
Apr 5, 2019
Maxines status said not shown siath
it's fun to conjecture BOWmfs
Well, you can see it, if you load the cheats up. You can see everyone's stats.

No Conjecture, I loaded up the cheats when I played the game through multiple times to see how the stats changed based on actions. Some actions were shown in the walkthrough, other not and still changed things.
So, while you're right you can see her status, you can with cheats.


Apr 5, 2019
Many people assume that Meredith has two paths, love and corruption, buuut is it true? What if what we think of as "love path" is actually just a lack of corruption points? Cause so far, in certain moments it seems as if we just don't have enough points, and these moments seem incomplete, or we just make the wrong choice, and she should have those corruption points, but also Meredith in what what we think as "corruption path" becomes more obsessed, and the word "broken" was used, but at the same time she is also definitely in love with MC and this is not just lust, so maybe there is only one path? I have two saves, and we will find out the answer in the next update, but I think there is only one path, and we really need those corruption points, for every girl who is not a demon, and maybe it was the same with Max, but it was all behind the scenes, and Max as we saw her in the beginning was already 100% all in, and the other girls are a completely different case
Look at it this way:
Affection is she wants to be close to him, she loves him. Sex is great and she loves it, but it's a by product. She's not as open sexually as she would be if she was corrupted. This is shown when she just wants to stand by him when it's time for her to leave in ch 5 p1.

Corruption is she just wants to fuck him and get those feeling she gets from it. He could bend her over in a crowded room and she would be happy as long as she's getting dicked by him. Love is the by product here, she loves him, but she needs him more in a sexual way. In a way she probably wouldn't object to anything he wanted to do sexually with her, another guy or woman (Maxine) or anything else on a sexual level. This is shown when he starts fingering (rubbing) her before she leaves in ch 5 p 1 and gets upset when he stops.

Then shown again when Julia is talking about reading her mind after her meeting with Tommy. There are two different dialogues base on these two stats.

They both have similarities, she can still love him on either path. She is just more in love with him on the Affection side of things, she wants to be close to him and around him. It's no so much about the sex, though that is still a factor.
Then on the corruption side of things she is more about getting the dick and less about love, but love is still there, but sex with him is where it's at for her.

Two paths, close to being the same while slightly different in how she acts or feels.
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Nov 20, 2022
Yeah you're right, I still found Ruby's scene half as interesting as it could have been with the minigame in place. None of the choices I made felt like they mattered but we don't know because we've never seen how many love points we have with her, if any. That just took all the value out of the scene for me at least, especially the way it ended, seemed incomplete and rushed. Edit: But! I just remembered when Ruby came back, she said something to Julia like "you don't want him to see you like this" so she must have been weak after all. That's what I mean, everything is confusing and full of holes. This update needed another month or two in the oven, people need to stop rushing the guy.

If that's the case then that's just really bad game design, a lot of people enjoyed that "minigame". Why implement all that just for Meredith and then just drop it? Sounds like you're trying to make excuses for the dev but that isn't helping the game. Edit: If this is really as you say, this game loses half its appeal for me. Not to mention there's no way you could buy some of the higher level skills that early, so it was not intended to be dropped because "it was no longer needed". He probably just didn't have the time to flesh all that out because people keep pressuring him to release updates.

Chill, no need to go full blown fanboy. Negative criticism helps the game improve. If we didn't like it we wouldn't waste time talking about it.
indeed sometimes negative criticism is needed to see if the dev did something wrong in some certain scenes but still my point is still there

negative comments can sometimes burned out the dev and wont upload updates in the avn cuz of it

then they say its becuz of some personal things but i know its not that considering all the comments ive read

criticism is good but if the product is good,why criticize it?

just let him cook and maybe in the future updates,the story can answer some of our question regarding on the matter yeah?


Aug 16, 2024
Three I believe ... each time precedes one of Meredith's "shoot" scenes.

1. After the first shoot day one, Julia starts your training and gives you the intro to demonic powers while Meredith is sleeping. You lock in upgrades ahead of the evening shoot.

2. Following the day one evening shoot, you drop off Meredith at home then go with Julia for more training. Here you get bonus demon energy points for Julia's orgasm(s), but after you wake up from your nap, you lock in upgrades before rescuing Meredith in the alley and spending the night at her apartment.

3. After checking into the hotel, meeting with Max, and napping with Julia, you get another chance to upgrade before the hotel night shoot scenes. Following those, you should have ~1500-1800 points banked for your next set of upgrades.

So those points are sitting there, waiting to be spent before the next shoot scene with Meredith, which of course didn't take place in this update.

To be fair, I hadn't played or subscribed to this game before a couple of weeks ago, but I'm assuming the entirety of the hotel shoot (threesome + Meredith solo) made up the entirety of the update prior to this one, so yeah I can definitely see why it *feels* like it's been a long time.

But from my perspective as someone who only played this for the first time 10 days ago, the flow of events seems to make a lot of sense and, frustration aside, I can understand why they didn't bother including it in this update.
Yeah makes sense when you step back and look at it from that perspective, especially when you just started playing 10 days ago. For me it's been over a year since I've seen some of this stuff. That doesn't change the fact that this update just felt weak. Not only is it full of holes which I will present with screenshots when I play it again later, for the sake of argument, but also the fact that this whole minigame is missing with Ruby. She feels like a side character fighting for the number one spot with the MC at this point.

Up until now, every update left me saying "wow!", and that just wasn't the case here. There were no powerful moments like when he finally made Maxime his follower, that emotional moment where she says "don't regret it" or something like that. I was blown away by that scene. Even the scene with Julia in this update left me feeling cold to the whole encounter even though it should have been a major thing when the MC tells her that he loves her for the first time, first time as "Red" or whatever his name is now. This update just didn't pop and you can tell it was rushed. The dev even says this update was off schedule on his Patreon and it shows he was rushing. I hope the next one is better.

Btw, does anyone know where the saves are for this game? Not the ones in the game folder obviously but Ren'Py always makes a copy in C:user/appdata/roaming/Ren'py, and I can't find it there for the life of me. I have like a hundred saves in there. Anyone know where it is or what the folder is named?

indeed sometimes negative criticism is needed to see if the dev did something wrong in some certain scenes but still my point is still there

negative comments can sometimes burned out the dev and wont upload updates in the avn cuz of it

then they say its becuz of some personal things but i know its not that considering all the comments ive read

criticism is good but if the product is good,why criticize it?

just let him cook and maybe in the future updates,the story can answer some of our question regarding on the matter yeah?
No dude, I'm going to speak my mind while the game is in development. I've given this game and every update so far the highest praise and nobody took issue with it, this one wasn't on that level and I'm going to keep it real. You may disagree and that's fine but don't expect everyone else to follow suit and start foaming at the mouth if they don't.
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Mar 9, 2024
Btw, does anyone know where the saves are for this game? Not the ones in the game folder obviously but Ren'Py always makes a copy in C:user/appdata/roaming/Ren'py, and I can't find it there for the life of me. I have like a hundred saves in there. Anyone know where it is or what the folder is named?
My folder is named Heartstealer-1681855218
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Apr 9, 2022
Well, you can see it, if you load the cheats up. You can see everyone's stats.

No Conjecture, I loaded up the cheats when I played the game through multiple times to see how the stats changed based on actions. Some actions were shown in the walkthrough, other not and still changed things.
So, while you're right you can see her status, you can with cheats.
I'm really busy. I can't talk right now but cheating is something a demon would do! (Hmm! How's that for a twist?) Are you certain the source is clandestine? Did it come from the Vatican? (ooh I'd like to boil their grapes!) As you are well aware any walkthrough or cheat is open to change and I'd prefer to remember the "unofficial version" as canon for now. I'm glad you played the cheats still though...I was wondering about those, and probably many other people did too! Downright helpful...maybe too helpful...what's the catch?
Handsy--we have reached peak retardation...this is as triple A big studio adult visual novel as I think we're going to get.
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Aug 16, 2024
My folder is named Heartstealer-1681855218
Yes! Thanks a bunch! I wonder why it's called that, maybe that was supposed to be the name way back when he started. I wanted to delete all the old saves and start over at some point. Thanks again for the help and your insight.


New Member
Aug 1, 2022
This game is great .(renders awesome ,emotions and so on) but i'm fucking lost . I like maxine side story i love meredith attraction corruption story . Julia is too cute but her story ... And now ruby ? ........ It is already difficult to create such strong feeling between 2 characters as you did with maxine and meredith. Don't go with multiple li . (just my wish maybe many people agree with your point of view ) . I play the game with mod just to keep arousal of meredith to 10 . I love seeing her having multiple orgasm during intercourse because you create a very realistic painting of a woman who got an orgasm. My only wish now is too see if you can create realistic anal scene . It's a game about a demon i hope you would not restrain all the possible kinky sex side of a demon ;)
PS sorry for my terrible english


Mar 15, 2023
Yes! Thanks a bunch! I wonder why it's called that, maybe that was supposed to be the name way back when he started. I wanted to delete all the old saves and start over at some point. Thanks again for the help and your insight.
You can find what is an actual Ren'py game default save location in the options.rpy file. Open it with Notepad, and search this line: define config.save_directory
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