You have to continue going through Hinata's events to get them. The same is true for Sarada and Sakura as well. They take you to different parts of the map that will have the ingredients you need.Where's the blueberries?
right click, scroll down while pointing at menu, save optionat the risk of sounding like a dumbass, which feels appropos atm. how the hell do you save? it's got me set to pretty much pure mouse navi, and i can't figure out how to save, unless it's auto and i forgot,
press escape and scroll down the menuHow to save manually?
It only says AutoSave. Manueles is not visible. : (press escape and scroll down the menu
I didn't see the arrowGuys, guys, for saving, you scroll down in the escape menu, not the options menu. It shows an arrow at the bottom of the menu, where it has Manual Save and Game End.
Great game, and I mean GREAT. I'm not able to review anymore but if I could I'd give it 5/5