Game Fetishes...Turn on and offs!

yung greene

Nov 28, 2017
Realism is the best thing in a porn game imo.
Everyone can play games where you're thrust into a PUBG style battle royale with sluts fighting for your sperm droplets and those games can be fun and successful, they form the basis for many sort of incestuous, family harem games.
However, when a dev puts in time and attention to making a game realistic, getting to know a girl, developing her character and gradually unlocking scenes without making it too much of a grind, then that is almost the "perfect" type of game to be playing.
Similarly, the greatest turn off for me is MtF and FtM transformation where a transformation is mandatory. Games where it can be player choice are alright, but I don't fw that sort of transformation kink.
And also, if we talk about unrealistic, games like Dreams of Desire, while worth at least 4-8 splurges of the sticky sauce, are just like the OTT Incest, that makes me more uncomfortable than horny.
Gotta give the Guilt Shake to some Female Protagonist that doesn't get her holes filled with the nut milk of every living/ dead thing in a 5 mile vicinity and I love a game with a girl/ girls that you don't fuck or want to fuck, but you speak to them as friends. Not NTR or that cuck stuff, but like a best friend that you aren't interested in, and just have fun and fuck about with. Need more games like this imo


Game Developer
Nov 26, 2017
Single biggest I guess even fetish turn on for me, that is rarely ever used in any western VN I have ever played.

Audio. Doesn't even need to be voice, but some thought and effort put into ambiance at least.


Game Developer
Aug 17, 2017
The reasons I'm asking what people do and don't like is because I'm not a massive "fetish" person, granted, I like some, but I'm not to clued up on the names and such, lol
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Game Developer
Aug 17, 2017
You realize that we cannot suggest "something say different" if we don't know what you are working on now.

It's internet, while we can, we don't do our homework before posting, even if it's only 2 clicks.
I'm looking to make a game way different to the project I'm currently working on, so my current game is irrelevant.

I rushed my past 2 games to the point the 1st got abandoned and the 2nd is getting more and more bad criticism with every release, so I want to put a lot of research into the next.

that, and a plot the builds tension (sexual or not) without blue balling for months. Actual progression would be nice, not necessarily in an RPG way but so that it actually feels like the game isn't homogeneous that both the plot and characters are not in the same state they were when the game starts as they are when it finishes, you know an actual story.
Yeah, the story is going to be the main focus of the next game, my current one relies on repeatable scenes which tents to drag as it's a sandbox(ish) game & I want the next to be a VN focusing more on story than doing the same shit over and over to see a tit.

Hey Ping! Two things I say we don't have enough of, Female Protagonists who aren't Retards in Lechertown and Futa. With the latter it doesn't even have to be a theme, just a character. I'm working on a Female Protag myself right now, but since I'm writing it it won't be something I get to really enjoy. So it would be nice to see more of us tackle the task of a good female protag.
I've never really though of a female protag in a game, I think mainly because the person playing it is a guy so I figured they'd wanna play as a guy, although, I think the reason I say that is because I don't think I've ever played or seen a game with a female protag, so really good idea actually, might have to put this to a poll with my patrons :p

good character build.
realistic/normal bodies .... sorry but if i see another game where its a combination of Lola Ferarri & Kardashian/minaj im gonna hurl ...
avoid grind and NTR/Cuck .grind could be ok as in learning a skill upto a point of a few repeats,but nothing like BB .
On a lot of games where there is even the slightest hint of NTR the forum becomes an fistfight of pro's and con's and guilty pleasures and talk about double standards.

as always on the mark :)

a good build up , add some romance.
or give people the chance to skip time/grind after a certain point is reached.
just my two cents.
I had a little NTR in my last game and people went nuts, lol, soon removed it in the next update, lol.

As for character build that'll for sure be a thing in it with plenty of flash backs to show who people are and where they're coming from.

They game will work in episodes rather than versions and it'll be a VN so I think per episode release I'll give the option to skip through the last episode, maybe do a "previously" thing like what you see in TV shows.

Gotta second this. A female protag that isn't a complete moron would be fantastic. Women like sex just as much as blokes do, you don't need to make her do dumb shit to get it.

Doesn't even need to be the protag, just women in general tend to be portrayed as complete drooling cum dumps in some games and that's about as attractive as watching Piers Morgan butt fuck Rosie O'Donnell.
"Piers Morgan butt fuck Rosie O'Donnell."....mmmm, such a nice thought....I mean, eww, gross, bro?

But nah, I like the idea of a female protag, I was thinking of a game from a narrators point of view, kinda like in a TV show where it follows multiple characters rather like just a single point of view.

I don't know your previous games, but for game to be successful, I would it's much more important to have a good well thought project rather than concentrate on giving people the fetishes they want. Otherwise you will end with yet another incest game with a creep protagonist as the single male in the universe.
that's why I posted this thread, getting the research in before starting it, I don't plan on starting the game for a good few months, but looking for ideas now so I have a hint on what people want and like.

I plan of getting at least the first 6-7 releases planned out before starting the game and want version 1 and 2 complete before releasing it so I'm ahead of myself.

Gonna take the time to plan the story, design the character, get to know the characters and such.

Incest game with love/romance and a lot of kissing to get started with, the sex can come later.
Above all a great story to go with great looking characters including the MC.

With pregnancy and carrying to term the love child.
My current game focuses on a love route or a domination route which I'm not really a fan of, I'm thinking removing the corruption/domination and just having a love/romance game.

Also, pregnancy will always be focused in my games as nobody seems to do it.

I think that's probably not possible.

Actually the games that I enjoy most are not the games which try to cram as many fetishes (or girls) in a game as possible... Tangled Up is a good example.

What I like in general:
1) good story
2) character depth
3) choice

What I don't like in general:
1) no choice
2) unclear choices (e.g. similar-looking dialogue options which turn out to have major impact later)
3) asshole MC's who have to rape / coerce / blackmail in order to get anywhere

Fetishes that most steer clear of:
- lesbian (not bisexual)
- male bisexuality
- femdom

A good lesbian mother/daughter romance would be cool, especially with daughter as MC.
I like the idea of a mother/daughter romance, but I'm thinking about not having a single MC, maybe make it like the cast of friends or the big bang theory where it doesn't follow and 1 person the entire episode, make it a multicast, multi-mc game.

I am going to double on non retarded female MC. There are ways to stretch some things so it's still in believable territory if it's needed without making character a pervert from the start. Curiosity is one of those things.

On the fetishes stuff... Weird question. Are you going to choose whatever is more popular? I wonder why such mindset. What if 99% of people want something you find disgusting? Will you work on something you don't like?
Here is an idea: list your own kinks and focus on things you like and enjoy.
Unless you are a big ass studio that can go with it, which isn't the case.
In my view, if you need to do forced kinks to please as many people as you can, I am more than skeptic.
Try asking different things: What people don't want to see, be it kinks or other stuff.
Though, looking at the posts, you are pretty much getting that.
I'd say the main focus of this thread isn't really to find what other's like, it's more to see what other's suggest but I like, if that makes sense.

I'm not really that much of a "kinky" guy I guess, so just looking for ideas on what everything is called, lol.

My main expectation is a game you wish to create. I hate when devs are trying to gather attention with fetishes they don't like. As for other things:
- no incest - it's hard to find something more unrealistic and silly. I know I can't expect realistic behaviours or plot in an incest game and it really kills my immersion. Not to say it's the most overused fetish we have.
- character development - slow realistic burn is the most enjoyable one.
- meaningful choices - well done branching is essential
- lot of characters but not too much to draw their emotions better. Female and male ofc as games without other males (and competitors) are usually just boring for me.
I do feel like incest is overused, but I feel that's because it's what people want, like I've seen plenty of games that don't have incest but look like they have fantastic visuals ( as I normally play for the visuals ) but I refuse to play them as it's not got what I'm looking for, which is incest.

I feel if I was to make a game with good visuals, incest & a really good plot/characters then it could be good.

I'd love to get my visuals on par with the industry giants like LewdLab or Gumdrop, once I do that and get the plot I'm looking for, that's when I'll get started on it, but not till I'm happy with what I'm doing.

What I like:
Lesbians (real lesbian games, not one lesbian scene in an otherwise straight game, no MFF threesomes, no performances for a male character, the focus of the game must be on the lesbian relations)
Lingerie, high heels (ideally with the possibility for the player to dress the characters
character customisation (of course very few porn games that have it, and it's difficult to develop, but we are allowed to have dreams)
A powerful main character
cyberpunk, science-fiction or fantasy setting

What I don't like:
Male characters (A few male MC games are ok, but for me they still pale in comparison to lesbian games. As soon as there is a second male character involved in the sex scenes, it's a no-go for me.)
bimbos/stupid characters
shota/loli, too young characters
grind (with that I mean grind. I'm perfectly fine with a long story and rather slow pacing, but I don't want to play the same minigame 30 times to open some character's bra.

That being said, I seriously doubtly that such a thing as "game development on demand" as suggested by the initial question is possible. Even if the majority of the users name a certain fetish, it will be hard for the developer to put it into a game if he doesn't like it himself.
I'm really leaning towards doing a female orientated game, but would look into getting a lot of assistance with the writing as to how to make the females seem less "stupid", in my mind a non-stupid female would be a female with glasses, which is stupid within itself, lol.

I think as I'm not a smart person myself, would be hard to get a smart character down, however, I do have a female doctor friend and she's way smart, so may get some inspiration from her xD

As for sci-fi, I've always been interested in doing a game set in space with alien characters, but not sure I'd be able to pull it off.

Just a dumb thought but shouldnt you make a game with fetishes you actually like yourself? that way you will probably be more motivated and put more thought into the game. No matter what your fetishes are you will probably find people who share them and they will appreciate the extra care you will put into the game.
That's what I'm looking for, I'm not "in" with the terms of what some fetishes are and there are probably fetishes out there that I'm into but either don't know about them or it's been so long since I've seen them I've simply forgot about them :p

I think, a thread were everybody says what he likes and what doesn't like, is just fine. But I also think this is smalltalk rather than any suitable help in developing a game.
You got it spot on fella =]

So, I kinda find this to simply be an ignorant statement. Ping Panda already had been developing a game based. The problem, that I'm sure you'd know if you had played his game, is that the fetish he chose was incest. Now all know that patreon is purging incest. So maybe he's crowd sourcing a fetish to see if there's something he can do instead of incest.
Exactly, I'm testing the water and seeing what's the kids are into these days :p

so basically you are are saing he should have just said ''hey guys, what is the fetish that patreon supports that you are willing to pledge ?''.
I am going to stick with my previous comment if he creates a game with his own desires and puts the effort in it people will find away to support him.
I'm not looking for fetishes that's sole peruse is to gain patrons.

I'm simply trying to gather a list of what fetishes there are and see what I like and don't like.

For example, I would a NEVER thought about doing a female protag game, but I actually really like the idea and is something I'd be into. If it wasn't for this thread I'd have never thought of it =]

Single biggest I guess even fetish turn on for me, that is rarely ever used in any western VN I have ever played.

Audio. Doesn't even need to be voice, but some thought and effort put into ambiance at least.
I've been thinking a lot recently about adding voiced into a game, really don't think it would fit into my current game though but could possibly work in the next if I do it right.

do you by chance know any other games that have female vocals so I can get some thoughts/research on how it's done?

Also like the idea of ambiance in a game, would add a level of immersion to it.

Another thing I was thinking of doing is free-standing-animations...not sure if that's actually what it's called but sounds good xD

Basically when a character is stood infront of you, you can see them breathing, and tilting there head or a smile or frown ect, I think that could be pretty cool :p


I want to break free
Staff member
Apr 30, 2017
@PingPanda I understand your thread better now, and it is a good idea to research stuff before going deep into the project.

A female protagonist is definitely a good idea, there are not many good ones around so you would stand out if you can pull it of. The idea of making a multi protagonist game is tricky, but can be done, I also can only remember one western game with it (Uprising), so again it would be something unique to your game.

The free-standing-animations are also a good idea, I saw it in a mobile game (The Letter) and it looked real good, this sort of stuff makes the characters look more alive and always brings the attention to the models instead of just focusing of the texts. Even if you can't do it, you could always consider go the Marvel way for increased drama and emotions (and action).


Game Developer
Nov 26, 2017
I may have missed a game, but other then studio produced VNish games I've yet to find a game here that uses audio in a large amounts, not that I do it right by any means compared to them but audio is a very large part of my end-goals.

The free standing animations I have been focusing on lately as I enjoy the look but that's just taste.


Jul 15, 2017
Do people who hate NTR hate INFIDELITY in TV shows or movies? Because there are a LOT of them now . ( i dont like both )

Anyway i like innocent women the most for some reason and MILFS
No grinding is always nice and not clicking the same damn conversations everytime to actually progress


Forum Fanatic
Jul 4, 2017
Do people who hate NTR hate INFIDELITY in TV shows or movies? Because there are a LOT of them now . ( i dont like both )

Anyway i like innocent women the most for some reason and MILFS
No grinding is always nice and not clicking the same damn conversations everytime to actually progress
No because i'm not playing that character on TV.

As I said in other threads, if a game is wanting me to chase a woman then I expect the pay off. If the game wants me to chase a woman and then someone else fucks her, what's the point?

When i'm watching a TV show i'm not that character so it doesn't matter what they do.

Simply put, I don't want to be cheated on but I don't care if it happens to others. Pretty much like real life, if someone else fucked my wife i'd be a little bit angry and may make my displeasure known on his face with my feet, if someone else's wife cheats on him, unlucky son.

My ex used to call me a nimby, not in my backyard. Basically as long as it doesn't affect me I don't give a fuck.


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
Do people who hate NTR hate INFIDELITY in TV shows or movies? Because there are a LOT of them now . ( i dont like both )

Anyway i like innocent women the most for some reason and MILFS
No grinding is always nice and not clicking the same damn conversations everytime to actually progress
It depends on the indiviual of course, but in most cases, I think no. People don't identify with characters in TV shows the same way as they identify with the protagonist of a game. No matter how fond people are of the TV show characters, they are still "he" or "she", not "I". I also don't think people would react to an NPC stealing the partner of another NPC in the same way.


Jul 15, 2017
No because i'm not playing that character on TV.

As I said in other threads, if a game is wanting me to chase a woman then I expect the pay off. If the game wants me to chase a woman and then someone else fucks her, what's the point?

When i'm watching a TV show i'm not that character so it doesn't matter what they do.

Simply put, I don't want to be cheated on but I don't care if it happens to others. Pretty much like real life, if someone else fucked my wife i'd be a little bit angry and may make my displeasure known on his face with my feet, if someone else's wife cheats on him, unlucky son.

My ex used to call me a nimby, not in my backyard. Basically as long as it doesn't affect me I don't give a fuck.
Thats a fair point . What about anime , manga and hentai tho ? i think those that know the term NTR and hate them stem from anime mangas and hentai .


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2017
In response to your thread title - many and varied and growing :closedeyesmile:
When it comes to the games -
- Realism (for this also read internal logic and consistency) in the underlying story is important. I do love fantasy and am a bit of a SciFi nerd, so I have no problem suspending disbelief, but please don't shatter the illusion. If I want porn plots I know where Pornhub is.
- Solid characters with an MC that isn't a complete shit or completly dumb. Women do not need to be completly shallow to enjoy themselves and can also know when it's ok to flirt and tease and when to walk away. Every man does not feel the need to conquer every woman. And they can be friends and mess about just the same as friends of the same sex. I could write a wall on characteristics.
- Unless you can do a very good job avoid RPGM like the plague.
- Mini-games and puzzles do not have them repeating over and over and over and over get the idea and let them actually lead somewhere if you must include them.
- Choices and mutliple outcomes/paths - by this I mean if I turn left I keep going that way and not just end up going right but with someone else. But let the choices be fairly obvious or flagged when they are outcome changing.
- At the end of a version let me know...but also let me carry on exploring if there is more content to find. An example of this is Mythic Manor as you complete each girl it lets you know, but you can carry on wandering even after the last is done. If the 'more content' is on another path, again let me know - "restart and make different choices".
- If you are going to include a fetish or 2, don't follow standard tropes. eg BDSM isn't all whips, paddles, gags and ropes. Sometimes the very subtle details are the best. A Domme meeting a new submissive will not (usually) have them in a collar or even calling her Mistress until they have built a bond of trust, just the same as a vanilla relationship, it takes time to really get to know people.

Going to your Turn ons
When I arrived at F95 - BDSM, Lesbian, bi, multiple partners (either sex or relationship). Falling for someone without realising. Glasses, boots and short or tied up hair on women.
Since - Incest, Futa

Turn offs
The above if it is badly written.
NTR - didn't know about this as a kink before F95, but if I (via the character) am investing time in a love interest I do not want to see them stolen from under my nose, especially if I have no control. I have a little understanding if it's due to choices I've made. I also don't think I'd like to do a Rachel/Ross get 'together-break up-try other partners-get back together' type dance.
Loli/underage - not for me and young looking models will stop me irrespective of text.
Oversize - boobs, hips, bums, cocks, etc. Some is laughable, but some just shatters the illusion.
Poor English - I could not get anywhere near what any non-native speaker has done, but struggling to make sense of the story is another illusion shatterer.

Some of the turn offs can be overcome at least to some extent by good writing.
0220 here so well past time for bed night night! :firstimekiss:
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Engaged Member
May 8, 2017
I do feel like incest is overused, but I feel that's because it's what people want, like I've seen plenty of games that don't have incest but look like they have fantastic visuals ( as I normally play for the visuals ) but I refuse to play them as it's not got what I'm looking for, which is incest.

I feel if I was to make a game with good visuals, incest & a really good plot/characters then it could be good.

I'd love to get my visuals on par with the industry giants like LewdLab or Gumdrop, once I do that and get the plot I'm looking for, that's when I'll get started on it, but not till I'm happy with what I'm doing.
That's fair. If that's what you want go for it. Be careful with Patreon and avoid mentioning it in a title and it should be fine. If you can reach LewdLab/Gumdrop render's quality you can do anything as long as it's playable.
As for NTR, some people who really don't like it are overly emotional and vocal which makes every thread with it a war. But numbers say their opinion don't matter as every game that decided to add it gained new Patrons. Tyrant from creator of pure incest My Legacy has over 2k and didn't have even 1k. Babysitter reached 1K patrons etc. As I observe most of the games we have, not even one lost Patrons due to NTR but many of them gained a lot. People don't know what they want and emotions based on competition are a fine tool if used properly


Game Developer
Nov 10, 2017
Heh, NTR... some pseudo-journalist tried to convince me with his/her article that NTR is a very alpha male thing to do. I laughed at the stupidity and mental gymnastics they had to do and it still was retarded. Anyway, NTR can be good, depending on perspective, as I can never identify with female protagonist (more like, that weird force to fuck up her life and in case of NTR - bully the weak cuck). What I didn't see so far, is NTR from perspective of a guy that steals a wife/gf. Not exactly going for multiple women, more detailed focus on one case to not turn it into a form of trainer game. Though, some kind of revenge or fucked up reason would be nice for a starting point.

People don't know what they want and emotions based on competition are a fine tool if used properly
This is true, people say one thing but unconsciously desire the other. Not really a secret and widely used thanks to studies, the more we know about people, easier it is to sell them things, to a point where morality of those actions is more than questioned.


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
Heh, NTR... some pseudo-journalist tried to convince me with his/her article that NTR is a very alpha male thing to do. I laughed at the stupidity and mental gymnastics they had to do and it still was retarded. Anyway, NTR can be good, depending on perspective, as I can never identify with female protagonist (more like, that weird force to fuck up her life and in case of NTR - bully the weak cuck). What I didn't see so far, is NTR from perspective of a guy that steals a wife/gf. Not exactly going for multiple women, more detailed focus on one case to not turn it into a form of trainer game. Though, some kind of revenge or fucked up reason would be nice for a starting point.

This is true, people say one thing but unconsciously desire the other. Not really a secret and widely used thanks to studies, the more we know about people, easier it is to sell them things, to a point where morality of those actions is more than questioned.
Alpha and beta males are more a wolf and lion thing, than a human thing. Aside from that, enjoying NTR AND empathizing with MC at the same time certainyl requires a high degree of masochism and a lack of pride and self-respect.

As far as the NTR from the other perspective goes: I don't think, such a game would even be tagged as NTR. In "normal" games it's not presented as the story of the bad guy stealing a helpless man's wife, it's presented as the story of the noble hero freeing the princess from the claws of a villain. In porn games the idea of a son fucking his mother and thereby fucking up his father's life is not so uncommon. But when it's an NPC that gets cheated it's often not seen as NTR.


Game Developer
Nov 10, 2017
Alpha and beta males are more a wolf and lion thing, than a human thing. Aside from that, enjoying NTR AND empathizing with MC at the same time certainyl requires a high degree of masochism and a lack of pride and self-respect.
I said I laughed at it, right?
As far as the NTR from the other perspective goes: I don't think, such a game would even be tagged as NTR. In "normal" games it's not presented as the story of the bad guy stealing a helpless man's wife, it's presented as the story of the noble hero freeing the princess from the claws of a villain. In porn games the idea of a son fucking his mother and thereby fucking up his father's life is not so uncommon. But when it's an NPC that gets cheated it's often not seen as NTR.
Minako, Rhode's Fortress, Tori Kago - To H..., and so on.
All of those are tagged NTR and share common theme in them (Rhode's Fortress not as much, but it is there). So, which one is it? Act of it happening or who it happens to? Because to me it looks like the first one rather than latter.
All I am saying is: I would want to play as some wicked character, that decides to turn someone's wife into his personal slut that cheats on her husband and in the end, completely fuck their marriage and turn it all into shit. I want all small details in it, not just doing repetitive stuff to see some gauge going up. Slap some reason for it, maybe revenge or MC being a weirdo that likes the wife but gets bored after she is broken.
But it may be jumping around same reason as to why you don't see many good games about protagonist who is actually a bad guy.
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Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
I said I laughed at it, right?

Minako, Rhode's Fortress, Tori Kago - To H..., and so on.
All of those are tagged NTR and share common theme in them (Rhode's Fortress not as much, but it is there). So, which one is it? Act of it happening or who it happens to? Because to me it looks like the first one rather than latter.
All I am saying is: I would want to play as some wicked character, that decides to turn someone's wife into his personal slut that cheats on her husband and in the end, completely fuck their marriage and turn it all into shit. I want all small details in it, not just doing repetitive stuff to see some gauge going up. Slap some reason for it, maybe revenge or MC being a weirdo that likes the wife but gets bored after she is broken.
But it may be jumping around same reason as to why you don't see many good games about protagonist who is actually a bad guy.
Most evil protagonists in porn game are of a certain archetype: Learns a mind control spell and uses it to fuck his mother. A revenge theme would be possible, though I don't know if some developer will take risk to develop a game around it. Some possible plots:
Protagonist was working for a family company in the past where he was treated badly and fired. 10 later he became a famous artist and rich in the process while his former employers went bankrupt. He offers them money but at a steep cost...
Protagonist is a barbarian warlord (or better warlady) and conquers an enemy kingdom. He lets the sons and daughters of the royal couple live, but only if the queen becomes his or her personal sex slave.
Protagonist grew up with abusive parents, but when the gets strong and independent he turns the tables and makes his mother his slut, while sending his father pictures or videos.

So there is room for story lines but I think they are somewhat risky for a developer. Typical masochistic NTR fans wouldn't enjoy them, while other player would be turned away by the NTR tag.
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Game Developer
Nov 10, 2017
Most evil protagonists in porn game are of a certain archetype: Learns a mind control spell and uses it to fuck his mother. A revenge theme would be possible, though I don't know if some developer will take risk to develop a game around it. Some possible plots:
Protagonist was working for a family company in the past where he was treated badly and fired. 10 later he became a famous artist and rich in the process while his former employers went bankrupt. He offers them money but at a steep cost...
Protagonist is a barbarian warlord (or better warlady) and conquers an enemy kingdom. He lets the sons and daughters of the royal couple live, but only if the queen becomes his or her personal sex slave.
Protagonist grew up with abusive parents, but when the gets strong and independent he turns the tables and makes his mother his slut, while sending his father pictures or videos.

So there is room for story lines but I think they are somewhat risky for a developer. Typical masochistic NTR fans wouldn't enjoy them, while other player would be turned away by the NTR tag.
My weird sense tells me that incest may be your thing. Nothing wrong with that if you like it :]
But yeah, there is a lot of potential in a bad guy character, it may just be really hard to make it work without being boring. I would like to see someone try, but risk may be big enough for people not to. Well, idea is out there.

Oh yeah, I would see it more in a sadistic viewpoint, because it's not going to be pretty.


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
My weird sense tells me that incest may be your thing. Nothing wrong with that if you like it :]
But yeah, there is a lot of potential in a bad guy character, it may just be really hard to make it work without being boring. I would like to see someone try, but risk may be big enough for people not to. Well, idea is out there.

Oh yeah, I would see it more in a sadistic viewpoint, because it's not going to be pretty.
Not necessarily, I only came up with a few examples, not quite what I'd play, unless someone would make a lesbian version. Personally I play mostly lesbian games, only rarely a game with a male protagonist. I'd certainly not play porn games with more than one male character in the sex scenes, unless you can skip that content. As far as incest goes: mother-daughter incest is fine.


Game Developer
Nov 10, 2017
Not necessarily, I only came up with a few examples, not quite what I'd play, unless someone would make a lesbian version. Personally I play mostly lesbian games, only rarely a game with a male protagonist. I'd certainly not play porn games with more than one male character in the sex scenes, unless you can skip that content. As far as incest goes: mother-daughter incest is fine.
Oh, my wrong then. There was just son-mother this and that, so I assumed. No problem :)


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2017
All I am saying is: I would want to play as some wicked character, that decides to turn someone's wife into his personal slut that cheats on her husband and in the end, completely fuck their marriage and turn it all into shit. I want all small details in it, not just doing repetitive stuff to see some gauge going up. Slap some reason for it, maybe revenge or MC being a weirdo that likes the wife but gets bored after she is broken.
Some thoughts while I'm procrastinating....
My understanding of terms:
Netori – protagonist does the cuckolding
Netorare – protagonist has the cuckolding done to her/him

Motivations for netori
Revenge or Spite – corruption
Reason could include family/individual screwing over, but probably couldn’t be the result of a war or MC would be kept at arm’s length unless there was a shift in power. Without the shift the MC would have had to have had the appearance of accepting what was happening to them.

Long lost love or New love – romantic
Ever had the feeling that boy or girl from your 1st school who you fought with/discovered they were built differently together was your natural other half or someone you’ve never met before is? What if you meet them after you’ve committed to someone else?

Both could have both paths, the one listed is the more logical.

MC fails in their advances
MC messes the original relationship up but ends up without either by choice or not
MC gets the boy/girl and they both live happily ever after
MC gets the boy/girl and MC lives happily ever after
With the outcomes the MC could do it all behind the NTR’s back or it could all or partly be played out in front of them.