Guys If you want so badly play the game,pay for It.
If not then wait,even the crackers squad dont work for free and the community had to pay them for cracking a game,especial nowdays when the anti-pirate programs getting more and more advantage.
Life Is not about getting all for free and jerk off no matter how you put this,pay and play or dont pay and dont play.
Im not protect them I just say pure facts and It Is what It Is on the other hand they dont work years for give the game for free,Its thier game and thier rights as for the peopels who pay for this,they dont care If some randoms on pirate site complain as long as thier community who pay get what they want and be happy.
For example most of us cant even bypass the anti-piracy then how you can tell If someone work slow or fast like In thier case? you see my point? and no I dont care about others devs,other studios and all that shit,each one dev Is invidual case,they dont scam anyone.
So the points of "hey Its not full product" or "this take to long to pay them" Is usseles 80% games on this site Is like early acces.
Its not like we didint get anything dont we? we can se overall how the game looks and for the animations there Is a twitter/thier forum,then you can decide If Its worth to pay or not,thats simple as It Is.
Ps.If I would crack this game by myself,I would not share It,why should I share my time for free?