Ren'Py - Frozen Past [v0.38] [Leonave]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great game in early development. Some people do not like MC's passive behavior which i didn't like either but after playing 3 times i say this is a food game. Dev have story this behaviour is part of the plot. He is learning he will get better and will play hero role. Right now free roam
    is kind of messy lots of clicking if you have to change time you have to come out to world map. characters are good with good script.
    Story is unfolding on a good pace not rushing with his role, who he was
    are they still his family, what was he doing, why his sister is like that etc
    it create suspense right now it is good i hope dev doesn't make it boring.

    I hope dev should make it like balanced game not like other games, where girls just fucking MC and he playing larger then life kind of role and fucking without any sentiment. Characters should have mind and do not afraid to
    speak out their mind when get angry and doesn't rip off their cloth
    to say sorry to MC. there are lots of things that can make a good game like
    this a bad mindless game . But so far Dev know what he want and making
    a good game.

    Dev i hope you make it more sentimental everyone needs MC but he also need others to fight to survive where others opinion matters. Girls love MC and he love them back but he has to listen to them. Girls do not constantly show how much they love him but he know they will not him down i think this goes with character's behaviour like MC's sister.

    Trans/Futa. this is good i wanted this type game. in future sex scenes should be more romantic depending on character. MC's mom should stay in that business woman role and train MC teach him how to operate a business
    her role should be loving with strong woman (not that type i will fuck you with biggest dick) more like strong/demanding aura but still caring respecting, like that lady in De luca family head.

    Sorry this is just excitement. I hope you drop a big update soon. Good Luck
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    It's actually pretty bad. The story commits the cardinal sin of the protagonist not being the actual protagonist.

    Things are happening around him, that he kind of gets glimpses of, but if he wants to get involved, the sister or whoever shows up and shouts "Shut up, bro! You're not allowed! Fuck off back to school, or wherever!"

    It's like if Harry Potter wasn't allowed to go to Hogwarts, because it would be too dangerous. Or Frodo was forced to stay in Rivendell , instead of traveling with the ring. And Aragorn would be sending him eagles with messages "Yeah, we just had an epic adventure in Moria. Gandalf is dead btw. And we're with the elves now... But I cannot say anything more, or Sauron might intercept the eagles! Have fun! You still are totally the ring bearer! We're just filling in for you temporarily. So shut up and be good. And Boromir says he hates you."

    This would be fine if at least the pron was good. It isn't. There's barely any scenes. And what is there is meh at best.

    So in short, a hard pass. There are much better VNs here to fap to.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    EDIT: I have to change my rating from 4 to 2 stars. This game is not shaping up how I had expected. The sandbox is really not necessary, the MC and by extension the player still has little agency.

    I think what really grates on me is how you feel like such an NPC in this game. You're not even treated like an errand boy completing fetch quests, just used to tie the story together (barely). I may change it again later down the road, but this game needs way more work before I reconsider it's quality again.

    Pretty disappointing.

    I like the story and the characters.
    I like a slow burn don't get me wrong, but the majority of the action in this game is for other characters. Your sister cockblocks you, admittedly accidentally molests you and still gets some, which is clearly available regularly for her. The cool detective, you know they weren't just "friends" close they were "buttsex" close. COOL. Meanwhile the game manages to pitch that ppl are pretty free with affection. Except for you, unless you count poor Rachel. Goddamn but she gets blueballed bad! The MC at least gets a pity wank and a bribe wank. Like I said I like a slow burn, but when the sex is comming fast and loose for EVERYONE ELSE and your apparent antagonist is getting more then you do...

    It's not a slow burn it's just voyeurism/sadism being inflicted on the player.

    I can't help but think you're supposed to despise your "family". They hide shit from you and even seem to deliberately tease you with clues, just to see how you'll act. Not to mentioned they probably have you chipped like a pet dog. Once you find out what the fuck happened I'm sure you'll be able to accept their apologetic feelings or whatever bullshit reason they have, but I cannot at this point say I'll accept them as a player. Your Corpo CEO mommy is making you dance to see if you remember whatever your sister put you on ice for and your sister is a fucking MANCHILD, there is no chill except with the detective a little.

    You can't convince me that this mega corp couldn't afford even a basic modern car in decent condition, this bitch is pushing your buttons for vengeance and coming up short and almost regretting picking on your empty shell self...ALMOST!

    All I'm saying is the dev has a lot of narrative ground to cover to make up for how fucked up it is to abandon an amnesiac in the middle the night with no means of contacting anyone and then acting like a fucking dickhead to the one person who acts like a human being. Who unfortunately is prolly an agent for another corpo, and/or is going to suffer terribly for associating with you for being a member of one.

    TL;DR It's good, but I won't give it a 5th star because I feel like as a player I'm being targeted with sadistic tendencies in this writing. What with the blue balling and hinting that the second most interesting potential LI knows what your "sister's" cock tastes like and MS. SHORT also has it in for Rachel.

    P.S. for clarity I recognize Big E is a chick, I'm just saying "sister" because she acts like she hates pretending to be your sister :p
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    the graphics are good ....and thats it ,goes down hill from there. i have played through the end of second chapter and im honestly annoyed . i enjoy a good story and intrigue but the the more i played the more questions i had . it seems the dev spends their time coming up with mysteries without giving any answers . for a new game to have 2 full chapters that is filled with a passive MC , a family that seems to hate him , and with the exception of 1 character everyone is either lying to or hiding things from him and to top it all off nothing but unanswered questions. hands down the worse 22.50 i've ever spent.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Let's get to it: The game finally features an MC which is actually worried about having anmesia an seems traumatized by it, and not just the first ten seconds of the game. BUT as in many games the MC lacks of backbone, I am not asking for a Gary Sue, but middle grounds do exist. I hate a passive MC, you don't actually have any sex scenes with your MC.

    One point in wich I strongly disagree is that characters, specially the sister are the same as in other games. The sister is wicked af, usually most bitchy characters are putted in place after a "RAGE MOMENT WHERE I SCREAM THAT I'M DONE WITH YOUR ATTITUDE" by the MC and that's the end of their deep bitchery, whereas this is a shady and interesting character. BUT I must agree that secondary characters are indeed copypaste.

    Sex scenes if you like futas are ok, but need some improvement. The plot is interesting and seems well thinked and really good.

    • MC is worried by his problem and tries to find a solution for a change
    • Sister is a very good character
    • Writing is average good
    • Renders are pretty good
    • A very nice plot
    • Passive af MC using the amnesia as an excuse for slow burning
    • Little sex content
    • Secondary characters are the same as in other games and some have little to no content like the mother
    • Animations are low average
    This game is a 6.5 out of 10 right now but with potential to become an 8. Give it a try if you like futa and/or good plots.

    EDIT: Came back two years later, not only the MC now makes my point about caring about his amnesia outdated (as he does not give a fuck anymore) but the game has had zero progression in two years, the menu is cranky and bugged. The game overall has worsened a lot. Shame.
  6. 1.00 star(s)

    Before I Forget

    Another empty game that features more of the same thing. Pushover main character that's easy persuaded by anyone or anything, amnesia games are so overdone and boring now.

    No one that's memorable, there's futas but they're all the same. The main character looks like a dork, bitchy "roommate", the usual stuff.



    Re-hashed amnesia game, same types of personalities. Heavily revolves around Futas with gigantic dongs and a main character that's curious. Another sandbox with limited content, which leaves players feeling cold and lonely.

  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I like this game. I'm a sucker for memory lost game. There's a lot of tags that tick my list. This is a very new game. I wish there was a kind of Hint menu that would allows us to confirmed if we're done or not. I think I've done every potential action for an extra week to ensure I didn't miss anything before stopping. A walkthrough would be fun as well.
    I'll be following the updates and hoping for some good amount of new content.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Frozen Past [v0.05]

    • A nice thrilling story.
    • Excellent quality of image renders, Scenes / environments and surroundings picturizations
    • Excellent quality of animations
    • Portraying third gender as normal way is good to understand that the world has to accept and respect as normality and equally.

    • No indication any incest so far maybe in upcoming versions!
    • Nothing much of game or any decision making for the players just to follow the story; of course the story is interesting so nothing drawback
    • Lack of seductiveness in sexual approach
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    i like the art and the premise as well as the fact it has every fetish im into rn. the demo left a bit to be desired because it only had a few H-scenes but i enjoy the characters and the backgrounds are decent
  10. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 396172

    Gameplay : ✭✭✭✭✰
    Story : ✭✭✭✭✭
    Spelling : ✭✭✭✭✰
    renders : ✭✭✭✭✰
    Animations: ✭✭✭✰✰
    Potential : ✭✭✭✭✭
    Overall : ✭✭✭✭✰
    Girls physique : ✭✭✭✭✰
    Graphic : ✭✭✭✭✰
    Sex Content : ✭✭✭✰✰
    Creativity :✭✭✭✭✰
    Note :

    you should definitely try it .

    the developer working hard for his game , he got my respect .
    all the best for him.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game really surprised me. The grafics and the sandbox elements of the gameplay fit perfectly, it is very well written, the story is great and very intriguing , the animations are the only thing that i think can get better attention in the development.
    If you like games with futa/trans content this your game.

    At this point (v0.05) there isn't a lot of sex content but i understand that this is in the very early stages of development so hope to see this game supported and recognised so we can get better and bigger updates in the future.

  12. 1.00 star(s)


    The good

    The renders are very good.
    The setting seems interesting.

    The Bad

    The characters are poorly written with their decisions not making sense sometimes.
    The story is bad.
    The dialogues are bad.
    The sandbox openworld elements are not really needed. Seems that they're just in the game so that it seems longer as there's not much in the story.
    The MC is really passive not acting on his own just reacting to the world.
    It feels like if you skip the futa content half of the game is not gonna happen for you.

    Also on a personal note fu x male not really my cup of tea but as many people like it, there could be an option by the dev for the gender of the MC while keeping the majority of the game similar. If the MC was female for this game i would've given it 2 stars, maybe even 3.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    I would like to give this game a higher score, because male on futa/trap, and incest are my two favorite VN genres, however this game has 3 main problems so far. 1 there are 2 unavoidable rape scenes, you can skip them but they still happen, they are to two non-LI's but I if there is rape in a VN I would rather the MC be the one doing the action, not it happening with other people. 2nd issue is that the MC has only 2 scenes so far and they are both handjobs, with the only sex scenes being the 2 aforementioned rape scenes, this is way too little content for the MC of a VN. Finally 3 it seems to be that the game is going to cater to futa on Male action as the MC is almost raped himself by someone, which is not my cuppa tea so i cannot rate it higher than 2 stars for now.

    If more content is added in the future i will update the rating.
  14. 2.00 star(s)

    Mr. Dom

    The writing/story is horrible, even without the awful engrish. Images are mediocre at best. Can definitely use a proper english editor for spelling, grammar, and endless punctuation mistakes. Could make the MC a little less stupid in the story, unless its states somewhere after the hospital (as that is as far as I could go) that he has a severe mental handycap from the "accident." The MC also has females flocking to him even though he has the charisma of a pile of shit.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This has a lot of potential.
    Story 5/5 Really good mystery and dialogue, the characters felt real to me
    Sound 5/5 Never felt out of place, pleasant
    Graphics 5/5 Really nice design
    UI 4/5 You get the hang of it, would prefer a highlight
    The rape scene in the prison which the dev actually took time to develop was really good, i loved the dialogue and having the girl be treated as a piece of meat felt really nice either putting myself in her or the futa's place.
    The first bathroom scene i missed and only saw after checking the comments, didn't really like it because the design of the professor reminded me of those cheap anime porn games, honestly felt like a stock design to quickly put a scene together, the prison scene that had actual original designs was really fucking good, specially the personality of the characters.
    Personally loved the sister and her design, and how she reacted actually, idk why people are saying she was way too cold, honestly didn't seem that way to me, but people live different lives and have different expectations of what's normal, hopefully the author doesn't take too much heed of the criticism of those people as i believe the current dialogue is just fine.
    Saw a lot of complaints about the grammar and sentence structure, this feels like it's coming mostly from native english speakers, me having english as a second language i had no trouble understanding the intent and context of the words like "landlady" "my mother's daughter", they made sense to me and i feel that it's because like the author english isn't my native language so i felt less "restricted" ? and had no trouble understanding and it didn't feel out of place at all and made sense to me in regards to how the characters were acting.
    I think this has huge potential, i never skipped the dialogue once and thats fucking rare as fuck, this has such a good story and dialogue, good for the author!
    Personally not a big fan of the mother's design, but you can't please everyone, i'm sure a lot of people liked it.
    I personally never played the version without the arrows, but after a while you get the hang of it and it's fine, personally a highlight on clickable things would be nice, then i probably wouldn't have missed the bathroom rape scene.
    Also i don't think the sister is a sociopath at all and people are clearly overreacting, hopefully the author pays no heed to those people, i felt bad reading so many bad comments but felt relieved when seeing the reviews but nevertheless decided to post my own, i worry the author thinks it's bad after seeing so many bad comments but i think most people that comment probably are always gonna do it to complain anyway
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    + The renders are solid.
    + The GUI is very helpful so you won't get lost navigating some of the more complex sandbox areas.
    + The animations are smooth and sweet.
    + Trans/Futa content <3 (optional if you are not into that)
    + The story is decent and offers a nice mystery to look forward as the story progresses.
    + The music is pretty good.

    - The setting is not super original, amnesia guy going through school and stuff.
    - The sex scenes are smooth but could use a little bit more variety in camera angles.

    Overall I think is a very enjoyable game, is kinda early in development so we are still scratching the surface of the plot and the characters but so far I enjoyed what I played and Im looking forward the next update.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    So far terrible. For starters there is an incest path, but there is not even a hint of any relationship with any relative besides small conversations.

    Second and maybe most importatn the responsiveness is laggy as hell, some things may take up to 1 second to load, and im talking about clics on stuff, which in a sandbox navigation is a game killer.

    Another part is that, despite the fact that its a sandbox gameplay, so far there is no place to go, besides the exact place that moves the story forward.

    The sexual content part....Well:
    I have seen a totally out of nowhere and free "rape" scene wiht the msot basic dialogue and an animation playing. So far doesnt seem to be any subplot there. And a person who just watches a girl being raped and does nothing abut it is the biggest shit you can ever imagine. Mc didnt have much personality to begin with, but afer this scene he could die already, i dont care, this character is shit.

    Then you have the option to accept some "herma" whic i thought it was some plot related terminology, but when i learned it was actually a word for futa, i understood it was gameplay related, not plot related.
    So you have the option to accept this character as sexual interest, but this character comes with the full package, if you like the girl and dont want to suck dicks, you better forget about her.

    For "sexual" content you have one girl that flashes you, and one nurse that maybe wants to blow you, i rejected her, cause i hate free out of nowhere sex.

    And the "sister" is a Tsundere, so, nothing to expect for the next year. The mother is missing for the most part so far, so nothing here either. You will hve to stick to side characters and hope that at least one of them is an heterosexual female.

    Nothin remarkable about the sex animations, i think those are used quite often in some daz games, but depending on those exclusively makes the sex scene boring, you can not know the contxt of the secene cause there is no text during its playback.

    As I sad, terrible, my dick didnt even react, not even in anticipation.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3589835

    Love Love Love this game! The waking up with no recollection is mysterious however the untold hidden past with the Herma project and the mysterious new guardian is awesome! Good sex scenes and characters as well as their development i highly recommend this game!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I am impressed with this game.
    The game has amazing graphics, interesting characters, and most importantly a good story with perfectly written dialogues.
    This game was the first one that caused me so many positive emotions that I already decided to write a review
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I was very pleasantly surprised by this game! I love that it doesn't make futa/trans characters these sex machines, but instead they have feelings, flaws and are overall, just as human as everybody else. Also, the game does well at not revealing everything from the get-go and lets the player figure stuff out for himself, which also gets him more invested in the story. I'm impatiently waiting for the next update!