Game Ideas You would like to see?


Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
A full on soap opera/telenovela of people cheating on each other, fucking, murder, overly dramatic pauses, crazy sexual fetishes, and make the MC be the most cliché of clichés - a tall darkly handsome man who is just out of college and works for his father's company. The father went missing 4 years ago, etc... Just lay it on extra thick, make the game over the top with betrayals, giant weddings, and incest, and people suddenly returning from the dead, comas, everything that a soap opera has to offer and never end it... Just keep going...


New Member
Oct 8, 2017
I've got a handful of tags that I usually browse, but I rarely find stuff that I like.

For the more general theme, I like "Sandboxy", "RPG-ish" games with a corruption theme. The idea of the hero(ine) getting warped into using sex as their main means to achieve stuff (prostitution, seduction, combat rape, etc). Bonus points if the possibility of beating the game without corruption does truly exist. I also love when these games include exhibitionism in the form of being able to take your clothes and have NPCs and situations react to this.

Now if I go to the shameful kinks, I've got a couple I'm always interested...

I really like games that feature bestiality. Monster sex is ok (by which I mean that I don't mind if the "bestiality" happens with beasts that resemble animals), my only no-nos here are bugs (crawly bugs. I'm usually fine with worms).

Pregnancy and birth, that isn't just for game over/ending scenes. Specially if there's an actual mechanic involved, like breeding or at least having the children as NPCs somewhere. Specially animal/monster breeding.

Real incest, not the "what are you doing step bro" crap. This isn't really that high on my interests, but hey, I guess I dig the taboo theme.

If I go to the VERY shameful kink, I'd say a combination of these three, like beast breeding with incest.


Engaged Member
Sep 27, 2017
So you would play the dog of some horny bitch and seduce your puppies?
Sorry, couldnt hold it back...and its not kinkshaming because i play beastgames as well...except for the difference i prefer the little crawling creeps over big animals.
The problem with real incest is patron, thats why most games have an incest patch.


Active Member
Jun 8, 2019
More than anything I want some kind of Idolmaster / Super Star-esque game where you play as the manager of K/DA from League of Legends and have the choice of either managing their careers seriously and keeping them pure to make them all fall in love with you to be your personal harem, or corrupting them to make them perform dirtier songs with sluttier music videos full of implied lesbianism, pimp them out to music company execs, dress more revealingly, and eventually do fan-events that devolve into public gangbangs. Because K/DA are, like, literally the hottest thing ever.

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
A game where the main character already is in an incestuous relationship with his mom/aunt/sister (who is preggers with his kid) from the beginning but then has to deal with the aftermath of those decisions (it could be partially played for comedy) and perhaps expand his harem/seduce more women with his partners help - future targets could be his grandmother, cousins, etc.

No freeroam or sandbox...
Yes! I too would love to see a game where an incestuous relationship is already happening. Every game about these relationships involves making it happen, but what it would be like if 2 or more people are already doing it when the game begins would be an interesting new angle with which to approach this genre/kink.


Super Moderator
Game Developer
Nov 3, 2017
1. I keep my distance from all fanfic type games/stories etc. I only play original character games.
2. I would like to see a high quality game where you can play as complete bastard and do wicked stuff. Unfortunately, the games I encountered so far were either low quality or the protagonist (i.e. dev) lost their nerve in the last minute and poured a bucket load of vanilla gravy on everything.
3. More breeding, too much is not enough for me.
4. More hot mom submitting to their sons (would settle for sexy aunts and their nephews).
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Icarus Media

F95 Comedian
Game Developer
Jun 19, 2019
* A reverse sexual world where the nastiest kinkiest stuff is considered the norm almost to the point of being considered like hugging or shaking a hand in our world, but hugging and shaking a hand or even kissing and handholding in that world is considered the most depraved kinky stuff ever.

* A game where you play as a sneaky futa/dickgirl that conceals it from as many people as possible but people start to wonder why the neighbourhood wives and daughters and some of your female peers at school are becoming pregnant. You have to balance between allaying suspicion and getting the women of the game pregnant.

* A game in which you find an alien (male, female or futa/dickgirl) that has crash landed on Earth, they must lodge with you and your family until a ship passes by and they put out a signal. In the meantime, they no NOTHING about Humans and Human customs at which point you can turn him/her into whatever you want. It would be great for having as many kinks and fetishes as possible that were optional. If you were a foot fetish person you can convince them that feet are holy religiously worshipped things and that even a certain "prophet" went around washing peoples feet, if you were into Netori you could convince them that humans view seducing others wives and daughters as a glorious pastime but your own loved ones aren't part of the game, if you were into netorare the reverse could be done, if you were into anal your alien could be convinced that butts are objects of devotion in human society (cue giving them a certain magazine with KK on the front cover). In short you could mold this alien to interact with you, other humans and everyone in a fashion you want.

* A game in which you are admin of a pirate website, you live a high and fast lifestyle of coke, whores, bribing law enforcement and avoiding hits placed on you by angry devs because you shared their game.

* A game in which you are a medieval feudal Lord/Lady and because the peasants and knights (and to some degree the barons/baronesses too) in your lands are by law your property, you can do whatever you like to them, there is the obvious ones like raise taxes, take more rent/produce, bang their wives/husbands etc etc.

* A sexual pacman type game where you play as a boy or girl but the ghosts are replaced by Priests.

* A game in which you can possess people absolutely and therefore get them into the most funniest or kinkiest sexual situations possible, they don't remember but the people they interact with do!

* A game where you play as Azula from Avatar but you lose your fire bending powers in an accident and they are replaced by an ancient forgotten bending tradition: Cock-Bending. Cue your quest to use this power to bend all the males to your sexual whims and become supreme ruler, lesbian actions could be possible, perhaps an adaptation of the power or even optional futa.

* A game where you are sent to a reverse world where males are the more reserved and have to be woo'ed and the women make the moves, read and watch porno's, talk about males like 'look at the pecs on him', but big booty, big boobed button nose girls are deemed ugly in this world so you soon amass a harem of 'ugly' girls in this world who think you are a slut boy in this world and can't believe their luck that ugly social outcasts can get a hot guy like you but it's okay because in your world they are the gorgeous 10/10 girls. (I'm basing this of a full colour comic I once found that had this exact scenario, I lost that comic but if anyone knows it please feel free to contact me via private message.)

Well there are some random ideas.
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Oct 15, 2018
I've been toying with the idea of jumping into making an adult game, though my time is super stretched thin and this thread is a great start for ideas. I like darker games myself, being a fairly responsible and socially amicable individual most of the time, I like to occasionally let the inner demons out. It does seem to me like the majority of games out there are just rehashed dollar store plots with different characters.

Icarus Media

F95 Comedian
Game Developer
Jun 19, 2019
It does seem to me like the majority of games out there are just rehashed dollar store plots with different characters.
Hey there may be something to be said for the old cliche of:

"I'm a previously unknown almost beta male living with my Landlady and her other lodger that basically and suspiciously looks like a female version of me, I go through life completely middling and doing nothing until...

* I discover a chemical which gives me the ability to control desire/lust, hypnosis or give me superpowers. OR
* I discover an ancient powerful demon which gives me the ability to control desire/lust, hypnosis or give me superpowers OR
* I discover genetic markers in my DNA which gives me the ability to control desire/lust, hypnosis or give me superpowers OR
* I have an accident which gives me the ability to control desire/lust, hypnosis or give me superpowers...

At which point I become the lovechild of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Don Juan and Ron Jeremy and become so alpha all the female drop their knickers faster than a $1 hoe and join my harem empire!"

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Oct 15, 2018
Hey there may be something to be said for the old cliche of:

"I'm a previously unknown almost beta male living with my Landlady and her other lodger that basically and suspiciously looks like a female version of me, I go through life completely middling and doing nothing until...
I'd love to see more games take the approach that something causes the MC to be more than just some average pervy young male and give a real reason for all the panty-dropping that goes on other than reading "Charm for Dummies". That at least makes it more plausible, but most of the adult game plots are really just recycled with new art that I've seen. It's possible that this recycled effect is caused by my own preferences in game/art style since I'm not into furries or a lot of hand animated stuff for the most part.


Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
Hey there may be something to be said for the old cliche of:

"I'm a previously unknown almost beta male living with my Landlady and her other lodger that basically and suspiciously looks like a female version of me, I go through life completely middling and doing nothing until...

* I discover a chemical which gives me the ability to control desire/lust, hypnosis or give me superpowers. OR
* I discover an ancient powerful demon which gives me the ability to control desire/lust, hypnosis or give me superpowers OR
* I discover genetic markers in my DNA which gives me the ability to control desire/lust, hypnosis or give me superpowers OR
* I have an accident which gives me the ability to control desire/lust, hypnosis or give me superpowers...

At which point I become the lovechild of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Don Juan and Ron Jeremy and become so alpha all the female drop their knickers faster than a $1 hoe and join my harem empire!"

Don't forget everyone's favorite: I got knocked out and was in a coma for ____ amount of time. When I woke up with no memory I realized my landlady and her daughter were smoking hawt!
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Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
Hey there may be something to be said for the old cliche of:

"I'm a previously unknown almost beta male living with my Landlady and her other lodger that basically and suspiciously looks like a female version of me, I go through life completely middling and doing nothing until...

* I discover a chemical which gives me the ability to control desire/lust, hypnosis or give me superpowers. OR
* I discover an ancient powerful demon which gives me the ability to control desire/lust, hypnosis or give me superpowers OR
* I discover genetic markers in my DNA which gives me the ability to control desire/lust, hypnosis or give me superpowers OR
* I have an accident which gives me the ability to control desire/lust, hypnosis or give me superpowers...

At which point I become the lovechild of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Don Juan and Ron Jeremy and become so alpha all the female drop their knickers faster than a $1 hoe and join my harem empire!"

I actually have been developing a very original game. Story is like this

Horny chocolate vampire comes back from a 3 year trip to live with his milf landlady and hot teenage roommates. Dracula Cacao Father is dead/missing/working. His main objective is fuck everything that moves and create a harem with all girls.
Best friend is a cute (evil) puppy.
There will also be no other males excepts MC cause it is enough for another male to simply look at any female to be considered NTR.

To make it even more fun it will be a sandbox and will include grinding, you have to collect cocoa beans to advance the plot doing the same repetitive task a million times. No ctrl skipping it.

I am sure none of you have seen something so original. To be fair, the game was not fully developed by me. I had help from other members of this great forum. I would never have come up with some an original plot. All rights reserved.

c3p0 I posted our one in a million idea here. Just so you know.
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Active Member
Jun 26, 2017
I would like to see a slavery game about legit enslavement or purchasing and training of slaves for personal use. Too many games take a light-hearted stance, or it's a management buy-sell scenario.

On that note, how about a management game that doesn't involve prostitution or drugs?


Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
I would like to see a slavery game about legit enslavement or purchasing and training of slaves for personal use. Too many games take a light-hearted stance, or it's a management buy-sell scenario.
Well, Slaves of Rome is in development and is very much what you describe IIRC


Sep 23, 2017
A few days ago after digging through a bunch of sci-fi anime trying to find something new to watch, I came up with an idea for an mmo I'd want to play.

Basically a large scale space warfare game with expendable clone soldiers fighting against a superior alien threat, where players would have to work together in large groups in order to defeat even a few enemy aliens. It would be common to die in seconds during combat, so good teamwork and communication would be vital to be victorious. After dying you'd be sent back to have a new clone grown in a vat so you can rejoin the war effort against the aliens after a set timer has passed.

Mostly I'd appreciate playing a game online where player lives are cheap, there's no bullshit story about every player being "the hero", instead encouraging cooperation as the way to succeed. Kinda like EVE, but I was more thinking it would mainly be a ground combat game, with none of the weird space economy crap. You're playing expendable foot soldiers, not bureaucrats. More like Starship Troopers in that regard.


Active Member
Jun 26, 2017
Well, Slaves of Rome is in development and is very much what you describe IIRC
When I tried it, one of the first things they do is tell me to purchase a slave in order to run a brothel... Not exactly personal use. Didn't push much farther than that.


Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
When I tried it, one of the first things they do is tell me to purchase a slave in order to run a brothel... Not exactly personal use. Didn't push much farther than that.
Ah, okay. It isn't my thing so I didn't know beyond the description.


Active Member
Mar 6, 2017
I pitched this idea a while back and figured I should do it again but I had an idea for a game about home alone. You play as Kevin and the game takes place from the time your mom is home and until your family gets back and the point of it would be like a tower defense style game at night and a seduction game during the day. People try to break in and steal things or someone (non-ntr) and you have to set up traps to prevent that from happening at night while trying to seduce a special someone during the day (wink wink).


Jun 3, 2017
For me, what I'd like to see more of is a more variety in the actual 'game' itself. A lot of focus on the adult games tend to be the plotline (which makes sense considering the reasons people play adult games) however it is rare for a game to properly focus on the gameplay aspect of it. Usually, this follows into two tropes: Stat Grinding or simplistic RPGs. There are a few exceptions of course, however, the gaming industry has such a wide variety that seems lacking in the adult industry.

Here are a few ideas:

A Civilization type game: You lead a country and must conquer the world. Sengoku Rance and a few other games have this, however, seem always focused on fighting. In an adult game, there could be more options like diplomacy (seduce the other leaders) and making other leaders your puppet (the corruption route).

Team Management Games: It was mentioned in an earlier post, but having the player manage a team/group. There's plenty of scope here of how it could work but one of my ideas had the player manage a team of wrestlers. Each member has their own skills and weaknesses and you'll need to train them to counter any opponent factions strengths.

A Village/City Builder Game (what I'm currently making): You take charge of a village/town and must develop and expand that town. There's plenty of freedom here and how you could incorporate the adult aspects, but I went down the each industry has their own set of characters with their own quirks.

Space Exploration: There's plenty of options here, but in general it would involve the player managing their ship and exploring the universe. It could start out as you captain of the ship (aka Star Trek) and interacting with your crew (plus a few aliens I'm sure) or you could start out by-yourself and must complete missions to increase your ship size (and thus form a crew/harem) or build a home-base. As no space game is the same without combat, this could be something like the a FF Tactics game, but in space but there's plenty of examples out there on how it could be implemented.

There are plenty more examples however, as you may have noticed, I did limit them to strategy/management style games. The reason for this is two fold: a) I don't feel an action packed shooter would work (I could always be proven wrong) and b) budgets for adult games will tend to be lower, and therefore, these games rely on quality design rather than expensive physics engines.

So in summary, the options are plentiful (even in the strategy space alone) for what should be feasible for adult game developers. Of course though, the general tropes that we see in games tend to be common because they are popular. Any developer who goes outside this norm runs a risk of the game not meeting what the market wants and eventually, the game becoming abandoned.


Active Member
May 10, 2017
A game set during 19th century America where you have to look after your fathers estate, you have a black housemaid and her daughter as servants. Would be taboo as all hell.

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