i've a question if somebody here use blender : i'm doing hair with curve path and circle, quite difficult for me but i managed to do a side of the head , problem there way to many object (like 20), so i decided to merge them as a single object so i can import it "all in one" on Furry VNE, BUT when i merge them (ctrl+J) they all rotate to match the rotation of the first one, ruining my hard work
i tried to rotate them in Edit mode but does'nt work, they keep the shape rotated, anyone have a solution ?
also my blender crash (forgot to save ofc...), so i remade it for the exemple :
before :
after :
Shoobies everywhere...
Ok, tourists, here's the rundown. This game is called Furry VNE. the "VNE" stands for Visual Novel Editor.
Furry is implying anthropomorphic focus. Anyone wanting humans... maybe don't hold your breath. They might be added in, but probably not. There is a model uploader, though.
As for the people clamoring for gameplay or a story, you should know that this isn't really either. It's a tool for making a visual novel with sex scenes.
getting a bit bored to answer the same kind of question again and again; people don't read, even the previous post just above their . Thx to answer them
i see..well,thx for the rundown,this is interesting for me as a character creator,but though,my pc is a toaster mashed together with a potato,so i don't think i can run this,im (almost) aways eager to try my hands at something that you can create a character on it
if you can run blender then you can run FurryVNE, and you can lower the graphism and the screen rez to have better performances.
if that doesn't work then you should consider buying a new PC, especially if you like create things in 3D =)