Seeking Games with Dubious Consent and/or Reluctant Submission to Monsters/Creatures


Sep 11, 2017
The title is a bit vague, but weirdly specific at the same time, I know.

I'm not looking for the usual corruption-fest of games where you just grind out stats and see random scenes around town. I'm not looking for games that don't have some form of gradual shift and change. Those are great, honestly, but I'm just sick of playing the exact same RPG Maker story-driven plot-heavy games for little breadcrumbs of lewds here and there sprinkled with extreme depression, blackmail, and bad ends. I'm also tired of all of the super slut characters that are willing to jump to extremes right off of the bat. There needs to be some degree of believability to their reluctance, but also to their submission.

What I'm looking for are non-depressing, non-story heavy games with a gradual corruption that begins with being placed in a situation or environment where performing lewd actions has a very obvious advantage, with a MAJOR preference for interspecies.

Tempting a monster because they're too scared/can't fight it, submitting to creatures because of magic or some kind of erotic dungeon trap, submitting for a reward or power up, etc... The more there is a benefit for their submission, the better, as it makes it more believable.

Often features dialogue like: "I guess I have no choice," "I can't believe I'm letting it do this," "This is just so I can get ______," "Why does this have to feel so good?"

Games that are a great example of this are:

Carnal Outbreak - (Placed into an inescapable location, repeatedly submitting and satisfying the needs of monsters that catch the heroine off guard, sticking her ass out mid-fight to arouse monsters into performing erotic attacks only)

Young Woman Hazard - (Placed into an inescapable location with horny monsters, giving into the monsters and performing more lewd actions to avoid fighting them)

Mushi no Kangoku - (Arrives on an island unable to leave, submitting to and giving into the creatures when caught)

The Pilgrimage - (Inescapable location, can tempt monsters, can choose to resolve situations with her body, etc...)

Wreck of the Spaceship Todoroki - (Inescapable location, reluctantly submitting to monsters, enjoys submitting after awhile, needs to submit at times, etc...)

Panacea Z - (Can choose to submit to monsters instead of fighting at times, reluctantly submits, grows to enjoy submitting, etc...)

Less accurate, but somewhat close:

SolRui -AfterMini- - (Placed into an inescapable location, giving into the erotic challenges, presenting herself instead of fighting a major enemy, etc...)

Panic Party - (Inescapable location, can choose to accept some monsters advances, constantly being sexually harassed and reluctantly enjoying it, etc...)

Servant Valkyrie - (Inescapable location, forced to do lewd acts to survive and progress time)

Games without monsters that stood out:

EP Hero Youth - (Changing to the female form to have a combat advantage but being harassed and raped for it, milking the townspeople and having taboo sex with them for progression currency, etc...)

There are far more games that fall into some of these categories, but for now I'm just listing these because I thought of them. I'll try to add to this list over time if no one else knows of other games like these without major depressing themes and storylines.

I also welcome any non-translated games that won't be listed here on F95, as I use MTOOL for all of my translation needs. Ironically, it's often better than most of the posted MTLs we get anyway.
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Active Member
Dec 23, 2018
It's banned from f95zone, alas, because of some small part of content - so is there a chance that you haven't played that? It already has a good official english translation as The Scarlet Demonslayer, and you can find it easily enough, there's a link in the end of the thread. There was some more old, fan-mtl translation "Red Haired Demon", don't fall for it.
A bit especial thing for the guys with "emotionless" fetish about a powerful girl breaking bad, with a succubus ring changing her common sense. She's sucking power from getting seen when she's getting groped, etc. So, she's pretending to be coerced even though she can easily kill the guys. Or she pretends to be a "hotwife" of her subordinate in a village they're visiting. Ah, and the succubus ring allows her to hear the lustful thoughts of those who see her. And that's getting escalated. She stays in control all the time - as she thinks.
And the gameplay is not grinding, thankfully. However, her "partners" are mostly humans, there's only a single case with goblins. However, in all other points it's perfectly fitting your request "non-depressing, non-story heavy games with a gradual corruption that begins with being placed in a situation or environment where performing lewd actions has a very obvious advantage".

A captive princess in the orc camp finds that sex with them can be useful for reaching her goals, so to say. Really a lot of content, and well-written scenes, and the FMC is kinda badass. Tentacles, dogs, other things happen. But maybe there's more plot than you want?
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Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
submitting for a reward or power up, etc... The more there is a benefit for their submission, the better, as it makes it more believable.

Often features dialogue like: "I guess I have no choice," "I can't believe I'm letting it do this," "This is just so I can get ______," "Why does this have to feel so good?"
Almost every scene in the fantasy part of SKA has this, but it's almost exclusively humans.

Kubel has it with MC having to give in in order to get her mana back. No monsters. The game can be played without H, but it's harder.

ES has it with MC trying to repay a huge debt. The dev's other games also have advantages to doing H. Again only humans.

DoL has MC trying to scrounge up money to pay rent (or else very bad things happen to her) and prostitution is one option. If she instead hides in the woods, a scenario can happen where she gets captured by wolves and is unable to escape until they're tired... from chain-raping her. You can choose to be submissive, resistant or anything in between in all the sex in this game.

In MvS orc route, MC can submit to the orcs for benefits.
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