Seeking Games like Magical girl Celesphonia or Kamishiro Itsuki's Election


Feb 1, 2020
Hello people

I'm looking for something that vaguely could be like either Magical girl Celesphonia or Kamishiro Itsuki's Election.
I know they're quite different games, which then will allow you to pitch a number of different games.

Generally I like games that don't force you into a specific path and which allows you to complete the game in various ways. The game can be hard so long as it is balanced.


Feb 1, 2020
Did you already try the other games of Celesphonia's developer? They all play into the FemMC Corruption genre.
Yes. I tried Ambrosia, but I never really got invested in it. The same goes for Enishia and the Binding Brand.
I've also played a whole bunch of Kagura games.

Thanks for that game! I like Celesphonia the game!
It's a very good game.

Also thank you for the list. I'll look into them!
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