I have to handle some pressing business that just popped up....


Jul 4, 2018
"You at the new universe, so you feel sudden urge to fix everything, recreate as once was"

I.. Don't understand what's the point of these dialogues.
Ruby implies that the player doesn't give a shit about this world and is just trying to turn it into the old one? Maybe she herself doesn't care about this world? Earthquakes, darkness..
She sounds judging, forcing the MC to make excuses and talk about "experience" and "rushing around"
MC have many other, better practical reasons, than philosophy.
Dreams from Luna (even Moxie said that we need to work fast), desire to go back (even Blackcurrant told that Cream was waiting for him), in the beginning MC doesn't want to get attached to everyone in this case.. And now he want "falling in love all over"

Just say that you want to save the world, damn it, causeless philosophy has gone too far. From the truth.
TwistedScarlett60 , It feels like you're trying to replace "getting to know each other" and bonding with THIS, after which every girl jumps right on your lap. Instantly. On the first day.
I hope it'll get reworked in the future, because in first game, even under "charm spell", MC wasn't this "successfull", while actually doing more. It felt sincere, as if you deserved it, their affection.
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Jul 26, 2019
As far as I know, the developer releases them to Steam whenever they are finished.

There is some toy stuff (buttplug for now I think) in FWB 2, along with some magic body modifications.
Ah, buttplug, forgot about that. But, still I kinda expected more variety of adult toys than just a buttplug cause it doesn't make sense to me that a world where high sexual appetite been the norm to have little to no development in the Sex Toy department


Sep 6, 2020
Oh shit, TwistedScarlett made this! I thought the art style was familiar, hell yeah this gonna be good.


Apr 23, 2021
I hate that I'm baited to argue philosohy in a porn site of all places, but here I go:
If you want to be super doomer and pedantic about these things, you could say our lifes and decisions are also being controlled by chemicals in our brain and outside factors that interact with us, so free will doesn't exist for us either. In reality, even if that's true, that doesn't stop us from enjoying ourselves, does it? With that in mind, is being obsessed with your self-awareness like Blackurrent really a good thing? I think the MC is essentially just telling Blackurrent to chill and enjoy her own life regardless of her self-awareness.
Of course some will reuse that Rick and Morty quote
A literal living to a scrpt/in a game is completely different than chemicals affecting our brain.
You stripped both examples to the basic idea and compare them as if they were identical.

And the simulation/game aspect doesn't just affect the characters, but the world itself.

In both real and game world can enjioy life. But that doesn't mean lying about it.
MC backpedaling what he said to Blackcurrant was the equivalent of someone that can't fly (not seeing the text), proving to someone that can fly(seeing the text), that Earth is round(that she sees it beceause she was made/allowed to see it) and backpedaling back to saying it's flat
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Jul 4, 2018
Guys, it's me, or in Applebloom buttjob scene, she are triple MC's size? Giantess sorta :D

Clone's neck is long as giraffe's, or broken. 1000041864.jpg

Clone's eye color changes every scene.
1000041868.jpg 1000041862.jpg 1000041860.jpg

Starlight is smiling only with one side of her face? Inner side of her cheek are too far forward.

Also, if you just visit Starlight in the tree, she calling MC "Anon".

... Aaand even more Philosophy from the Great Source of Wisdom "MC", with Twilight this time. It would be great if she shut him up on the spot, saying that a familiar is only a tool, shard of consciousness, not a "sentient existence", capable fearing of death, or something like that. (Aftersex dialogue is good though. Nice work here)

Too much cold blabbering.. I damn much hope that useless philosophy and verbal/logical attacks on everyone don't make up half of the text in FwB2, and actual bonding (something like botuqie 2 night now) will go first.
Because otherwise, the MC has every chance of getting a fist in the face for calling someone a tormentor of intelligent beings (TS/clones) or a thing (SB/Theseus ship).
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Oct 11, 2018
Interesting dilemma: Blackcurrent is all upset the MC forgot the time they spent together but I as the player remember it so If she is was self-aware she would know that the MC avatar might have forgotten the event but it's not 100% certain that the player has. Even FwB1 was released 4 years ago I might have played it yesterdays making her "I was trap in darkness for 4 year" invalid. It's is hard to write a self-aware character lol :p
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New Member
Jul 26, 2023
This is a great novel love the story the sex just a plus at this piont I love the romance also please put futa x the main charector and animate the brothel scenes
Oct 11, 2018
Oh btw TwistedScarlett60. If I'm predicting the story right I'm looking forward to seeing my first waifu from mlpfim Nightmare Moon in FwB2. I missed her in FwB1 but at least Queen Chrysalis was there :D. (Yes I understand why Nightmare Moon wasn't in FwB1 but my prediction is she is main villain in FwB2... ether that or a female Sombra :LOL:)


Jul 13, 2021
Of course some will reuse that Rick and Morty quote
A literal living to a scrpt/in a game is completely different than chemicals affecting our brain.
You stripped both examples to the basic idea and compare them as if they were identical.

And the simulation/game aspect doesn't just affect the characters, but the world itself.

In both real and game world can enjioy life. But that doesn't mean lying about it.
MC backpedaling what he said to Blackcurrant was the equivalent of someone that can't fly (not seeing the text), proving to someone that can fly(seeing the text), that Earth is round(that she sees it beceause she was made/allowed to see it) and backpedaling back to saying it's flat
I didn't say both scenarios were identical, just similar enough to show my reasoning. At the end of the day, it really doesn't matter what anyone says about the exterior while they are on the inside. The world could find 1000 different ways to bamboozle you without you even noticing. As far as the MC is concerned, Blackcurrant could just be completely wrong and the world could be real, or something completely different than a visual novel. If you take that in consideration, literally everything discussed there is mere assumption.

It's not that MC categorically said or agreed that they are in a book, he just said if that's the case, Blackcurrant being self-aware is not possible. Additionally, I don't see how not being self-aware clashes with his point of "not being entirely constrained by the book writting" and all that he mentions afterwards. Self-awareness (in this context) is merely the knowledge of absolute truth of the world you're in. You can be self-unaware and still have freedom of choice, those are two completely different things.

At the end of the day, we can see it as MC just trying his best to cheer her up, so some inconsistencies are understandable in my opinion.

Feel free to counter-argue, but I don't know if I'll respond, this is getting tiring lol


Apr 23, 2021
Oh btw TwistedScarlett60. If I'm predicting the story right I'm looking forward to seeing my first waifu from mlpfim Nightmare Moon in FwB2. I missed her in FwB1 but at least Queen Chrysalis was there :D. (Yes I understand why Nightmare Moon wasn't in FwB1 but my prediction is she is main villain in FwB2... ether that or a female Sombra :LOL:)
Wait, there was a reason why Nightmare Moon wasn't in the first game?

Female Sombra is the least likely. Twistedscarlett60 never drawn Sombra before, and the only genderbend MLP character was Discord, Aka female draconequus, aka Eris.

I'm betting on Daybreaker and/or Nightmare Moon.

Blackcurrant said that to not trust information we are given and that everything that could have gone wrong, did.

My guesses,what ifs:
-"Celestia" is actually "Chrysalis" in disguise. From what I can see from the art of Morrigan Twistedscarlett60 posted here it looks like she is in a throne room and bedroom could be in the castle.
-"Celestia" is "Daybreaker" and "Luna" is "Nightmare Moon".They still have their sibling fight.
-"Celestia" become a "Daybreaker" instead of "Luna" becoming "Nightmare Moon".
And other combinations.
Fimfictions authors like to use these setups.

I just noticed that that new Daybreaker art was made along FwB2 art.... So yeah.
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Oct 11, 2018
Wait, there was a reason why Nightmare Moon wasn't in the first game?

Female Sombra is the least likely. Twistedscarlett60 never drawn Sombra before, and the only genderbend MLP character was Discord, Aka female draconequus, aka Eris.

I'm betting on Daybreaker and/or Nightmare Moon.

Blackcurrant said that to not trust information we are given and that everything that could have gone wrong, did.

My guesses,what ifs:
-"Celestia" is actually "Chrysalis" in disguise. From what I can see from the art of Morrigan Twistedscarlett60 posted here it looks like she is in a throne room and bedroom could be in the castle.
-"Celestia" is "Daybreaker" and "Luna" is "Nightmare Moon".They still have their sibling fight.
-"Celestia" become a "Daybreaker" instead of "Luna" becoming "Nightmare Moon".
And other combinations.
Fimfictions authors like to use these setups.

I just noticed that that new Daybreaker art was made along FwB2 art.... So yeah.
Chrysalis was the main Villain in FwB1 hence why Nightmare Moon wasn't there to focus one a single Villain.
It's also why I don't think it's Chrysalis in FwB2.
Daybreaker Twilight would have notes as she still seem to have contact with Celestia but it's not impossible.
1 of the reasons I think it's Nightmare Moon is we have only gotten to see Luna's silhouette so fare.
The reason why I joked about it being Sombra is because of the ponies who entered the dark zone gets changed.
Maybe it's Nerath Goddess of Nightmares and Aqasha Goddess of Destruction from Jyc Row's songs.

I at least hope Nightmare Moon is in FwB2 if Daybreaker is too the better it is then I just need Midnight Sparkle and my Villain Harem is complete (Nightmare Moon, Chrysalis, Midnight Sparkle and Daybreaker):ROFLMAO:


Apr 23, 2021
Daybreaker Twilight would have notes as she still seem to have contact with Celestia but it's not impossible.
That why I pointed out what Blackcurrant said.
I read enough stories to be especially wary of Celestia(you don't want to know how bad she can be), but her mentioning to us to not trust information we are given, I knew I was right.

If Celestia turned into Daybreaker 1000 years ago and is to this day like that, then everyone sees that as something normal. Especailly Twilight
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