Seeking Games where you find sex scenes by exploring


New Member
Aug 1, 2023
I'm looking for games where you can explore an open world/area and find sex scenes through interacting with NPCs, whether that would be by directly speaking to them, or completing mini quests for a "reward". I am aware that the NPC Genre exists, however those games are usually pretty lifeless. I am looking for something with more personality and engaging gameplay elements.

An example of such a game is "Legend of Queen Opala", which atleast in the first area, allows you to explore a pretty sizable area and interact with certain NPCs for sex scenes. Gameplay elements like these really bring forward the value in exploration, which is what I'm looking for.

I would prefer if the games not 3D, and I don't want Visual Novels.
Additionally, I'm not looking for modded games (e.g. Skyrim, Sims 4).

Bonus points if the games include any of the following concepts (not required):
- Exhibitionism
- Stealth Sex
- Male Dominance
- 1st person scenes (POV)
- Some degree of world building
- Dark themes