RPGM - Completed - Futanari Quest [2018-07-04] [Futanari Quest]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    An extremely underutilized story idea, a hilariousl ROCKS FALL, EVERYONE DIES "ending", 5 scenes and a dozen or so pictures and you've summed this game up. The only reason I would not rate it an 1/5 is because what art is there is actually pretty good and what passes for a story is written in proper English.

    Also, it's voiced(In english) so there's that.

    The story starts off strong: Random magic spawns a box in front of you, and like every generic protagonist ever you immediately open it, only to get turned into a Futa. Long story short, if you ever want to be a normal girl again you've got to impregnate 4 women because reasons. Oh, and there's a whole other world out there that deeeesperately needs you help, I promise!

    HAHA. No. Too bad for you this game is at most 2h worth of playtime, and that's if you take your sweet time exploring what little this game has to offer.

    It all boils down to this: You're sent to Nowhere, Forestville and somehow you're railroaded into wanting to fuck a bratty princess because reasons. Cue a few fetchquests and barebones "fights", 5 scenes and some artwork(3 scenes if you don't return home, ever) and then once you've gotten the art you're railroaded into a hilarious ROCKS FALL, EVERYONE DIES ending and the game is done.

    4/5 for the idea. 0/5 implementation.

    5 scenes and a dozen pictures. At least they're all well-drawn, but it's very little and the only repeatable scene is with the Catgirl unless you go to the scene gallery when the game "ends".
    4/5 quality.
    2/5 quantity.


    Two fetchquests, some very simple shove puzzles and barebones "sex combat" does not a true game make. 1/5.
    Nor is this a VN-style game or a CYOA, so no points there either.

    Also, the game is "completed" in under an hour if you rush through.

    TLDR version: Great premise that's terribly utilized, resulting in a very short and disappointing game only salvaged because what few scenes the game offers are actually well-drawn. The ending will probably either really anger you or make you burst into laughter over how bad it was.

    My recommendation: See the art if you like futa. Avoid it completely if you do not.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Honestly, what is there to say about this? It starts off great, including the interactions with each female character and the puzzle mechanics that lead to something the princess wants, but then abruptly ends with the female protagonist being condemned and forced to spend the rest of her life in a dungeon. There are some very lousy 18+ RPGMaker games that at least make an effort at offering a proper ending, and sadly that makes them better than this.