Seeking Games tradeoffs that also help and hamper your progress simultaneously in other categories (Its hard to describe, look at the examples)


Mar 28, 2022
Okay, so what I'm looking for is somewhat specific and I will try my best to describe exactly what I mean. I feel like there should be games like this out there, but they're hard to find.

Some examples of what I mean:

MC gets larger breasts --> More HP, More HP regen, some special ability, etc. BUT the increased size makes you slower, makes it difficult/impossible to fit through small gaps, and maybe even some mental corruption

  • MC gets a new set of armor --> Better stats, etc. BUT the Armor is skimpier, corrupts the MC more, opens up opportunities for sexual attacks, etc.

  • MC gets some sort of accessory --> Increased attack damage BUT Makes MC passively hornier, and so on and so forth

  • I hope these examples can get across what I'm looking for.

Notable games that have at least some aspect like this are:

Cattle Castle 2: It's been a while since I played this game, but if I recall correctly, the further along your transformation, the more HP you get and the more damage you do, at the cost of losing your humanity and (of course) being turned into a cow.

TF Card Battle: It's not exactly what I described, but you also get more powerful (and debauched) cards the more you get transformed. There are also certain starting modifiers making you able to choose between starting with 0 TF (basically full HP) but without additional benefit, or with 20 TF (basically 80% HP) but with some sort of buff applied to your cards. This also introduces the predicament of sacrificing your purity or whatever in exchange for an advantage. (It's also just a really good game).

Churn Vector: This is a bit of a more recent game, and it's a bit of an outlier, but I think it still fundamentally fits in this list. The whole gist of this game is that you have to stealth through a level and "take out" a certain target. But instead of instantly failing after getting spotted, you have the option to vore enemies with your cock, eliminating them but also making your balls quite large, making it harder to navigate around the levels until you find some "relief". It essentially offers the choice of being spotted and having to run and hide or "eliminating" the immediate threat but making the rest of the level harder (at least until you reach a certain location). I am aware that this kind of kink is definitely not for everyone and I honestly feel stupid writing this out, but regardless of the cock vore, the games present an interesting choice and I think the general gist is something not exclusive to games about this very specific kink.

Odyssey of Gianna: This is an RPGM game that heavily focuses on transformation. The relevant part of this post lies not only in the transformations themselves but also in the variety of items you can equip. For example, you can choose to turn one of your party members into a golem, giving them way more HP but weakening every other stat. Or turning one of your party members into a raging orc with increased attack damage but decreased defense and increased libido, making them more susceptible to sexual attacks. Some items buff/debuff stats in such a way, which if not strictly what I'm looking for kink-wise, still makes the gameplay more engaging since it makes the choice of gear an important part to think about instead of linear upgrades.

Kinky Dungeon: This is a more BDSM-focused game, but there are also altars where you can get a buff from the gods, but in turn have to wear an unbreakable collar that makes it much easier for enemies to put a leash on you. The sheer variety of bondage items available in conjunction with the buffs actually feeling like they might be worth it makes it quite a good example of what I'm looking for. Of course, the game doesn't focus too extensively on that aspect, but I figured I'd include it nevertheless.

BMO TV: Here you basically need to balance between turning your fellow contestants into bimbos while you avoid becoming one yourself. For this, you need to get votes from the audience - and of course, the more revealing your clothing and the further along your transformation, the more votes you get. This poses an important question in terms of Ressource Management in Junction with corruption. You need to ask yourself, is it worth it to give up your dignity in order to get ahead of your fellow contestants? There is definitely a choice and it feels like a necessary evil because if you don't corrupt your competitors, they will be sure to corrupt you. Notable interactions include, but are not limited to: Decreasing your IQ in order to be happier and thus more popular but becoming more susceptible to attacks from other competitors or reverting one of the changes done to you, but having it replaced with two additional changes chosen at random.

Honorable mentions (Games that have little tradeoffs or I simply didn't play extensively enough)

Karryn's Prison: This game just does so many things right and (I think) it even features some passives that increase your desire for sexual interactions while also buffing offense in some way (It has been a while since I played the game, I might be off by a bit).

Star Knightess Aura: There is an ability that lets you become overpowered for a single battle, but it also increases your corruption stat (I think). It has been a while since I last played the game and there are probably loads of parts I'm missing, but since I think it fits the bill quite well, I might as well include it.

Growth RPG: This game is all about growing your proportions (and thus your stats). There isn't really a massive trade-off for increasing your breast size or your height, but it still makes you unable to wear certain pieces of armor. The trade-off is definitely not all that noticeable and it feels more like a straight buff without any drawbacks. Still, I wanted to include this game nevertheless, since I feel like a game with these growing mechanics in conjunction with considerable drawbacks could work great.

This post has become a lot longer than I anticipated before starting to write it, and I'm certain I won't get more than 2 replies but I still hope that I could help someone find what they were looking for through this post regardless. Feel free to add any and all suggestions you think might fit my overall whacky description (also if there is some more concise way of describing it than "Games tradeoffs that also help and hamper your progress simultaneously in other categories (It's hard to describe, look at the examples)". Thanks, everyone in advance!


Oct 22, 2022
I honestly have no idea if the game I'm suggesting fits your requirements since I haven't played it yet, but knowing me I'll forget about this post even after playing it so take a look at Monochrome Fantasy.