I prefer Futa on Male, why give a girl a dick if she ain't gonna use it is my opinion
if only the futa wold use more then just her Dick...
i personally find it Depressing that almost every Game i come over whit Futa Character's they seem to forget they also have a Pussy...
that's like half there possibilities removed fore no reason, when there cold be more creativity use of use whit both the Dick and Pussy (and more) combined then any of them alone.
i think i only have come over 1 game (unfortunately discontinued) where the Play Character cold become a Futa and still use her Pussy, as well as other Futa character's using both and not just there Dick.
it feels like every time a MC in a Story or a Game get turned into a Futa they almost always end up only using there Dick, and stop being the "Girl" who can also get pregnant or play wit there pussy rather then there Dick, or both at the same time fore that mater.
actually come to think of it, i don't think i ever have seen a Futa in a Chastity Cage/Belt like ever, kind of strange really.
all i am saying it that it wold be nice to see a Futa use more then just her Dick you know.
after all variety is usually a good ting.