Unity Abandoned Fuu Garden [v0.01 Pre-Alpha] [Oxopotion]


Aug 3, 2017
There is nothing to see but my eyes on it! Map design looks good, I hope they can create a good game..


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2017
The forests gave me deja vu of the second level of Sangoku Musou Empress of Tragedy. That level was filled with those Unity trees and allowed you to see nothing. I had the literal thing of since the forest all looked the same I got lost.


Dec 1, 2017
played the game poke abby before. If he's making another game then i see potential in this one. I do wonder what the Fuu creature will look like though.
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Jul 27, 2017
That map was way bigger than i expected, makes me kinda excited for what's to come, i just hope he's got a good sense when it comes to gameplay, while poke abby was great it was not that advanced in terms of gameplay.

As for a guy using pateron releasing something like this, some of you seems to be under the impression that games doesn't take time and thus money to make, since he just started working on this this is all he got, it will take time to get something that might get you excited, but he didn't release this for you to enjoy, he released it to his patrons that do understand this and gives him funds to make it a reality.

I understand why people are skeptical, but proven creators deserves better, this guy has more talent in his little finger than 90% of the pre-rendered poser VN shit around here, which granted isn't saying much.
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Forum Fanatic
Nov 18, 2016
pls tell me again what the point of this fu-upload is because, "but it's good to get a thread going to hopefully help" is maybe ok for a red cross debate. fu this sh...

ok, sry. let me try it again:
awesome demo. i am super lit and can not wait to see more of this creative milestone. i will support the devs because, i can feel this is gonna be huge.
plz tell me what is the point of this fucking useless comment? I think there is an opinion here but all i see is you giving shit to an uploader doing their job. also really? are you 12? you can write fuck you know, this is an 18+ forum, feel free to swear, just don't go overboard, and don't be a cunt and bash uploaders for uploading..... We all horny fucks here, but ain't no excuse to shake your little dick around because one thread out of hundreds isn't to your liking. (we all have little dicks compared to the games, I have played too much so everyone's dick including mine is little, plus just writing dick isn't as fun) if you want a game that is fun and gets your dick wet i suggest dreams of desire, although it is also a massive cock tease at times. Son of bitch is also good if you don't mind the shitty translation.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 18, 2016
the game is called fuu-garden. you still don't get it? i have no time for this. please unload your dirt cannon when it makes you feel better. i honestly don't care. peace
I was being sassy :p also you do realise how hard it is to detect sarcasm with text sometimes right? you have no body language or the most important part when it comes to sarcasm... the vocal tonality. but yeah totally forgot about the name. my bad fam, people make mistakes, tis a part of life. also wtf is a dirt cannon? like i took that a bit too literally and was thinking how such a thing would be so useless and inefficient. but I assume it is an anology similar to "don't give me your trash." typoe wording. also I was trying to kinda be funny but evidently that failed hard. imma stick to one liners for now.
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Apr 30, 2017
I should make it clear that I am just the Uploader, the like "I wanted to share it with you all because from this point, I would like feedback on the layout or anything else you would like to comment on." Was accidentally left in there. when making the thread.
I know but the sentence's from the dev, isn't it? And even if it's from you, I'm sure the dev released this demo for feedbacks.
So it doesn't make a difference ;-)