Seeking Games with mid-battle sex (female protaganist)


New Member
Aug 9, 2018
So I'm looking for games that have sex mid-battle, preferably as a different form of attack from the enemy (not like those fuck the succubus to win type of games, but if that is a SECONDARY option then I'm all for it). Preferably the sex attacks are more than just that, they grab you and you need to break free or it affects your combat in other ways.
And like the title suggests female protaganist only games.

Karryn's Prison ( ) is a game I played recently that does this pretty much perfectly, so anything similiar to that would be awesome.
Karryn's Prison also has my ideal body type for the protaganist, I like the very busty but more importantly thicc thighs and big butt characters so that would be prefered but not required.

Lolis is a heavy dislike, flat and thin characters mostly as well BUT if the game is good enough it is acceptable.

Only hard pass is anything with poo. If there are a few urination scenes that's acceptable but anything with poo is a hard no from me.

Although not many but other games I've played and liked are:
Annelitte Mostly because of the animatied bits but the combat was also pretty nice (although I don't remember how the sex stuff affected the combat)

Miss Lisette's Assassin Maid I LOVE this one, the combat is really great. Having them molest you at all times pretty much and then when your clothes break they grab and rape you and you need to try and escape
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