The Limit that prevents you from progressing the game when you hit a cap on rooms ...
The room limit is not supposed to be so difficult to raise. It is meant to throttle growth in the beginning, but become less and less of a problem as time goes on, and by mid-game have more rooms than you need. It is bugged in a few ways in the current public release, which is causing most of your difficulty. It is already fixed, and there should be a new release in the next few days.
I'll add making married couples and children share rooms to my todo list.
Happiness is a stat I plan to add, and it will affect their behaviour to others, and job performance. It can also lead to employees quitting, or family leaving home if low for too long, and also result in wage renegotiations.
You must allow the player to continue to progress or there is no way to recover the energy needed to build, and or the money needed to pay for it.
I'm not sure I understand this part. By energy do you mean action-points? If so you should get them back at the start of every new day. And earning the money should not be too hard, though it can take a bunch of game-days if you only have a small number of workers.
I've already dealt with the kick-out bug. It was related to the room occupancy bug. Once things are more complete you will still be able to contact and employ family after they have left. For now it should fire them when they get kicked out, because there is nowhere else close by for them to live and be able to work there.
Something seems off with the spouses, and their lust amounts. The orgasms of who achieves it first and who may not even have one don't seem right at times. EX: The wife is turned on enough to instigate it, while the husband has barely any interest. Yet the husband orgasms and the wife does not....
Some of the numbers are still off in that release, and it is all only "roughly" balanced at this point. Every time I add something new it throws off the balance of things, so I'm not bothering to fine-tune things at this point. But who achieves an orgasm is calculated on a comparison of traits of the person they are with (Skill, looks, more) with stats of their own (Libido, current lust, personal preference toward the act, standards). Also men are usually easier to get off than women. So there are possible explanations for what you saw. Maybe the wife did not like the type of sex act as much, or wasn't as attracted to her husband as he was to her. Or the husbands skill was low but her standards were high. Being turned on does increase their chances of getting off, but if they are not attracted to their partner, or not excited about what they are doing, then they may still have a hard time. Also, there is a random element also, so some encounters are going to be better or worse than others. The wife might have had an unlucky night. We can't always bring our A-game
You can manually changer the preferences of either of the two main characters. Just click on the bar in the info-panel. Kinky sex acts are not listed there until you encounter them. Then they will appear on that same list.
Q: How do you change who the main character is?
You can't, yet. But it is planned. I'll add something to change it in the debug menu, because it may be a while before I get the the story introduction of the ability.
Q: is there not a consensual way for incest?
I don't remember if it had been added yet in v0.09 It can be done in the current state of the game. I think I had just added the natural aversion to it on this release, and not gotten to breaking it down.
Q: Family members earning money from wages and hording it...
That's an area I have not started yet. npcs and secondary characters do just 'hoard' their wealth, but they will start using it once I get to it. I have already added an office where money can be transferred in or out of the business by family members.
Q: Why does the lust potion that is advertised as making it impossible to resist not deal with that?
100% lust typically just means they are at their own personal maximum, but they will still have limits. A character with a high libido, and 100% lust will do just about anyone, but one with a low libido will still not do things they are strongly opposed to. However, the lust potion is supposed to have that kind of affect, so I will put 'make potion stronger' on my todo list.
(Most) npcs and secondary characters do not currently act on their lust because that is an area that does not have much done yet. But they will. Right now I am working on the schooling/training for children, then I will move on to automated npc turns. After that all sections should be in the game, even if none are complete, and some just sketched out.
You seem to have put some time into this game, which I love, but I caution you that it is going to remain wildly unstable for some time to come still. It is early in development and really not stable enough to release publicly... though I did anyway.
The good news about that is it means you can have input on the development though. I have the game planned out in the big picture sense, but much of the detail has to be made-to-fit, and things often change when unexpected problems, or possibilities crop up.