- Oct 20, 2019
- 29
- 232
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At first i wasnt sure what is wrong with this but then i noticed that the instead of doing a full spin the body just morphs together and the legs spin around like an unholy creation of a crazed elder god.
oh jesus i didnt notice that at firstAt first i wasnt sure what is wrong with this but then i noticed that the instead of doing a full spin the body just morphs together and the legs spin around like an unholy creation of a crazed elder god.
Bro u sound like a bot making an AD......but yeh the game itselfs looks nc to mess withBut the game for christ sake! Ure gonna fucking love it, and will not regret it. If you love furries youre not gonna like ANY other game of the sort. Once you start, you´ll see, you will NEVER want to leave.
Heres an example, this animation took me seconds to set up (apart from the time it takes to learn the basics of the program)
I got so aroused by some models I cannot stop getting excited. Sorry If I am being too sincere. But this program allows you to do all sorts of perversions without having to know anything about modelling or sculpting.
im sure some insane person will make a "furry school shooting simulator" within this thing if thats true
trueBro u sound like a bot making an AD......but yeh the game itselfs looks nc to mess with
Yeah, this game is nice and all but it's also in the early stages in terms of the interactions, what you get is not that different from the first game unless you really wanna animate with keyframes, and it has its fair share of bugs, if you know that going in then sure, go ahead and support it, but if you expect something more i'd at the very least wait for the interaction cloud to get implemented.But the game for christ sake! Ure gonna fucking love it, and will not regret it. If you love furries youre not gonna like ANY other game of the sort. Once you start, you´ll see, you will NEVER want to leave.
Heres an example, this animation took me seconds to set up (apart from the time it takes to learn the basics of the program)
I got so aroused by some models I cannot stop getting excited. Sorry If I am being too sincere. But this program allows you to do all sorts of perversions without having to know anything about modelling or sculpting.
But the game for christ sake! Ure gonna fucking love it, and will not regret it. If you love furries youre not gonna like ANY other game of the sort. Once you start, you´ll see, you will NEVER want to leave.
Heres an example, this animation took me seconds to set up (apart from the time it takes to learn the basics of the program)
I got so aroused by some models I cannot stop getting excited. Sorry If I am being too sincere. But this program allows you to do all sorts of perversions without having to know anything about modelling or sculpting.
But the game for christ sake! Ure gonna fucking love it, and will not regret it. If you love furries youre not gonna like ANY other game of the sort. Once you start, you´ll see, you will NEVER want to leave.
Heres an example, this animation took me seconds to set up (apart from the time it takes to learn the basics of the program)
I got so aroused by some models I cannot stop getting excited. Sorry If I am being too sincere. But this program allows you to do all sorts of perversions without having to know anything about modelling or sculpting.
Try BepInEx. In my tries, on launch, it'd display that unity was trying to fetch cookies or something, I couldn't understand a lot because my knowledge is extremely limited. It showed what it was trying to call.I'm diving in back i'm sick so i have time to spend and also to learn but i wonder if anyone have an account and can trace function call?
What i need is what the compiler call just before loading the game after authentication
if anyone know if there a menu when the authentication and the pledge is validated that will help too
i will continue the manual reverse but its really more time consuming without a good entry point like the latest method called inside the Verify.(x) after a true login with pledge
have patience, saying it over and over isn't helping anything.Quick investigation create more questions
If i create a request were i say all is goo 200 Ok an retuning json the game stay stuck on the verifiying... exactly the same as my bypass each time i bypass the login the game stay stuck on this screen and nothing append i really need to find someone that has an account and can say to us if after the verifiying there something
like downloading or initializing screen best case he can lend his account to me but that i dont count on it
it looks like you broke the game. When I intercept this packet and stupidly spoof the code to 200 I am again thrown from infinite verification to login. When I put for example 304 or 204 I get a new error "invalid server response". It wants code 200 with some special token. I think you should try to bypass the check in the game code itself. But yeah as you said earlier without knowing what happens after verification, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack, especially with this fucking il2cppQuick investigation create more questions
If i create a request were i say all is goo 200 Ok an retuning json the game stay stuck on the verifiying... exactly the same as my bypass each time i bypass the login the game stay stuck on this screen and nothing append i really need to find someone that has an account and can say to us if after the verifiying there something
like downloading or initializing screen best case he can lend his account to me but that i dont count on it
no IL2CPP is not the ennemy here this is what make game easy to decompile if it was not that broken by design all the code will be obfuscated IL2CPP is an interpreter that sit between the script code and the real code his task is to convert whatever language script to c# and by doing this he need to keep a file encrypted with all the struct (name of the method) and all the metadata needed to assign them to obfuscated content so it make our job easier as there a big flaw that make decrypting the container easy because the key are in the binary and with a little trick you can extract them this is what IL2CPPDUMPERit looks like you broke the game. When I intercept this packet and stupidly spoof the code to 200 I am again thrown from infinite verification to login. When I put for example 304 or 204 I get a new error "invalid server response". It wants code 200 with some special token. I think you should try to bypass the check in the game code itself. But yeah as you said earlier without knowing what happens after verification, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack, especially with this fucking il2cpp
il2cpp:00007FFBFC6E3A99 loc_7FFBFC6E3A99: ; CODE XREF: YL2_Verification_Verify$$JLJBBEPJHKC_latestCall+7C0↑j
il2cpp:00007FFBFC6E3A99 test rbp, rbp
il2cpp:00007FFBFC6E3A9C jz short loc_7FFBFC6E3AFF <=Exeption catch
il2cpp:00007FFBFC6E3A9E mov r9, rbx ; callback
il2cpp:00007FFBFC6E3AA1 mov qword ptr [rsp+48h+strict], 0 ; method
il2cpp:00007FFBFC6E3AAA mov r8, rsi ; items
il2cpp:00007FFBFC6E3AAD mov rdx, r14 ; text
il2cpp:00007FFBFC6E3AB0 mov rcx, rbp ; this
il2cpp:00007FFBFC6E3AB3 call YL2_Modal$$Show_6452275376
il2cpp:00007FFBFC6E3AB8 jmp loc_7FFBFC6E360D