VN - Ren'Py - Game of Hearts [Ch.5 R1] [SparkHG]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is pasta with fresh marinara tier for erotic enthusiasts.

    Ok..hopefully I have your attention now. Ok..hear me out if you are on the fence about playing this beauty....ok...Ever had a good plate of pasta or spaghetti with fresh marinara and you didn't want to swallow your bite. You just wanted to savor every second it was in your mouth, appreciate the various notes of ripe tomatoes, basil, the muskiness emanating from the garlic infused delight. That feeling...that's what you get here if you are a virtual erotic experience seeker.

    Foreword: (I need to clarify where I'm coming from).

    After having played 200+ AVNs, I got tired of just fuckfests. If I just want to fap, why would I waste hours reading something when I can just go open a video and be done in 8 secs (15 sec max) and go to bed. I'm playing for the game to tug at the strings of my heart....and oh boy does this puppy deliver (aptly named game for sure!!).

    I'm a proud handholding, pat-giving, hug seeking, kiss-loving fucko. I eat the fuck out of wholesome/story-focused games and generally try to avoid fuckfests. Generally H scenes from the get go are red flags for me since that means it's just gonna be another nonsensical genitalia smashing of same Daz/HS model with just a different face...but oh boy does this game make me do a complete 180. It showed me that a game heavy on H-scenes CAN possess a strong narrative and well-written characters in a matter of minutes.

    I generally avoid demon mind control stuff or succubus stuff for obvious reasons but the way this game does's seductive corruption at best or erotic romantic tale at its finest. It's not forced or non consensual so it doesn't disturb my morality.

    1. Breathtaking renders. LIs are heavenly built with awesome skin tones and features like moles, tan, chubby midriffs etc.
    2. Camera angles and the intimacy shots......oh dude....this is so intimate piece. Like kissing, or holding. There was so much love put into each angle or lighting in the's fucking insane. Choices to increase eroticism like blowing air, kissing nape are off the charts so good.
    3. Music is fire..oh boy especially during H scenes it just hits the right notes.
    4. Writing is really good for evoking true eroticism. Not too long or too short, it says just the right stuff.
    5. Gameplay is very interesting and multiple playstyles (corruption vs romance) open door for multiple playthroughs. Plenty of choices too to shape the game to your needs.
    6. UI is clean.
    7. MC is very likeable.
    8. Must play for wholesome chads...(Yes I'm looking at you..stop smiling).
    1. I gotta give some constructive criticism so here it is: There's some grammatical errors that could be fixed.
    2. During Insertion scenes, I don't think the initial insertion needs to be looped. Having just one insertion animation feels realistic. The rest of the animation is pretty good. (A 60fps mod would be godly).
    3. Gallery would be good.
    Verdict: Abso-fucking-lutely pick this up now!! I have only ever said that i would hug a game to one another AVN, and today let's make that two.

    Don't do yourself disservice by sleeping on this beauty. Erotic masterpiece in the making <3

    (Insert Palpatine Voice) We will watch your career with great interest....

    Go play it already:)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I waited quite some time to review this.

    I played the original version and thought it was fine, but it was leaning a lot more into corruption and control than any form of real affection or romance and tbh, I like that in my erotic games.

    Then the new version hit, with the introduction of Maxine with a possibility of the MC actually feeling something for her.
    And in general the tone has changed just enough to make this a near perfect game for me.

    You still do a lot of manipulation, but you can choose to not do it out of greed, but affection, you can choose to have the MC feel the same attraction and emotion the women feel.

    In addition, the MC being a demon instantly makes the story more cohesive and logical. He has a better motive for doing what he does, there is a perfect in-game reason for his powers, and it still leaves you pretty freely in your approach, while at the same time also offering an option for a harem route that makes sense and is more than just pure wish-fulfillment (nothing wrong with the latter, but if the game can actually offer an explanation that makes sense, for me that makes it even better).

    What I also like is that you can choose between corruption and affection/attraction, but you aren't forced to completely concentrate on one or the other. For now, I did quite a bit of corruption at the start and got the feeling that this opened more options for the attraction path as well, so that I could concentrate on that route afterwards.

    Visually, the game is great, from the tristesse of the surroundings to the seedy looks, where the characters are sweating from the heat and from arousal, this game really oozes atmosphere.
    While for some it might be a negative factor that the woman aren't perfect 20 yo with humongous tits, no wrinkles, no faults (even though they are supposed to be middle-aged milfs), for me, it is a big part of my enjoyment.
    As I get older I find a great looking woman, but with a realistic look and the minor flaws caused by age and/or having a few pounds too much, much more attractive (not that I mind the other, but we have like hundreds of games with those, the look of the ladies here is simply refreshing).

    I've played a lot of the games here, oh boy, so many, but of the top of my head I can't name one that handles introducing game mechanics into the sex scenes as well as this one.
    Attributes like lust, attraction, corruption, influence etc.. are changed by your decisions during the sex scene, and your success in the scenes improves the scores, which in turn make it easier the next time around.
    And all this is managed without resulting in a game of button pressing that takes you out of the sexy part.
    Frankly and completely open, this is one of the games that makes it painful to wear pants, while playing it.

    Oh, and before I forget it, you can of course completely play up the corruption and forget about the romance if you want to.
    And while not every game has to be that way, of course it is great to feel you have a real player agenda.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Similar to others, I believe this to be one of, if not the, best at developing, rendering, length and writing of sex scenes. It is extremely erotic.

    Gameplay/choices matter with no sandbox grinding or silly minigames. Story/background is also well done. Characters are fleshed out but there’s also a good sense of mystery to how the game will progress, especially for MC and Julia. One of the very few games I’d give a full 5 out of 5 stars.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting enough story, fantastic renders and pretty girls.
    I think this is the most promising game on F95Zone. Writing is good and sex scenes are so intense. The choice is matter and affect the women sexual status.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Yep, I don’t rate games a lot. This one is really really good. The writing is very good and the descriptions really fit the the images as the game goes on.

    very interesting premises and gameplay ia unique in that there’s a few correct paths but multiple variations.

    this ahs the potential to be a top contender. I’m looking forward to more in the future
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I came for copper and struck a bloody DIAMOND, this dev is a real artist, the game gives the right amount of info to get you hooked on the history and the world that is been created, without starving you for content if you know what i mean, the renders are top-notch, the animations amazing, the girls are great Julia completely been the star of the show, well-written plot, this game is a breath of fresh air and i want more of it!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I was really impressed by this one. I don't think I've seen any other VNs to do the sex scenes better than this one, not just visually, but the description and dialogue is top notch.

    The premise of the story is also rather unique, Some of the characters also seem be rather unique to this VN (talking about looks, they're sufficiently modified such that I haven't recognised them from other VNs).

    For such a new VN, it also feels like there is a lot to get through. Even though there aren't many characters, they are interesting to explore and well developed.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Right now excellent work. Game looks really clean, the renders and animations are some of the best on this site. Also I really like the mysterious story and the erotic scenes are nicely detailed and well excecuted. Have nothing to critisice and look forward how the story will develop.

    Finally: "Julia" is amazing ;)
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    After playing hundreds of games, I finally decided to do my first review. As of update [Ch.3 R1], Game of Hearts provides a very refreshing alternative to most games in terms of Storyline.
    This storyline is and entirely fresh spin on how to involve a MILFs character without the use of incest. Simultaneously enables the inclusion of any other type of character and allows for further character development. Looking forward to seeing many more characters & kinks added to the story.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is great! Gorgeous renders, good lighting and posing, and the sex scenes are scripted beautifully. The premise is incredibly interesting, and written very well. Pretty much every facet of this game is top notch and is worth your time!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Just finished playing chapter 3 R1, and I must say it's very interesting also clean renders, stunning models with diverse body shape and personality, different scene sequence, also simple yet immersive dialogues are all enjoyable.
    The plot itself is not "unique" , as this VN reminds me of another similar project that I liked playing [ Chains of Pleasure ], to be specific. However, implementation is different with added lore of mysterious power struggle among demon siblings and between demons and angels for gaining devoted followers. I hope to see more occult, magic and supernatural powers in the future.

    As for the game mechanics, UI is easy to operate with standard renpy packaging. The custom menu page is nothing fancy as such. Even the metric system to measure players score during gameplay, is user friendly and easy to figure out (I'm using joker's mod).

    At first I was surprised to see a huge scar on MC, but later realised it'll be revealed in the backstory someday when we meet his mom.
    This was a nice teaser, that adds depth to character development prospect. As mentioned before, all female models are pretty and different, great effort was put into their design and posing including their behavior, personality (insecurities). I like such detailed character arcs and would love to see them grow individually, if possible. A cheating wife, A shared wife, An old acquaintance and an assailant serving demon. I'm intrigued. Keep giving us more and keep up the quality work. Thank you for update.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Chapter 3 R1

    On the surface this game seems similar to others, corruption, girl immediately falls for the guy, sex happens very quickly.

    But the story itself is a much slower one, and slowly explores the smaller details of how corruption happens, making it a lot more believable even when ignoring the supernatural influence. The girl doesn't immediately turn into a sex-crazed thot hungry for cock, instead doubts still linger and she still tries to remain the person she was, and the MC has to actively work on the corruption.

    Choices do matter, sometimes immediately during a scene. It makes me wonder how far this can be pushed, for example how many orgasms have been written into a single scene. This makes the scenes a lot more organic than sex scenes in most games where it's just "do you want to watch this or that" premade scenes.

    However, we shouldn't pretend that the game is not linear, you are forced into every relationship with no way to get out of them.

    It will be interesting to see if and how the roster of characters will expand. The story is very focused on one single girl. What will happen when her corruption is finished? Will she disappear completely, will she still feature, will she be involved in threesomes or something? And how long will we have to wait for the war story to come into focus? Will it just be in the background with the main story at a much more personal level? I hope this has all been planned because otherwise this story will quickly become a mess.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Seeing how overrated this game appears to be, gonna put this as a small warning here.

    If you are looking for AVN with different paths and multiple choices/girls, look elsewhere. this project has nothing of that kind. This is yet another teenage-kid power fantasy, where every chick is "soo damn hot" and "no player would refuse to have sex with any chick ever". Furthermore, the whole point of playing it is to "gather chicks/followers", aka to build a harem-empire of a true God. Even with such premise, it wouldnt be that bad if the player (aka MC) would have any input/choice in harem building matters..Yet, there is none of it. The writer/dev knows the best, so here is that,

    Truth to be told it does have better visuals and somewhat more "unique" story than most of similar games. It is a bit above typical full-enforced-harem, so if you are here for it, you will enjoy this project. Otherwise, skip it, or use as a quick fap material if you find some scene/chick to your liking.

    Two stars, mostly for its above average art.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, the only bad thing about this VN is that it has to end. It's just high quality production. Keep up the good work!

    P.S. Well, just one thing, but It's just a preference. The two MILF characters just outshine too much Julia.
  15. 5.00 star(s)



    This visual novel stands out with its deeply immersive story, lifelike graphics, atmospheric lighting, and gameplay choices that seamlessly integrate and enhance the narrative. Kudos to the developers for this masterpiece. It undoubtedly earns a resounding 5/5!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The best surprise i got this year here on F95. Renders are simply beautiful, fluid animations with even some really nice music for all the game. The writing part is handled very well, never cringe at all. There are a lot of small details on the renders, and the characters description is so well made that make you care for them, and leave the feeling you want to know more. For sure there is a lot of work and passion behind this game.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game have one of the best sex scene AVN ever made
    the choice is matter and affect the women sexual status
    this is something I want to be applied to every AVN

    Render are beautiful and animation are awesome
    ** I hope nipple texture could be better though

    ** For Chapter 3 update
    I really love Julia I really hope she does not intimate or any sexual past with mc dad that would betray my feeling and put me in to depression
    I'm not a fan of ntr or sharing but I'm okay if it avoidable

    Can 't wait to have more and more and more of this awesome works!!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Review as of [Ch.2 R1]:

    So far an amazing work, beautiful visuals and a very interesting take. The story and 'score' concept are fantastic, and Meredith's personality is very well written.
    We'll see where it goes, hopefully we'll see updates soon
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is amazing! The theme is not that unique but how the dev told the story is the main different, for me this game is a must play.
    - Kinda early to say but the story is very interesting
    - Character models and render are amazing
    - I love this kind of choice this game is aiming for, very promising
    - Not really a con but I hope when the story more expanse, we will see more type of character join in (I live MILF but hopefully more type of character on the future update)
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This games animations are awesome (the quality is apparent from jump) and I really like the skills/sex system that keeps you engaged in the scenes. Plus I'm a sucker for action-fantasy-demon anime, which means the story so far is right in my wheelhouse. I can't wait for Ch3!