RPGM - Completed - Futanari Quest [2018-07-04] [Futanari Quest]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Watching the "ending" made me cry. This game could've had it all.
    The gameplay (loop) was solid, the (excuse) story and scenes were serviceable, and the voice acting (while unimportant and might be the reason why this game's dev cycle got cut short) was fantastic.

    My condolences to those who have spent money on this on Steam, Patreon, or any other site. You guys deserved better.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Way too short. IT's really annoying because the game has *such* a good premise and has so much potential, but it's wasted because apparently the dev wanted to focus on voice acting over actually making the game, for some reason. The game's only like 30 minutes long so don't bother downloading it.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    The game literally mocks you for playing it. I cannot stress enough that mocking the consumers of your product is a scummy thing to do, and it just shows you didn't care about the product.

    Yeah, the art is nice, but the fact the game mocks you for playing, that killed any interest in playing any sequels.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Current Version: [2018-07-04]

    Overall this game was disappointing.

    STORY: (0/1)
    It started with a very interesting plot hook, you are blessed with a dick and told you need to go impregnate women. the main character exists in our world so she's very confused about all this, until she is dropped into a fantasy world where men have all been rendered impotent.

    This is where it becomes clear this game turned into a rush job.

    You go to a town, decide to meet the princess who is there for some reason, get told to go on a fetch quest. After the fetch quest, the queen's body guard takes you for a walk and rapes you. turns out she was in the same boat you are and decided to just stop people from repopulating the world because she fell in love with the princess. You go to talk to the princess and her other body guard stops you, she figures out you have a dick, foot rapes you, and tells you to fuck off. You vow to sex the princess. she tells you to get a gem, you get it, she is unimpressed. The fairy who gave you a dick tells you to be a bitch to her, it works, you have sex and try to leave town. an orc tells you to sex an elf, you sex the elf after she exposits why the men are infertile, men are no longer infertile, you are sent to prison and rot in there. game end.

    That's the entire game, it took me about 2 1/2 hours to complete and is nothing like the description.

    GAMEPLAY: (0/1)
    Gameplay wise, it's undertale. you have actions you can do to enemies, but they all result in them being defeated. Or, you could talk to them and have sex with them (this doesn't impregnate any of them). the fighting system as some complexity in that types of enemies only are vulnerable to certain attacks, but that's it, find something they are vulnerable to, repeat till defeated. The same level of depth is in the talk system, enemies have personalities, those personalities dictate the response to a question. the problem is that the monsters have 1 personality per monster, and each personality type has separate question pools, so it's a really easy system.

    ART: (0/1)
    There are two art styles in this game. Towards the middle the style will switch, with even character portraits being in different styles depending on where in the story they are. regardless of how good the individual art is, I always consider this a massive issue. The individual scenes look good, but many times don't line up with the description, and there are only 2 panels per scene, pre cumshot, and post cumshot, with no in between.

    Dialogue: (0/1)
    despite losing a point here, the grammar itself in the game is fine. nothing here screams "google translate" and it's obvious it was written by a native English speaker. the issue is the writing ability of the speaker. Especially in the sex scenes. Analogies are great, but many times it feels like it's the authors first time writing them, so they are pretty terrible in quality and come in at really odd times. Most of the dialogue feels clunky as well, as if it wasn't fully proof read before being implemented, although that might be influenced by the voice actress.

    TECHNICAL: (1/1)
    I encountered no bugs or technical issues when playing this game. even though it's an RPGM game it's still good to say that who ever bugtested it did a good job.

    Now I can talk about the Voice acting. Voice acting is always a win, and the VA work in this game was really good, it just feels like they weren't given great material to work with they still tried hard to make it work. Voice acting also completely disappears after impregnating the princess, another clue that this game was a rush job.

    the game itself work's fine in a vacuum. give it a different game, description, and change some of the dialogue and story and it would work. But as it is, this game feels like false advertisement. it's a short game that does none of what it promises, and ends with a very low note out of nowhere for no good reason.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Too short, ending was Very half-assed and too quick.
    It's like the dev just couldn't be bothered to finish it so they gave it a quick ending scene that was both unsatisfying and left a TON of loose ends.
  6. 1.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: Final

    Where is the game? There is practically on an hour or two of actual content, fucking sexual gallery games have more content then this. Atleast the art is nice.

    Skip this and find an actual game you can play.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    The art is pretty much the only thing it has going for it. I guess the actual gameplay is fine not that there is that much of it. It is also super short, which I guess is probably a good thing since the end is so terrible.
    Likes: GaRbS
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    It's true... It's evident dev got tired of the project and abandoned it, giving it a crappy end. But even the parts of the game that have any intention of building some kind of narrative are dumb. Just played it because I was curious, but really, it's not worth to waste any time on this.
    Likes: GaRbS
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Honestly I know the artist so I'm a bit biased. The concept for the game and exicution till the end was well done. The game didnt need VA. I'm sure if they dropped VA it would have been a much better game. Thats me being optemistic. Come people know the dev and say they couldnt make the full game if they wanted. But eh. 2 for the effort because the VA was fairly good and the art was preeemo.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Just awful, too short, unsatisfying sex scenes, mediocre voice acting and then to finally be dropped as this lazy uninspired cash grab is just...ugh
    This game is the perfect example of a dev making a bold concept and promises and not having any of the skill to deliver it. They blew all their money on art and voice actors and then when they weren't magically pulling in 100'sof bucks off patreon in their first month slapped a crappy ending on and sold it for a quick buck.

    Shame cause the premise of a futa having to go around breeding 100 women to break a curse sounds like a fun and interesting concept for an h game, hell even 25 women would make for a fun time. Here you get 4, none of them are interesting and there's no skill in seduction. The art is nice and the voice acting isn't that bad, but all these minor pros aren't enough to save it from being a waste of time. It's barely an rpg, the story and characters are underwritten there aren't even that many h scenes to enjoy it as a quick fap, may as well just find a gallery rip.

    Plus that ending is just salt in the wound, if this is your kink like it is mine, please go find literally anything else to play it is NOT worth your time.

    Tldr:This game makes me wish there was a 0 star rating.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good game. Good artwork, good voice acting, good writing, good overall game design. Really enjoyed playing it. Theres also no grinding, and the story is progressing fast. One of the few bad points in the game is rather my personal opinion, since I did not like the ending that much.
    Still, 9/10, would fap again.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Im giving 5/5 just to higher the score. My real rating is 3/5. Game doesn't deserve 5, but neither it deserve 2 (current value)

    This is nice RPGM game. I liked the graphics, voiceacting, even plot.
    It's short, which would be good except introduction says 100 women, so it feels like 90% of the game was cut-off using a knife. Rusty butcher knife.
    Nonetheless, it was fun to play
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Tbh, I was extremely hyped for this game when I downloaded it, it pissed me off because I went through all of that bs for a fuckin half-assed ending. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the game, but the ending was just garbage, then you can only fuck 4 girls, only 4, no more, no less. "Completed" my ass
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    I was so hyped because I tought the idea was so good, but that ending just ruined it all, really terrible, I'm just disappointed, where are the other girls? And the vengeance against madeline? the author just gave a fck about all that. and whats worst, the game is suppose to be "completed", omg, I'm 99% sure that the author was just lazy and didn't want to end the game, so he just did what he did and let it that way, until the middle of the story I would give 4 stars, but this game just doesn't deserve even 2
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Terrible, simply. Too short; an ending that sucks dick more than our protagonist, that should be the great hero of the story and it turns out she's just a fucking idiot that gets bossed around everywhere and gets to fuck only a 21 years old in the body of a prepubescent teen, an elf, and her family; a combat system basically nonexistent. The only thing I can hope for is that whatever money the dev made with this travesty of a game was spent on making a better game, but I highly doubt it
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    excellent fun for fans of the fetish. The voice acting isnt always as good as it could be, but it has some really fun scenarios and I like the setting for what it is trying to do. It has a bit of an abrupt ending, but I did not really mind it. The scenes that are in it are very nice.
  17. 1.00 star(s)

    One giant Dragon

    The ending is really terrible and the game is really short. The scenes are not bad but without animations it is just really bland. Princess scene was not bad until the "joi" part which just went against the setting of the scene. Sad that you just have 4 targets and neither the warrior nor knight are a target.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Started out promising, but it's really fucking short, the art style of the scenes gets real shitty about halfway through, and the ending is a fucking travesty. It's barely worth playing for free. To make things worse, there's a hot faerie and no faerie fucking.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Version: Final

    Pros -
    Good looking characters / scenes.
    Cheesy voice acting (I love it).
    For a RPGM game it wasn't to big and messy with it's world and UI.

    Meh -
    All of the random encounters sex scenes are just one image with some cum pic on top.
    Collecting crap is ok but going around is a bit annoying.
    It Short but....

    Cons -
    Oh boy.. The Ending Sucked. Just don't play it if you care about games with good endings.
    And the Dev rewrote a couple of words but didn't get the VAs to redo the lines and that bug me.

    Closing thoughts -
    If it was the Old 0.5 something it was left that for a year it would have been a ok 3-4/5 if you like the themes and early worked that was put in it. But as it stands as a completed game it's bad because of the ending and the half assing it's original goals that it failed to meet.

    You want my walkthrough of the game, Play up to the sex scene with the elf then the MC will walk out of a house.
    Then you Alt-F4. The End
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    This game really deserves 1 (1.5 actually) star(s) ....

    First of all, let's us tell about the story. You play as a girl (Yui) whose mother and sister and even herself don't have blood connection (you will know that when firstly start the game). Then one day, when you were going home, a box appeared out of nowhere. You opened it, then being teleported to an unknown world, a fairy told you that you had to f*ck and impregnate at least 4 girls to get rid of the d*ck she gave you but it was a lie........I'm gonna stop the spoiler here.

    There are only 4 girls you can f*ck not 100 (description is a lie). The gameplay (very short though (about 2 hours for me), music, art are good but the ending is the real reason why this game gets the low rating, I was like: WTF??? when seeing the ending. You get imprisoned (forever) for f*cking the princess, after that? There is no after that because the game ends there, you can only play again to acquire the remain CGs.

    11/10 not gonna change the rating unless the game gets major update.