Game Fetishes...Turn on and offs!


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
Some thoughts while I'm procrastinating....
My understanding of terms:
Netori – protagonist does the cuckolding
Netorare – protagonist has the cuckolding done to her/him

Motivations for netori
Revenge or Spite – corruption
Reason could include family/individual screwing over, but probably couldn’t be the result of a war or MC would be kept at arm’s length unless there was a shift in power. Without the shift the MC would have had to have had the appearance of accepting what was happening to them.

Long lost love or New love – romantic
Ever had the feeling that boy or girl from your 1st school who you fought with/discovered they were built differently together was your natural other half or someone you’ve never met before is? What if you meet them after you’ve committed to someone else?

Both could have both paths, the one listed is the more logical.

MC fails in their advances
MC messes the original relationship up but ends up without either by choice or not
MC gets the boy/girl and they both live happily ever after
MC gets the boy/girl and MC lives happily ever after
With the outcomes the MC could do it all behind the NTR’s back or it could all or partly be played out in front of them.
Is the term NTR used for both netori and netorare?