Seeking Games or Comic with Penetration through clothes


Jun 14, 2020
Two that feature this fetish extensively are The Wreck of the Spaceship Todoroki and Agent Mirai Extreme Acme Machine Rape Training. The latter one includes machine fucking exclusively though.

For comics, features that almost exclusively (though all of is tentacle fucking).
I've seen it in comics by Somejima ( ) and Takeda Hiromitsu ( )
There are two whole CG sets by Shindou Hajime that include this exclusively ( and ).
Unfortunately there is no tag on e-hentai for this, despite there being quite a few examples of it.

O kurwa

May 26, 2018
there's the tags (布越しセックス and 布越し) for this kind of content on Pixiv, but otherwise it's rather difficult to find games with this fetish.

I mean, purification sapphire kinda fits but 'through clothes' isn't the focus
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