I will try and answer on your points with my point of view.So, here's an idea: Maybe the Dev should remove the incest Tag if there's no incest content?
I don't know about others but, for me, the Dev managed to antagonize the family so thoroughly that I'm actively rooting for the MC to hurt them. I'm actually hoping he's just acting like an amnesiac and is, indeed, responsible for the cyberattacks. They would deserve it.
It would also explain SO MUCH!
1.The way he seemingly doesn't really care about the family treating him like unwanted baggage would make sense if he's already getting his revenge.
2.The way he's taking everything in strides, despite not getting any meaningful support whatsoever while being thrown into unknown surroundings, would make sense if he's NOT actually amnesic.
3.The way he's perfectly fine with living in a total stranger's house would make sense if he knows it's still better than being with his family.
4.The way his "suicide"-attempt came completely out of left field, without any buildup, warning, or explanation, would make sense if it was just a means to get the psychologist's full support for a future scheme.
5.The way we no longer get the option to respond in an appropriate manner when being abandoned once again, after the mother took him to work for all of an hour, makes sense if he saw it as an opportunity to gain more intel to use against them.
I mean, seriously, think about it:
5.The dude allegedly tried to kill himself over how sad and lonely he was, but the psychologist his mother got him talked him out of it. Then, after WEEKS of TOTAL absence and disinterest in her child, his mother suddenly shows up at that stranger's house to finally spend some time with him, but leaves him behind once again when that alarm conveniently goes off and cuts their reunion short. And he doesn't give a rat's ass about it! He's understanding and compassionate, and, for the first time, we do not get the choice to throw an appropriate comment her way! Tell me that doesn't look like he just wanted her to leave so he could gain a little more access to their facilities!
1.He cares or else he wouldn't try to go back in cryo.
2.He is taking everything in strides because he has amnesia, imagine you wake up after 4 years in a hospital bed with no memories and a woman comes and tells you she is your mother, you are like "Ok" you accept that but you don't remember her or anything for that matter, so you don't feel attached to her or your sister.
3.He is fine living with a stranger because she is the first person that show that she cares for him, while on the other hand his sister is indifferent to him and cold, he tries to learn why etc. and thanks to the detective he finds out about the hacker and the timeline fits the time he went to cryo, so he somewhat "understands" why his family treats him that way.
4.His "suicide"is a bit abrupt but it is also like a "burst"of his emotions , he wakes up 4 years after with no memories and the people that say are his family seem not to care and are indifferent to him and he feels completely alone and helpless so in an emotional state of mind he thinks "what's good to be "alive"again?if he is alone and his family ignores him" thus the cryo.
5.From the latest update it seems that his mother cares for him but his sister and head of security in the company is calling the shots on how to treat him so far, it seems she is testing him to see if he really has no memories or if he is playing them, she is "cruel"because she thinks he is responsible for the hacking and probably for the death of their sister and until she is convinced otherwise she will continue with her plan.
Again "he doesn't give a rats"its more like he has/feels? apathy ,so he is also understanding , he is amnesiac after all.
Well this is how I see it
PS.In the last update we also see in the last visit to the doctor while he kiss her he gets a flashback ,a memory of 2 women kissing and he wonders what was that , this makes it more evident that he really has amnesia and he doesn't pretend.