
Oct 13, 2020
They couldn't even get the mods to lock down the main thread and now ya'll think they're going to jump right to a DDOS? This is conjecture, nothing more.

This, however, is more likely. Request the thread be locked down like the ULMF thread AND/OR request that any and all sharing of the completed game be removed asap.
True, I listed the worst possible outcome just in case, who knows if HW will have a YandereDev-level meltdown.
I doubt he'll be able to remove every single download link in any case, though.


Oct 13, 2020
I mean, a site getting nuked because porn game dev got butthurt is a quite a terrible outcome. I don't think he can do something site-scale, but HW shown multiple times that he has some problems when it comes to taking criticism, so I wouldn't put it past him to try to do something stupid once the game comes out and people dare pirate his game.


Dec 12, 2021
Then let the facts speak, if everything is so bad, I'm open to everything. Why not just collect the things here with proof.

I mean, a site getting nuked because porn game dev got butthurt is a quite a terrible outcome.
This, for example, is an allegation without evidence.If you find any evidence of this I am immediately ready to listen or am I wrong ?because otherwise it's simply not true


I Want to Rock your Body (To the Break of Dawn)
Jun 5, 2017
This, however, is more likely. Request the thread be locked down like the ULMF thread AND/OR request that any and all sharing of the completed game be removed asap.
This will never happen. Trust me, no matter how out of it anyone claims Hentaiwriter to be, even at said worst the staff on the site have dealt with much much worse. There's simply no leverage they would have to pull that off outside of possibly adding something Rule 7, which they couldn't do since you know steam and patreon.

Also is there even a link to where they said they would "kill" the site/thread? Not directed at you Sirretinee
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Active Member
Oct 6, 2017
You have a point. But as I said, any criticism (constructive or not) would be deleted at the demands of the developer.
It drained peoples' desires to be constructive. I had a string of like six posts all offering suggestions on how to improve the transparency of development and updates all wiped, because... I'm still waiting on a reason for that, actually. He even took most of the advice, but still demanded that the mods ban me for suggesting it.
It's some of the worst PR work I've seen for a game since that one Mighty Number 9 community manager.
Hi, I totally missed all the drama and I am new to this thread. But I remember reading about this game (Future Fragments) on another site and they mentioned this developer admitted somewhere that he is doing bare minimum amount of work and still making money.
I dont think the dev wants any of your "constructive suggestions how to improve transparency of development". It would work against him. That's why he will try to censor any feedback that could point out his bad work ethic. So dont bother.

Anyway nice game, but it has terrible development speed. "Play once and then wait few years" type.
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Sep 24, 2018
Yeah I'm hearing a lot of unsubstantiated claims and accusations, and no actual evidence. What are the links to the ULMF and the other F95 thread meant to actually prove?
And could it not just be that HW is bad at setting and meeting release targets, got a bunch of (understandable, to a very slight degree) vitriol directed towards them for it, and wanted the threads to be moderated for that reason so they could be focused on discussion relevant to the actual game?


Feb 3, 2023
Hi, I totally missed all the drama and I am new to this thread. But I remember reading about this game (Future Fragments) on another site and they mentioned this developer admitted somewhere that he is doing bare minimum amount of work and still making money.
This is an allegation based on anecdotal claims, it should not be mentioned.
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Sep 24, 2018
>Acts like an entitled brat every time someone says that his game is not the best thing that happened to a porn game industry.
That's your opinion and characterization of his behavior, not objective fact.

Post where HW responds to someone talking about the wordcount in FF, compared to those of other major RPGs
Pretty reasonable.

He's talking about workload vs scale and making comparisons between FF and mainstream RPGs, to illustrate that it does incur a high workload and hence is taking a relatively long time. Again, sounds like a reasonable comaprison to make. As I said in my previous post, I do think it's a massive waste of time and effort to include all these different mechanics and the novels upon novels of text in a porn game, but that's past the point.
Your lies of ommission here seem to be intended to misconstrue HW's comparison as likening FF to one of said AAA games.

Only one really seething here is you, it seems.

>Turns F95 thread into such a shit show
Are you sure it's not vitriol coming from you and people who share your opinions and perspective, and how you communicate them, that turned the original thread into a shitshow? Cause I'm not so sure.

that mods themselves confirm that he tries to force mods to delete criticism and bad reviews AND make a new thread for unmoderated discussion of this game.

Second thread I linked, evidence is there straight in the posts from the mods themselves.


[What are ULMF/F95 threads meant to prove?]
That HW had the ULMF locked on request, after having the first one deleted, and that mods on f95zone confirmed that HW was submitting constant (and wordy) requests to have posts in the thread deleted. It's been very plainly stated, please keep up.
That in and of its self is nothing nefarious. If people are review-bombing the game because of missed release dates and such, are they really legitimate reviews? Is the criticism in good faith, or is it more of the aforementioned vitriol?

>Straight up disappears from active discussion on F95 threads, yet continues to send walls of text to people that dare ask something.

Page 182 of this thread has some of the PM incidents, with HW MIA.
Read through Bulbanych's posts. Nothing said there is unreasonable.

>Threatens to kill the F95 thread (or the entire site, who knows) once the game releases.

The questionable and likely false statement. However, when provided with the message that HW was replying to (before the edit):

View attachment 2963138

You can see why Rixen could have come to that conclusion.
Yeah, reading far too deep into things + confirmation bias. When you've got yourself into an adversarial relationship with someone it's easy to take any vague statement of theirs at its worst possible meaning.

This thread is marked 'abandoned' by the mod team for a reason, my guy. There is no more game to be discussed, there hasn't been for a good couple of years at this point. At this point it's just waiting to see this overdue 'unpolished' fire level demo and seeing where all of the patreon money that's been flowing in from 2014/2015 has gone to in this 2D platformer.

Having the thread 'moderated' is one thing, then there's the rest of HW's behaviour both on this site and out of it. Best thing they can do is just to cease paying attention to this thread if they're not going to post on it and work on their game instead, just stick to their discord if people want to share arsepats around there.
Perhaps you should follow your own advice
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Jun 5, 2018
That's your opinion and characterization of his behavior, not objective fact.
What a useless thing to say. First, obviously not just my own opinion considering that the line you quoted wasn't one that I wrote, it was being referenced in a reply. Second, the point was covering how someone's behaviour in and out of a thread was perceived, and it's pretty fucking obvious reading this thread that a number of posters don't like how HW conducts himself. You can try and pull the 'well I don't think he was being entitled' card, but then all you're doing is providing your own subjective opinion on the matter.

Your lies of ommission here seem to be intended to misconstrue HW's comparison as likening FF to one of said AAA games.
HW often likens FF to AAA games in order to justify AAA-levels of development time, such as below:

Maybe trying to 'outdo' Skyrim's levels of 'individual NPCs' in your sidescrolling porn platformer isn't the best use of your crowdfunded budget.

Only one really seething here is you, it seems.
You seem pretty invested on one side yourself if that's all you have to say to that screenshot.

Are you sure it's not vitriol coming from you and people who share your opinions and perspective, and how you communicate them, that turned the original thread into a shitshow? Cause I'm not so sure.
Pretty sure it's failing to release the game by 2018, 2019, 2020, for free in 2021, 2022, 2023 (TBA) that might have caused people to have some second thoughts. Then there was the lying about the steam release and blaming them for delaying it at Christmas, the evidence that they were actively petitioning mods to have user posts deleted, then there was the 'fire demo in 24 hours!' promise.

These last few pages are mere kindling compared to that.

That in and of its self is nothing nefarious. If people are review-bombing the game because of missed release dates and such, are they really legitimate reviews? Is the criticism in good faith, or is it more of the aforementioned vitriol?
Yes, people taking issue with crowdfunded projects continuing on in dev hell while the dev/PR guy lies through their teeth about it repeatedly is legitimate. If you want to use forums to spruk your game for money, then expecting people to not ask questions when it doesn't appear within your own scheduled release time and then get mad when you lead them on, is probably not the right game plan. Hw is under no obligation as a dev to continue to post in this thread, and likewise users are free to post their opinions about the game in the thread as long as the mods deem the thread still worthy of life.

And as it seems, the mods ended up deeming HW's bitching about the thread to be more annoying then the thread remaining unlocked.

Yeah, reading far too deep into things + confirmation bias. When you've got yourself into an adversarial relationship with someone it's easy to take any vague statement of theirs at its worst possible meaning.
As I said the claim that HW is going to mess with the site is questionable, but threatening to mess with a thread while having a history of trying to have threads removed outright is something that raises questions with posters (such as the guy who made the claim in the first place). Having the discord brigade squad show up and drop their spaghetti after HW complains about it in the discord is more than a coincidence as well.

Perhaps you should follow your own advice
I ain't the one crying in discord about the thread, nor am I the game dev/writer who's five years overdue and apparently a good couple of grand in the hole.

still don't get it
That's a you problem them.

and that is evidence of ?
>Turns F95 thread into such a shit show that mods themselves confirm that he tries to force mods to delete criticism and bad reviews AND make a new thread for unmoderated discussion of this game.

You've got a screenshot from the mod right there.

who is this
Sprite artist for the game, the original thread had a bunch of WIP sprites and animations that were cut from the game or used as a showcase.

Here again, if you saw that good and bad things were deleted you must have read them, my question is what was deleted?
I posted it. You aren't getting a word-for-word retelling of every post in a thread HW had deleted seven years ago, unless ULMF has site backups that old.

I can't say anything about that point, I knew that he had once said that it should somehow be free for a short time
Those adjectives... Free1.PNG


So yeah, the next time someone tells you that HW has been pushing this '99% done pinky promise' thing for a while you better believe it.

I mean, your texts consist of some imaginary statements and accusations. say something meaningful
Screenshots don't lie.


Feb 3, 2023
It is noteworthy to mention HW and others had health issues that winter.

I'm convinced you would prefer patreons who have literally walked away with money and disappeared quietly into the night after years of showing far less than HW has.
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Jun 5, 2018
So just to sum up what the last few hours has yielded from this delightful exchange, I've gleaned that the future fragment discord supporters are now banking on the 'Hentai Writer is just really incompetent and not malicous' defence as to why you should trust Hentaiwriter to meet their promises.


So, you gave money to a game on patreon, you weren't happy with the delays, the dev offered a refund, you took him up on it, and he delivered it to you without issue. And this is the dev that is a horrible scam-artist? The one you think is scamming hordes of patreon supporters out of their cash, but they just need you to help them realise it?
The only people calling 'scam artist' are, funnily enough, the discord defenders. All I've said is that (and I'll put it in a little list for you to make it easy):

  1. HW can't manage a project to save his life, they add expensive pointless shit which leads to them overpromising and underdelivering.
  2. They can't hold their cool in the face of criticism from porn forums.
  3. They lie about release dates, reason for delays, and about Steam policy.
  4. They have a history of defending shoddy patreon projects that they themselves were friendly with, so they've seen this sort of backlash play out before.
The only 'artist' in this entire mess is the sprite artist. If you valiant knights want to go all in on the 'He's just a really shit dev' angle then I'll happily back it.


Aug 17, 2019
So just to sum up what the last few hours has yielded from this delightful exchange, I've gleaned that the future fragment discord supporters are now banking on the 'Hentai Writer is just really incompetent and not malicous' defence as to why you should trust Hentaiwriter to meet their promises.
I don't actually think HW is incompetent at all. I think the FF demos show a fantastic level of promise in the game. I only said bad at estimating release dates and amount of work left. Which is something even AAA studios struggle with because it's incredibly hard (see all the big name industry scandals over rushed release dates or endless delays)

The only people calling 'scam artist' are, funnily enough, the discord defenders. All I've said is that (and I'll put it in a little list for you to make it easy):

  1. HW can't manage a project to save his life, they add expensive pointless shit which leads to them overpromising and underdelivering.
  2. They can't hold their cool in the face of criticism from porn forums.
  3. They lie about release dates, reason for delays, and about Steam policy.
  4. They have a history of defending shoddy patreon projects that they themselves were friendly with, so they've seen this sort of backlash play out before.
Accusing a dev team of lying (point 3) is to accuse them of fraud (i.e., scamming).

And here's you earlier also accusing them of fraud:

This thread is marked 'abandoned' by the mod team for a reason, my guy. There is no more game to be discussed, there hasn't been for a good couple of years at this point. At this point it's just waiting to see this overdue 'unpolished' fire level demo and seeing where all of the patreon money that's been flowing in from 2014/2015 has gone to in this 2D platformer.
You are making extremely serious accusations, reputation shattering accusations, without any evidence of such fraud beyond speculation in your head. The concrete evidence related to money that you do have (being refunded without problem) goes against your theory, so you brush it off to continue your obsessive crusade.

My advice to you is to give it a rest and wait for the game's release. If what you believe is true, it will then be abundantly clear
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Jun 5, 2018
I only said bad at estimating release dates and amount of work left.
Given that they are the project lead and PR guy, that's not reassuring at all. Especially since it wasn't just 'estimating' release dates, it was promising release dates with the game being '95% finished' more than two years ago.

Which is something even AAA studios struggle with because it's incredibly hard (see all the big name industry scandals over rushed release dates or endless delays)
And people give those studios shit for it, don't they? HW likes to say they don't want to do a cyberpunk, but they seem more like a star citizen type of dev.

Accusing a dev team of lying (point 3) is to accuse them of fraud (i.e., scamming).
Then I've got bad news for you hombre, because HW has done all of that and it has been documented in this very thread. If you want to count that as scamming, well...

And here's you earlier also accusing them of fraud:
And? There hasn't been any content for a long enough period of time that the thread was marked as 'abandoned' by the mods. There has been no demo release for over a year and a half, prove me wrong. The demo said to release in '24 hours' more than a month ago is still not out, and I genuinely want to see just how much money has been made, lost, and spent on what during development.

If you want to count those failings as fraud, then...

You are making extremely serious accusations, reputation shattering accusations, without any evidence of such fraud beyond speculation in your head.
I have provided screenshots of promised release dates, dev interactions with the community, and links to previous threads with explanations. All you've brought to this is 'trust HW bro' and more butthurt than mardi gras.

The concrete evidence related to money that you do have (being refunded without problem) goes against your theory, so you brush it off to continue your obsessive crusade.
"I requested a refunded because I noticed the development process was fucked" lines up one hundi percent with my stance, sir. What, would criticising the game dev process while still paying for it make more sense to you?

My advice to you is to give it a rest and wait for the game's release. If what you believe is true, it will then be abundantly clear
Nah, I'll stick around in this thread and pop in to play around with the FF discord crowd anytime I feel like it I reckon, though unfortunately while the last few hours have been fun I've got to do other shit. Maybe next time you'll send in some other sheep for the slaughter, or even the FF queen himself if he decides to leave the safety of his discord again.

FF queen himself.PNG

Love you too HW, kissies.


Aug 1, 2019
Mhiggey is a bit unhinged in his response but I wouldnt say he's super far off some of his points, sadly. I feel like he (crudely) did explain and provide evidence why he feels Hentai Writer is not holding up in their claims throughout the 8 year development, whether intentionally deceitful or not. And to be like "ArE yOu AcCuSiNg HiM oF fRaUd" in light of this is just gaslighting these claims- if you want to go down that road we CAN talk about fraud, if you want, but this is a porn forum site and seems to be beyond that scope. Whether or not dude is financially involved is irrelevant, too, as his motives don't matter here. It's not that Hentai Writer missed deadlines a bit, it's that the deadlines that were set were so egregiously wrong is where it has become a problem. This is not based on some rando on some external site making up shit, this is promises from the horses mouth.

I have never seen a developer try to release a game unfinished, cite steam as the reason the game isnt released when they dont accept the unfinished game, and then a year and change later try to release a demo of the first level of this game but can't month(s) after because it is unplayable from bugs after declaring it's 24 hour release. See the problem? And throughout the whole last year HW is like "just a wee bit more guys, things just keep happening". It is almost october of 2023 and it is STILL "just a wee bit more guys" when an unpolished demo of the first level is still unplayable. The issue is the folks that put money into this game for years are now incredibly unclear of the game's actual state as the situation has been mischaracterized time and time again, intentionally or not. It's good that you're accepting refunds but that doesn't alleviate the problem. This is not just F95 hysteria, this is literal events of what occurred. I'm only chiming in because it's frustrating seeing a developer and his posse shrug legitimate issues under the rug like it's a rabid mob coming after him with no valid claims. If you crowdfund, you are responsible to give legitimate goalposts for how the money will be utilized.

That being said, I think this will be a great game and people SHOULD buy it and not just pirate it, just be better.


Feb 3, 2023
Most of the discord that posts here has criticized HW to his face and unflinchingly so, so implying we are all sycophants is not only rude (not that I care) but highly stupid and objectively incorrect.


Oct 13, 2020
Mhiggey is a bit unhinged in his response but I wouldnt say he's super far off some of his points, sadly. I feel like he (crudely) did explain and provide evidence why he feels Hentai Writer is not holding up in their claims throughout the 8 year development, whether intentionally deceitful or not. And to be like "ArE yOu AcCuSiNg HiM oF fRaUd" in light of this is just gaslighting these claims- if you want to go down that road we CAN talk about fraud, if you want, but this is a porn forum site and seems to be beyond that scope. Whether or not dude is financially involved is irrelevant, too, as his motives don't matter here. It's not that Hentai Writer missed deadlines a bit, it's that the deadlines that were set were so egregiously wrong is where it has become a problem. This is not based on some rando on some external site making up shit, this is promises from the horses mouth.

I have never seen a developer try to release a game unfinished, cite steam as the reason the game isnt released when they dont accept the unfinished game, and then a year and change later try to release a demo of the first level of this game but can't month(s) after because it is unplayable from bugs after declaring it's 24 hour release. See the problem? And throughout the whole last year HW is like "just a wee bit more guys, things just keep happening". It is almost october of 2023 and it is STILL "just a wee bit more guys" when an unpolished demo of the first level is still unplayable. The issue is the folks that put money into this game for years are now incredibly unclear of the game's actual state as the situation has been mischaracterized time and time again, intentionally or not. It's good that you're accepting refunds but that doesn't alleviate the problem. This is not just F95 hysteria, this is literal events of what occurred. I'm only chiming in because it's frustrating seeing a developer and his posse shrug legitimate issues under the rug like it's a rabid mob coming after him with no valid claims. If you crowdfund, you are responsible to give legitimate goalposts for how the money will be utilized.

That being said, I think this will be a great game and people SHOULD buy it and not just pirate it, just be better.
I don't blame Mhiggey for getting a bit too "unhinged", since every time he listed his evidence, the same people just said "nuh-uh, you're being mean".
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