4.50 star(s) 17 Votes


Aug 16, 2021
Next Update coming out on the 30th

WIP 1.9 (Part 2)

Month is almost over. I completed many of the plans I planned during this month's planning, so every plan goes according to plan. There are still some animations left before release, and because I decided to focus on the older releases foirts time time, the remaning characters are Anubis and Crusch Lulu. Here is a little overview:

I'm happy that I finally managed to finish these animations that were promised a while ago. While making new animations, I also managed to tweak many of thier older animations, and also made their head movement much smoother than before.
Some smaller footjob animations:

Some WIP pose test for Anubis:

And some for Crusch Lulu:

Music and Video Player Extended:

The Music And Video player got some extended functionality. You can add Low pass filter to the music players, making it sound like the music is coming from a radio or something. You can also load music and video from the current scene's folder, in case you have a scene specific list in mind.
The scene in the thumbnail is a new Cinema scene, which will make full use of the reworked Custom Video system. I will also include some videos in the release, but feel free to make your own cinema playlist.
Oh, I also managed to color all the statues finally, so get ready for a truly colorful gallery.
I think the update will be release on the 30rd.
See ya around!
Ooooh, another titfucking pose? Is this gonna have the cum option or just another quickie like Rouge's?


Active Member
Sep 23, 2017
Update v1.9


only mega atm works..... you know where......

pass on Dropbox got changed again......:-(

anyway soon i will update the texture pack wen mega will get all 10 gb........lol
and tested the new stuffs also make some new eyes/skins in the meanwhile.....

ok done as usual get here:

Last edited:


Aug 16, 2021
Update v1.9

View attachment 3131481

only mega atm works..... you know where......

pass on Dropbox got changed again......:-(

anyway soon i will update the texture pack wen mega will get all 10 gb........lol
and tested the new stuffs also make some new eyes/skins in the meanwhile.....

Oh god. I'm gonna have to be sure to check what i have plugged in now. Each time i booted up the HEAT game by Edef, by xbox 360 controller started vibrating on my desk and scared the shit out of me. Don't want the same for this


Apr 14, 2020
Update v1.9

View attachment 3131481

only mega atm works..... you know where......

pass on Dropbox got changed again......:-(

anyway soon i will update the texture pack wen mega will get all 10 gb........lol
and tested the new stuffs also make some new eyes/skins in the meanwhile.....

now to wait for the links


Mar 21, 2020
Why is CottentailVA's icon in the page? Does she do a voice in the game?
Yea its in the game.

New question, has anyone got the intiface program to actually connect? if so were you in localhost mode or ip websocket mode (listen on all network interfaces).


New Member
Oct 20, 2018
Yea its in the game.

New question, has anyone got the intiface program to actually connect? if so were you in localhost mode or ip websocket mode (listen on all network interfaces).
I looked into it and it seems to be more Bluetooth than ip/server related. Using your toy as a makeshift controller for vibration. First connect the device through Bluetooth. When opening the application search for your device and select it. Then go to processes and look for the game you are playing. If the game doesn't pop up on the list, go ahead and run the game again while the program is open and hit refresh list. Select the game and and then click attach to process. I hope this works for ya

Disclaimer: I don't use toys so there is a chance this does not work at all and I could be bullshitting the whole process lol. Look up the program's site and there is a full video tutorial. Happy gaming and good luck


Mar 21, 2020
looking into the problem more the process works like this.

-you run the engine server and scan for devices. in this state the engine is ready to receive a program call.
-you link a device to intiface central via bluetooth, xbox controllers work for this as testing.
-you start goat and have it start calling out to intiface, if intiface was not running goat will error out saying it is not detected.
*when the game successfully connects to intiface, intiface will state the client it is connected to next to the server run button.

now for the problem that i think i happening.

Server is running and devices connect to intiface fine, goat calls out like normal and does not error out yet continues connecting. Looking at intiface, it states that there is no client connected. conclusion intiface refuses to acknowledge goat as a "client". This might be cause the integration is behind or simply not stable.

Tl;dr - goat calls out intiface refuses to see the program cause integration may be too old or unstable.

Garwaron(GOAT VR)

New Member
Nov 11, 2023
is time to unleash the power of the EDITING!!!!!!

......GOAT VR Custom Skin Edits Pack......

is better start somewhere..... So it begins........
this will be all my skins & future edits in one post... so all the old others will be abandoned.......
some are very controversial because i only care about sexyness of the girls!!!!!
so if you dont' like just skip it or use backup to restore originals!!!!

\Content\Custom Skins\actress_ankha
View attachment 2675564
just renamed the folders stuctures for better usability + evil eyes changed to more human like + no stocking for every skins.....
\Content\Custom Skins\actress_blaziken
View attachment 2677576
more eyes to choices......
\Content\Custom Skins\actress_braixen
View attachment 2677575
more eyes to choices......
\Content\Custom Skins\actress_goodra
View attachment 2675533
Endergoodra changed eyes to more human like
\Content\Custom Skins\actress_guilmon
View attachment 2675505
NoTattoo + FixColor + EyeMissing + NippleFix
\Content\Custom Skins\actress_lopunny
View attachment 2675581
changed all eyes from black sclera to white + some different desing for better human like.....
\Content\Custom Skins\actress_megalopunny
View attachment 2675572
the mega variant is using the same skin UV Maps as the lopunny standard so why not having all her colour???? DONE!!!!
plus all the eyes changed of lopunny applied!!!!
\Content\Custom Skins\actress_gardevoir
View attachment 2677572
i tryed to make trasparent the red busty fin but becomed black if you try..... so i made some eyes in the meanwhile......
\Content\Custom Skins\actress_krystal
View attachment 2677571
she share the same eye uv map with miyu so.....more eyes to choice!!!!
\Content\Custom Skins\actress_miyu
View attachment 2677570
she share the same eye uv map with krystal so.....more eyes to choice!!!!
\Content\Custom Skins\actress_officerflint
View attachment 2678572
just some eyes variant......
\Content\Custom Skins\actress_rouge
View attachment 2678591
adden a more sexy default variant with heavy makeup based on goth skin + goth nofishnet + new eyes for each skins!!!!
\Content\Custom Skins\actress_vapunny
View attachment 2678696
adden white eye vapunny + 2 colors variants with 6 eyes each......so many combinations......!!!
\Content\Custom Skins\POV Skins\MaleAvatarV2
View attachment 2675504
no tattoo for male type 2
GOAT VR Custom Skin Edits Pack_v2.2_for_v1.7.2
how to install:
because i REname/added some of the folders you cannot direct copy paste it:
you have to delete the old one or you get overlapping skins choices!!!
so make a backup of these:
\Content\Custom Skins
View attachment 2677598
then delete it and use the ones inside the archive!!!!
just manually pick what you want/need........
GOAT VR Custom Skin Edits Pack_v3.0_for_v1.8.6
this time i backup the entire folder.....too many changes/addons to list.....
so remenber to delete Custom Skins to avoid dupe/double names.....
GOAT VR Custom Skin Edits Pack_v3.1_for_v1.9.0
this time i backup the entire folder.....too lazy to list.....
so remenber to delete Custom Skins to avoid dupe/double names.....
just some hotfix and some new skin combo stuff.....
most of the new female are still not Customizable :-(

my old character index is here (outdated old list) :

salut and happy gaming!!!!!
Hey, nice job!


Jul 1, 2020
The game boots into a black screen with a blue cursor when i have steam vr open, when i have it closed it boots into a screen saying i have no vr headset connected. quest 2 btw
still having this problem on 1.9 if anyone can help pls reply. the game boots into a black screen when i have steam vr open, with steam vr closed it tells me to put on a vr headset or use desktop mode. is there just a way i can run it in oculus vr mode instead of having to deal with steam?
4.50 star(s) 17 Votes