Seeking Game that has animation with pregnancy/impregnation content


Apr 20, 2021
Just as the tittle above say,i need game that has animated sex scene with pregnancy/impregnation content,preferly if it was pregnancy system not just game over/end state pregnant,also if u say just search it using tag,then i will say this,i already explore around 3/4 of the game that has tagged pregnancy,so what i search is now is those game that isnt got tagged with pregnancy or those that has impregnation content,like such example is hound of the meteor,its has really good animation with good pregnancy content but isnt got tagged as one


Feb 19, 2018
already tried 3 out of 4 those game,not yet tried shelter though,thanks
Shelter is either lacking content, or I'm having issues making it through to the actual content. I guess ill have to keep grinding to find out. I was about to post something similar but I think ill just bump this one instead. Peasants Quest is a decent one if u ask me, but I've been waiting for more content before I grind through it again. You pretty much knock up everyone, with preg sex and repeatable impreg. I could be misremembering a tad, its been a while since I've played it.


Nov 17, 2018
Shelter is either lacking content, or I'm having issues making it through to the actual content.
You should probably focus on one girl at the time, it's easier to keep track of what to do next and not miss anything. WT and multimod are really helpful as well.
It has really nice pregnancy content, but tbh. I don't remember it having any animations at all.