Who has the best Ass? https://f95zone.to/threads/funkelregen-v0-7-janamus-sura.164991/post-15916456

  • Ladira

    Votes: 23 8.5%
  • Sarlé

    Votes: 28 10.4%
  • Annica

    Votes: 11 4.1%
  • Zoela

    Votes: 21 7.8%
  • Sabrina

    Votes: 53 19.6%
  • Rachel

    Votes: 34 12.6%
  • Pirlia

    Votes: 19 7.0%
  • Saefia

    Votes: 40 14.8%
  • Lintar

    Votes: 41 15.2%

  • Total voters


New Member
Oct 25, 2022
It's not actually a forced loss... it's rather a "survive x amount of time/rounds", but the game doesn't tell you that directly.
Due to suboptimal balancing, it may seem like a forced loss...
I can confirm that, in a single fight, by just repairing the station every turn so that it doesn't die (the station doesn't have enough damage output to do much beyond maybe killing a single of the enemy assists so it doesn't matter what you do with it), and if you're lucky for them to not target the funkelregen enough, then if you survive by the time you run out of energy on the funkelregen a cutscene will stop the fight and then spoilers and then after that the fight will resume and be unironically impossible to loose.


New Member
Oct 25, 2022
As for feedback on the text wall:

for the combat minigame,
I would argue it feels very clumsy in the way it's attached to the game, I would naturaly expect a more properly implemented RPG-lite setup whereby you get introduced to weak ennemies as tutorial then get into actual fights with a grinding system so that if you suck too much at figuring out the optimal tactic, you can still grind levels and improve your stats to get a better chance of winning next time (example being lust harem's fighting system which is equaly barebones but workable without having to tryhard too much). However I can recon how that's both hard to implement and potentialy another thing for people to hate on.

So I recon with the current setup you should keep a very consencious eye on the difficulty balance and unironically beta test the fight difficulty before hand because if you intend to use that minigame more, it shouldn't be off-putting to players that are open to the idea just because of poor balancing.

Also when you want fights "scripted" for story-telling purposes, it shouldn't be tuned too extreme nor be only feasable with a convoluted tactic, you should balance for thrill while staying straight forward, that is for an ennemy you shouldn't win against, making the ennemy definitly undefeatable but weak enough to give the illusion of a chance of winning to a player trying hard, that will get players more engaged with the fight, and stay coherent with the rest of the game, the game is particularly lenient on conditions so be lenient with your survival conditions, for example you settled the current fight to 8 turns, if a player is not particularly trying he will die within 2~3 turns (1st turn will nearly neutralise the station, 2nd turn should neutralise the station and should also neutralise funkelregen, I give 1 turn of leeway if they use a repair 1st turn but screw up the next turn), so 8 was way too far, you could have made it a 5 turns survival one, as a player you know in a single turn it's unwinnable by looking at your DPS (enemy regen is superior to your damage output) and it's confirmed on the second turn when you see the funkel's energy deplition rate (you can't repair/reconstruct enough to win from attrition), so at that point your current design choice was pushing people to either savescum and try again to find a strategy that works even tho it seems impossible, or just give up outright and not play that part of the game because most people won't push a lost fight 6 turns past the point where he knows it's unwinnable, that's litteral insanity, so bad design.

That is something you should keep in mind when balancing those fights, beyond the raw stats and numbers, how would a bad player or a player not trying perform, and you should scale on that duration, pushing too far will always be shooting yourself in the foot even if not pushing it far enough may not convey the exact nuance of sense of struggle you want to convey.

Also, and that's personal flair, when you want "scripted" victories, no need to tune it up too extreme either, for example the hera didn't need to be like that, overall since you're displaying the stats you want those displayed stats to make sense with the capabilities of the ship, basicaly the hera shouldn't change drastically in stats from a fight to another, to avoid the imposter syndrom, it's like when you fight a boss that's super strong and when he joins your side he becomes weak AF, you absolutely want to avoid that.

I would advise you make a spreadsheet with all your vessel's stats and balance them *to scale* accordingly to how strong they should be lore-wise so that they always have the same or at least very similar stats in battle, that way you have a better feeling as the player to gauge the strength of the ships, and this also allows you to put things into proper perspective, like sure we have the perspective that the hera is umongously strong because it's like 10k/20k, but even if it was just a 2k/8k ship it'd be the same feeling, similarly while the DPS of the hera at least had the merit of being much more balanced, having attacks that oneshot also doesn't feel right unless there's lore to justify it being stronger. Like sure tunning it down means a realy realy bad player can still loose it or sttrugle but it makes the battle more meaningfull both in terms of gameplay and in terms of storytelling. Also, if you want to display a ship being weaker than normal, you can just have them be at depleted stats, for example instead of fighting an ennemy battleship with like 100/500 which is basicaly the strength of funkelregen, you could instead have it be a ship that's 1k/5k but with only 10% of shield/HP remaining, same fight in practice but in terms of stats it's more coherent and in terms of story telling it properly conveys how weakenned the ship is.

for sabrina's leg,
as a sabrina simp (I came in for zoela, saefia and sabrina specificaly and sabrina is the only one of the 3 that has yet not been disapointing contentwise), I prefer the cybernetic one, 2 main reasons being 1- it makes more sense in character and lore, it's also better in terms of character development, that's a flaw that makes her interesting and *good*, so it's peak material to make her character grow and eventualy fix the problem in some way, be it litteral or by accepting it with its advantages and its flaws. 2- it also makes her unique, as a thigh worshipper that is actively turned off by girls being too muscular because that makes the leg less soft which is a bad point to me, I should like organic more, however it removes part of her character, part of what makes her unique, plus there's that exotic appeal as well, it's not because it's robotic that it can't feel nice and what she can do with her cybernetic leg is extra over a regular leg which is added bonus.

for NTR,
yeah, it was obvious, to be fair, devs tend to add a lot of netori which is somehow more accepted (like sure you don't like being a cuckhold, understandable, but you enjoy cucking someone, that's equaly moraly questionable to me; like at least make them break up before getting to fuck/romance is the way I prefer those things to be handled); so yeah I understand having another guy in the ship, that makes sense lore-wise, we all know the chances of being the single male in an otherwise all-female ship are near 0, the issue is that similarly to Red in oppai odyssey, we all know that whatever you do with him people will be unhappy, making him have nothing people will whine he's useless and irrelevant and so shouldn't be here, make him have a girl, then people will want him to cuck him and steal his girl, make any form of NTR content be it with him or MC being the cucks in any format and people will also while because it's NTR, it's a similar problem to a lesser degree if you add a femboy and people will whine it's gay or whatever similar situation. Return to oppai odyssey, the only good usage of a male character that's rather hard to do would be to make it a sidekick bro to MC, not necesserly with bromance and whatnot, but just have it be a cool guy like Vann, the main issue is that adrian is not that at all and making him be like that would be harder than just getting him oof'd. That would make the character more respected than if it was a detestable or pathetic guy or than if it was the comic relief side kick litteraly nobody wants because it's too annoying, awkard and cringe but the dev added in anyway; and that would even push people to be open to the idea of him getting laid with a girl that you won't have in your harem or may agree to share. Like dude is such a bro, he deserves to also get some pussy.

As a more general feedback to tag along the "combat is attached in a clumsy way"; overall your integration of the various gameplay elements is very very rough, it's not that it's lacking polishing, the polish doesn't even exist on that one :sweat_smile:.
I know it's low priority and there's coding hurdles to the process both in terms of coding/UI skills and renpy limitations, but trying to better integrate stuff would help your game feel much nicer, the lack of clarity/polish in the UI, the way the UI isn't matching the aesthetics of the game in a way that feels very cartoon-y, the way the ship's map, the traveling and combat + relevant transitions from one to the other (or lack thereof) seriously get in the way of enjoying the game, not because it's bad per say but because it feels very junky, clumsy or even buggy which is distracting and usualy sign of a bad game in general (alltho as I prefaced I perfectly understand why it's low priority as efforts made on that could have instead been better invested on working on the actual game proper).
But that lack of polish also gets in the way of general QoL, for example the quest tab is both a failure as a final product and a failure as a in-dev game one; by that I mean it filters by active and completed, however that doesn't make sense in a game that's in-dev since you have currently-completed quests cluttering the active list so you have to search for a while to see which one you haven't completed in your version of the game, similarly there's no realy usefull categorisation between the quests, you don't realy know what is the main quest proper, what is the main quest for each LI, what are just tertiary quests, like sure they're grouped somehow and there's an indication of which characters are involved in the quest which is better QoL than nothing but for the whole QoL point of having a quest tab in the first place it's something you loose a lot of time on because you have to actively "fight" against it every time you have to use it because it's not made well. (Made well to me would be that in terms of the game being in dev, I can quickly/effortlessly find what I have to do to get to the update's new content or just content scaling to my progression level, that is if I just started the game today, I should be able to use it to quickly figure what I have to do if I want to progress through the main story or if I want to progress with X character, and anything that can clutter such as finished quests or quests that I cannot progress in given the current update should be removed or move elsewhere in a place it doesn't matter.)
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Devoted Member
Jun 26, 2018
As for feedback on the text wall:

for the combat minigame,
I would argue it feels very clumsy in the way it's attached to the game, I would naturaly expect a more properly implemented RPG-lite setup whereby you get introduced to weak ennemies as tutorial then get into actual fights with a grinding system so that if you suck too much at figuring out the optimal tactic, you can still grind levels and improve your stats to get a better chance of winning next time (example being lust harem's fighting system which is equaly barebones but workable without having to tryhard too much). However I can recon how that's both hard to implement and potentialy another thing for people to hate on.

So I recon with the current setup you should keep a very consencious eye on the difficulty balance and unironically beta test the fight difficulty before hand because if you intend to use that minigame more, it shouldn't be off-putting to players that are open to the idea just because of poor balancing.

Also when you want fights "scripted" for story-telling purposes, it shouldn't be tuned too extreme nor be only feasable with a convoluted tactic, you should balance for thrill while staying straight forward, that is for an ennemy you shouldn't win against, making the ennemy definitly undefeatable but weak enough to give the illusion of a chance of winning to a player trying hard, that will get players more engaged with the fight, and stay coherent with the rest of the game, the game is particularly lenient on conditions so be lenient with your survival conditions, for example you settled the current fight to 8 turns, if a player is not particularly trying he will die within 2~3 turns (1st turn will nearly neutralise the station, 2nd turn should neutralise the station and should also neutralise funkelregen, I give 1 turn of leeway if they use a repair 1st turn but screw up the next turn), so 8 was way too far, you could have made it a 5 turns survival one, as a player you know in a single turn it's unwinnable by looking at your DPS (enemy regen is superior to your damage output) and it's confirmed on the second turn when you see the funkel's energy deplition rate (you can't repair/reconstruct enough to win from attrition), so at that point your current design choice was pushing people to either savescum and try again to find a strategy that works even tho it seems impossible, or just give up outright and not play that part of the game because most people won't push a lost fight 6 turns past the point where he knows it's unwinnable, that's litteral insanity, so bad design.

That is something you should keep in mind when balancing those fights, beyond the raw stats and numbers, how would a bad player or a player not trying perform, and you should scale on that duration, pushing too far will always be shooting yourself in the foot even if not pushing it far enough may not convey the exact nuance of sense of struggle you want to convey.

Also, and that's personal flair, when you want "scripted" victories, no need to tune it up too extreme either, for example the hera didn't need to be like that, overall since you're displaying the stats you want those displayed stats to make sense with the capabilities of the ship, basicaly the hera shouldn't change drastically in stats from a fight to another, to avoid the imposter syndrom, it's like when you fight a boss that's super strong and when he joins your side he becomes weak AF, you absolutely want to avoid that.

I would advise you make a spreadsheet with all your vessel's stats and balance them *to scale* accordingly to how strong they should be lore-wise so that they always have the same or at least very similar stats in battle, that way you have a better feeling as the player to gauge the strength of the ships, and this also allows you to put things into proper perspective, like sure we have the perspective that the hera is umongously strong because it's like 10k/20k, but even if it was just a 2k/8k ship it'd be the same feeling, similarly while the DPS of the hera at least had the merit of being much more balanced, having attacks that oneshot also doesn't feel right unless there's lore to justify it being stronger. Like sure tunning it down means a realy realy bad player can still loose it or sttrugle but it makes the battle more meaningfull both in terms of gameplay and in terms of storytelling. Also, if you want to display a ship being weaker than normal, you can just have them be at depleted stats, for example instead of fighting an ennemy battleship with like 100/500 which is basicaly the strength of funkelregen, you could instead have it be a ship that's 1k/5k but with only 10% of shield/HP remaining, same fight in practice but in terms of stats it's more coherent and in terms of story telling it properly conveys how weakenned the ship is.
The first fight was very easy, the second basically impossible. I guess a middle ground is appropriate.

for sabrina's leg,
as a sabrina simp (I came in for zoela, saefia and sabrina specificaly and sabrina is the only one of the 3 that has yet not been disapointing contentwise), I prefer the cybernetic one, 2 main reasons being 1- it makes more sense in character and lore, it's also better in terms of character development, that's a flaw that makes her interesting and *good*, so it's peak material to make her character grow and eventualy fix the problem in some way, be it litteral or by accepting it with its advantages and its flaws. 2- it also makes her unique, as a thigh worshipper that is actively turned off by girls being too muscular because that makes the leg less soft which is a bad point to me, I should like organic more, however it removes part of her character, part of what makes her unique, plus there's that exotic appeal as well, it's not because it's robotic that it can't feel nice and what she can do with her cybernetic leg is extra over a regular leg which is added bonus.
I totally ruled out Zoela after her first scene (of which I only saw the beginning). I'm not thrilled with Saefia, I find it hard to see her as a LI. I do like Sabrina.

for NTR,
yeah, it was obvious, to be fair, devs tend to add a lot of netori which is somehow more accepted (like sure you don't like being a cuckhold, understandable, but you enjoy cucking someone, that's equaly moraly questionable to me; like at least make them break up before getting to fuck/romance is the way I prefer those things to be handled); so yeah I understand having another guy in the ship, that makes sense lore-wise, we all know the chances of being the single male in an otherwise all-female ship are near 0, the issue is that similarly to Red in oppai odyssey, we all know that whatever you do with him people will be unhappy, making him have nothing people will whine he's useless and irrelevant and so shouldn't be here, make him have a girl, then people will want him to cuck him and steal his girl, make any form of NTR content be it with him or MC being the cucks in any format and people will also while because it's NTR, it's a similar problem to a lesser degree if you add a femboy and people will whine it's gay or whatever similar situation. Return to oppai odyssey, the only good usage of a male character that's rather hard to do would be to make it a sidekick bro to MC, not necesserly with bromance and whatnot, but just have it be a cool guy like Vann, the main issue is that adrian is not that at all and making him be like that would be harder than just getting him oof'd. That would make the character more respected than if it was a detestable or pathetic guy or than if it was the comic relief side kick litteraly nobody wants because it's too annoying, awkard and cringe but the dev added in anyway; and that would even push people to be open to the idea of him getting laid with a girl that you won't have in your harem or may agree to share. Like dude is such a bro, he deserves to also get some pussy.
Don't worry too much about Adrian because according to the poll he won't last long on the ship. In fact the Dev has already confirmed that he lasts until the next update.


Forum Fanatic
Mar 22, 2020
Updated Android port. Nothing too fancy but let me know if you have any issues.

Version: 0.7

Appreciate my porting? Leave a Tip! You're supporting my efforts, paying for storage, and encouraging more ports!
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This unofficial port/version is not released by the developer, download at your own risk.

PLEASE don't reply, or @ me, or DM me for updates. I always update my ports, YES I ALREADY KNOW ABOUT THE UPDATE.
If you ping me for updates, I will mark you account as ignored.


Size 2015 MB

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Game Developers: Want to talk about an official Android version for your game? Come join my Discord.
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Apr 13, 2021
got destroyed multiple times during the 2nd fight due to bad rng, just "force" enemys to fire at stuff we "construct" first, at least if it is something big (like a station), also not sure if it is me or the game, but showing quests like aff (9/20) suggest that it is possible to reach it, while it is not whithin the current version?

Janamus Sura

Game Developer
Jun 25, 2023

Took me long enough, but here is finally the second beta. Here you will find the quartet of breakfast events as well as several main quest steps, which we almost exclusively follow around Sara. Additionally, there's also a Rachel event as a cheery on top (see the pic above...):
Changelog (compared to public release 0.7):
  • 695 new HD renders
  • 7 new animation
  • 3.915 new lines of code
  • 9 new soundtracks/SFX
  • 1 new sex scene
  • minigame rebalancing
Current stats:
  • 8.422 HD renders
  • 327 animations
  • 71.677 lines of code
  • 221 soundtracks/SFX
  • about 8 in-game weeks of content
Of course, I've heard your criticism of the latest minigame and I have nerfed it quite a bit...

Additionally, in this update, I've broken a bit with my usual style of animation, which consisted of simply a back-and-forth between two poses. Here I tried to introduce a little bit of variety into the animations, so please let me know, what you think about it.

Lastly, I have no idea, when the next updates will come out... As I've said, I will have much stress privately the next 2 months and I don't know how much time I will have for the game. The next beta will come around in 2 weeks or 2 months...

The Patreon-only beta can be acquired here:
The last public update (V0.7) can be downloaded for free here:

Preview images:

Janamus Sura

Game Developer
Jun 25, 2023
got destroyed multiple times during the 2nd fight due to bad rng, just "force" enemys to fire at stuff we "construct" first, at least if it is something big (like a station), also not sure if it is me or the game, but showing quests like aff (9/20) suggest that it is possible to reach it, while it is not whithin the current version?
Rebalaning the minigame is already in the making. Additionally, there's a 12.5% chance for enemies to hit Funkelregen when hiding behind the station (2.2 km diameter) and 0% in the presence of Hera (10 km length).

Screenshot 2024-09-08 115312.png

Janamus Sura

Game Developer
Jun 25, 2023
It's been a month of silence, but I'm not dead yet and I even brought gifts:
Changelog (compared to public release 0.7):
  • 1.116 new HD renders
  • 17 new animation
  • 5.605 new lines of code
  • 21 new soundtracks/SFX
  • 2 new sex scenes
Current stats:
  • 8.843 HD renders
  • 337 animations
  • 73.427 lines of code
  • 233 soundtracks/SFX
  • about 2 in-game months of content
The third and last beta consists of two parts: First we follow our newest guest around the ship - including a happy ending... The second half consists of the big final battle of Act II if you want to divide the game in chapters...

For the final release of V0.8 there's going to be the ever-present bug-hunt and search for spelling mistakes. Additionally, Rachel needs a new shower event and I'm going to implement a gallery as well, which is definitely overdue...

Furthermore, on the nice-to-have stack are only reworks of older/ugly stuff. But since March is again going to be a very stressful month for me as well, I probably won't do much... Nevertheless, I exspect the full release to roll around at the end of March or early April.

Lastly, I need to thank you all for the massive support during the latest Valintine's Day bundle Itch. I hope I will see you again when the full release hits.

The Patreon-only beta can be acquired here:
The last public update (V0.7) can be downloaded for free here:

Preview images:
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Reactions: Raksha17
3.60 star(s) 9 Votes