This game really REALLY needs to hammer down the hourly schedule for ALL stuff, as I can even enter school a few hours late, and I can leave without issue 24/7.
And the game also needs to finish all the energy and time system too, as some actions that should take energy and/or time, takes ZERO energy and/or time, or takes away too much or too little.
I also say the game needs an actul dedicated callender, so we can track days, and limit some stuff.
If dev will add a callender system, to add it sooner, as it seems like a core component.
I also dislike very much, how LARGE some of the buttons are, specially the navagation system in the house and school.
I like how you can't enter the school after the gates are closed, but you can leave without issue.
^opportunity to have ability to "sneek" into or out of school after gate is closed for possible interactions/consequences.
^this give opportunity to add a new character, perhaps gym focused/muscle.
^That once you progress with them, they will simply let you enter and leave the school without punity.