I'm not sure if this game was shared in this thread before, but I'm not seeing it on the list:
Lurking VN
It's shared on this site, and the creator is managing the thread... but I'm not seeing any activity around it, not even a few comments. There is one great review though... So I played it, and now I'm hooked.
I would definitely recommend it for anyone that likes a good murder mystery.
It only has 2 chapters so far, but the potential is there!
It almost reminds me of the beginning development of "BoundByNightVN" without the Supernatural Monsters!
It's really atmospheric and already setting up the groundwork for some intense killer scenes~ hehe
The writing is spectacular too... Draws you in from the start!!
There's also plenty of NUDITY and good looking characters, of course~
Just the design of them alone caught my eye immediately

There are some Trigger Warnings as well at the beginning and End of the Demo so far...
Even the different "Bad" endings are really well done, so make sure not to miss anything~
Here's some alternate download links:
Make sure to support the creator and let them know you like it;
motivate them to keep updating the game!!
I really wanna know who the killer is...
The killer under the hoodie!!
The killer behind the Mask~
It's so creepy, it's giving me chills just thinking about it~